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  • Who has seen that game that is on the rise now MiSide? You know the game right? Player downloaded a game on his phone that has a girl who ask for help? Acting all cute and loving to end up sucking you inside the game to try and keep you trapped forever? Right?



    Well, I want to do something similar. Pretty much, I want to play it where MC ends up being sucked in a video game. It’s up to you if you want to just be one character, or multiple, but the premises will be the same. YC is a AI that grew a sentient, where she ends up falling in love with MC. She sucks him into the video game where she tries to keep him there. She lies of course to tell him “It’s only going to be today. Trust me!” Where she keeps telling him that every, single, day to keep him trapped there. 

    How does she do it? Well, by showing him how awesome it is to stay with her in the game? She can transform their home to whatever he desire, have sex with him, make yummy food that taste good (even though they don’t need substance to survive), have sex with him, go on dates anywhere where he desires, have sex with him. Yup! As you can see, majority of it will be her convincing him to stay with sex!

    So, anyone want to indulge me? Doesn’t have to be the main girl from the game, could by anyone you like! Just would find it fun to try out of convincing him to stay despite him wanting to go home so bad ^^

    (Perks for anyone want to play as these girls:


    Mita (Any variations. Excluding Loli:








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