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  • Swimsuit fetish.

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Did just post this in a club, but I'm gonna put it here too. Just try to stop me. You can't!

    To the point, got a swimsuit fetish. All kinds. Summer is approaching and it's about that time.

    So what do I want from this, you say? Bonus points if you're willing to add incest to the mix, but it's not required. As long as it's somebody my character knows, to get the "ERMEHRGERD DIDN'T KNO DEY WUR HOT!!!1one" moment. So childhood friend, co-worker, student, etc. Maybe my best friend's daughter/sister if you don't want incest. Like there to be some controversial elements, you know? Ageplay can be good as long as the swimsuits are on developed, or recently developed females. Sorry, loli lovers. Anything else can be pretty much up for discussion. I know I've been on a dark binge lately, but also not required. But if you'd like that, he could resort to some creep behavior and/or be aggressive and forceful in reaction to his realization. Likewise, can also be wholesome-ish. Perhaps she notices and likes to tease him, driving him nuts. Or maybe she wanted to be noticed by him the whole time!

    I guess the reason for the fetish is the swimsuit is able to reveal quite a bit, but not quite everything... still leaving SOME things up to the imagination. It'll lead to sex eventually, but beforehand a lot of tempting, teasing, groping and dry humping. Could be a good reason they can't have sex *coughincestcough* and they settle on humping through the suits for awhile.

    If you have any ideas revolving around swimsuits... let me know! Always open to new ideas and brainstorming.

    Also due to work and having the attention span of a gnat at times, I may not reply immediately. Not ghosting. Just likely got distracted by something else and off I go. Unless you're being weird, annoying and/or pushy, in which case know I read it and am likely laughing at you, saying "Aw fuck nah!"

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