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  • Temptation of the Sith (M4F)

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    There is a roleplay that I started with someone and have been dying to do again. We can either pick up from where I left off with them or start a new one with the same premise.

    In short, this is in an AU where Rey succumbs to the Dark Side. She captures a guy who she senses has great Force potential and tries to turn him. What she doesn't know, though is that, when he was young, he found an ancient book of the teachings of the Grey Knights, Force holders who, knowing that the Force requires there to be balance, shun both Sith and Jedi because the other always grows to match the other. Also, through his life, a Grey Knight Force ghost would sometimes guide him in his dreams. As she pushes, he uses the wisdom of the Grey Knights to resist and try to show her the error of her ways.

    You would play Rey (and probably the world around us, at least to a degree) and I would play the guy she captured.

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