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  • Stuck at the Party *dun Dun DUN*

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Helloo! I'm open to being Male/Futa/Trap with you being Female/Futa/Trap, lot of options there haha. Feel free to make any suggestions, I'm open to anyone throwing some magic, fantasy, furry, species whatever twist into the mix, or just keeping it vanilla! Despite it sounding short, this RP can go on as long as you'd like. Here's the lead into it:

    I didn't like to go to parties, at least not so late. People getting into trouble, too much noise. So now, at the culmination of this birthday celebration at 1 AM, I sat playing some bizarre game with my friends and quite a few people I didn't recognize. Most of them had been drinking, although so had I. Without really knowing what was going on with the game, or who was still playing, I heard collective Oos and Ahhs sounding off around me.
    "Nice knowing ya." Sam says next to me and claps his hand on my arm.
    "Huh? Sorry, I spaced out."
    "Ohh you'll love this! So basically [your name here] just won you for the night. We're locking you both in the upstairs room, and by the game's rules her wish is your command. We'll unlock the room in the morning though, don't worry." I groaned inwardly and cursed myself for not paying attention, looking over at you, a stranger, as we were both encouraged over to the stairs.

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