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  • The Duality of Man

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I am once again, asking your your DMs. Jesus, 2 old memes and we aren't even a paragraph in? What is my problem?

    ANYWAYS, I have another RP idea that I hope interests a few of you lovely folks on this wonderful site.

    This idea is really more like 2 ideas, branching off from a similar point. You know those plots/hentais about a woman captured and turned into a sex slave by some evil guy or something or other, usually in some medieval fantasy setting? Well that's idea number 1.

    The Classic - I'm looking for someone to play an Evil Authoritarian King/Queen/Noble or whatever we can work out, who seeks to turn my character, a submissive Female/Futa/Femboy into a sex slave through any means necessary, including various kinds of torture. I enjoy branding by the way, but it's by no means necessary. Every detail can be worked out in DMs, but I'm willing to do some fairly extreme kinks. Stuff like Bondage and Non Con are obvious of course.

    Now number 2 is almost like the aftermath of number 1, with a more wholesome plot.

    The Savior - I'm looking for someone, any gender just like the first one, to play some sort of knight or hero, liberating the people from under the Evil King's rule. Your conquest is successful, and these people now live under the fair kingdom you serve. You explore the Evil King's castle, seeing various riches and extravagances, but you eventually make your way down to the damp, dark, dungeon. The bars on the cells are rusted, each cell empty as a chilling breeze causes the loose doors to creak. At the end of the hall of cells you see a lone prisoner, the Evil King's final plaything. Same as before, I'd play a Female/Futa/Femboy, up to you. They're dehydrated, emaciated, bruised, beaten, covered in scars, maybe even disfigured in some way, a lost eye or limb? The point being, they have completely given up. You free them, and make it your mission to show them the light of this world, and maybe even teach them how to love again.


    Now this is the only ref I had in mind, despite saying I also play Femboy/Futa. I'd definitely like my character to be of a different fantasy race than yours, as I enjoy fantasy race play in my rougher plots. I also just like playing as Orcs, simple as. She is a pretty soft one though.

    If you're unsure about anything I mentioned, feel free to DM me, no commitment required. If I clarify something and it's not your thing, no worries!

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