This is where I'm gonna put some newer plots with a bit more detail than my open ended one-sentence prompts. Check out my preferences, most of my specifics boil down to "act like a person, get treated like a person". Also, for god's sake, give your character more of a personality than "girl who gets fucked".
Let's get to it.
The Lost Princess
She (YC*) is an awkward, geeky young woman. She doesn't have many friends, not because she is unpleasant to be around, but because she just doesn't mesh too well with other people in her immediate surroundings and tends to get along with people online much easier. It's no surprise that she spends most of her time on the internet, where she reads, chats with friends and plays games frequently. She has a streaming channel that she plays on every other night like clockwork... For all five average viewers, but she enjoy it so she keeps it up.
A bit of a nostalgia hound, she frequents a retro game store, also wanting to support local business. She notices that with the advent of things like YouTube and social media, there aren't very many "hidden gems" of games, nothing interesting and yet to be covered anymore. Willing to spend in a bid to find something interesting to play that might get her channel some attention and give her something to talk to her friends about, she asks an employee she doesn't recognize if there are any rare games they might have behind the counter that aren't on display.
The employee, whom she assumed was a new hire, goes to the back room and returns with an old game cartridge of a game that she has never heard of, a fantasy RPG called "Your Kingdom". Intrigued, she offers to make a purchase, having never heard of this game before for a classic system she owned and could easily stream with her setup. He parted with the game for a modest price, she brought it home and eagerly prepared to play.
Sitting in front of the screen with controller in hand to test the game out before beginning her stream, she smiled at the retro pixelated title menu, she pressed start to begin.
The screen flashed brightly, causing her to avert her eyes and close them tightly. When she opened them again...
She was in a completely different world, no longer in the familiar comfort of her room, but in a colorful world lush with grass and trees, warm sunshine and... A burning village?
I've been into the "double life" idea recently, where a character exists in our reality and then goes on an adventure in another, such as my "Role players role playing role players" plot. Most of the role play can take place within the game, but every time she "saves" her progress, she has the option to leave the game and return to her reality, where she will wake up safe in her bed the next morning.
The girl is recognized as the "lost princess" of the in game land and will have the opportunity to recruit party members (played by me, and you if you want to play more than the princess), go on an epic adventure, uncover magic artifacts, stop an evil sorcerer, experience steamy sex with no real life consequence and have the power to be who she always wanted to be in the realm of the game; strong, sexy and beloved.
* Images are to establish a vibe. You are free to choose your own character.
Rolling 20's - It took me all day to realize this is basically The Guild but fuck it lmao.
A group of misfit individuals, a party, if you will, enjoy their favorite role playing game together on a weekly basis (you know that this is a work of fiction because no RPG group is that dependable). Whether they met at a local game store after the DM put up a LFG notice, or if they met on a local gamers forum online and play over discord/voice chat is to be determined.
Together the group escapes from the day to day grind for a few hours each week, immersing themselves in a world of fantasy, swords and sorcery and possibly blossoming romance, not to mention loot, loot and more loot with hefty helping of mystery. The group has been playing together for a few months now and some of them members have started talking to the others regularly. If they don't meet up in person, maybe a few members decide to take that leap.
This role play will include both their real lives and the fantasy of their role play sessions, meaning we would play them in real life as well as their role play characters. Role playing as role players!
Something is Stealing the Magic... -
Since my partner who I had a fantasy role play going with was banned, I figured I would come up with a new one with new inspiration...
Set in a world of high fantasy, swords and sorcery, magic and monsters, gods and kings.
In a record setting peacetime, the realm thrives and co-exists (almost) happily with the fey. The once-feared magic now exists in every day society, the bountiful crops, powering villages and protecting kingdoms to the point where most of civilization has become dependant upon it.
So what happens when, without warning, the limitless magic of the world begins to falter and fade? Faith in gods begins to be tested. Fingers start to be pointed. The centuries long peacetime's strong foundations begin to show cracks and no one is certain of the cause, or the solution. Not all kingdoms are happy, some start to believe they found a way to sap the power from the realm for themselves. Others believe the gods are punishing them. No one has an answer, even the wisest and oldest of sorcerers and elves.
Among the fey, and in some ways among the mortal races, there is a fable about an ancient warrior known only as the Godslayer, who wields a cursed blade. The legend says that millennia ago, the Godslayer embarked on a crusade to the plane of the gods to make them answer for their negligence to the people of his realm, by the end of the crusade he had them at his mercy and returned home to see his homelands thriving, then built a home atop the highest mountain in the realm, as close to the heavens as possible, to remind the gods that he was still there.
One fey, young among the fairfolk... (Partner's main character) ... Sees the struggle of her people and the other fey, who all need the magic of the realm, the energy from the living force of the world to survive, as they weaken more and more, herself included. No one had an explanation and, if the gods were to blame, there was one person who would know it and how to handle it.
She would set off to find the hero of legend, the Godslayer.
My hopes are that my partner can play more than one character, even if the fairy is the main focus for them, as the Godslayer will be for me, and I will play several characters myself to have a complete journey.
This is a fantasy tale about how things are not always as they seem or are told, how those with power can alter history to their liking and how easily secrets can be kept from even the most ancient of sapient creatures.
The Sister and the Revenant - In a fictional modern world exists the ever-conflicting forces of light and darkness, or good and evil as they are traditionally thought of. Their worlds are shrouded in secrecy, the day-to-day man would go mad if they knew what lurked in the shadows, what watched them from afar or what the real reason is that they feel a sense of unease in the darkness, a nipping at the back of their neck that makes them walk faster.
Religion is something of a cover-up, a coping mechanism for humanity. The forces of light are governed by a single organization known only as The Church, which all leaders of every religion around the world are affiliated with, branched into different "beliefs" due to the differences in their cultures and histories, along with the dramatized retellings of past events in the form of stories in their respective 'bibles'. There has been a long period of peacetime, centuries long after a contract was made between the Church and a council of elders representing the darkness. The world was changing and they needed to change ideals with it to survive.
The enforcers of The Church come in the form of Sisters, who would be known as nuns to the layman. Their bodies are weapons and they are trained from a young age, usually having responsibility passed down from their parents, to fight the different things that go bump in the night and are proficient with a variety of weapons. Each Sister, generally when in battle, can don a Ceremonial Habit, a blessed ensemble made up of several garments, generally taken from those defeated by The Church in the past, such as the stockings of a vampiric Contessa or the skirt of a Celtic witch, worn for protection against the forces of darkness. Sisters often stay with monasteries to protect them should any unwanted guests breach the holy ground, some specialize in field work.
On the other hand are the Revenants, active male assassins who track down those who would breach the peacetime contract and punish them. They are armed with a variety of tools and weapons to get the job done and, like the Sisters, may wear enchanted relics for protection.
My partner will play the role of The Sister (and anyone else they might want to include), a stoic young woman with conviction to her cause. In terms of personality, think Rei Ayanami. Reserved, maybe somewhat cold at times, but with an underlying empathy and warmth. She is smart and will kick ass when necessary.
I will play the role of The Revenant (and anyone else I might need to play for the sake of story), a disgraced young man who was excommunicated from the Church after disobeying orders and trying to take thing into his own hands, leading to the deaths of several bystanders and members of the Church. There's more to it than that, but he keeps it close to the chest. Wears a mask he stole from the Church said to have been worn in battle by Vlad III Tepes himself. A believer that humanity is the greatest danger to humanity.
These two will work together after meeting somewhere with a common goal, a story about people with conflicting beliefs coming together to stop Armageddon. It doesn't have to be the first time they've met. They could have grown up together in the same monestary, for example. If you're feeling particularly blasphemous, they could be twins. Monsters, gun kata and high sexual energy.
The Sister:
The Revenant
Jurassic World: Unboxing Brooklynn - I've always wanted to do a Jurassic Park/World role play or something similar, but I understand there's a really limited audience for something like it. I love the adventure, the thrill, the sabotage/espionage and the great irony of men playing god with powers beyond their comprehension, which is a recurring theme in many role plays I come up with/participate in. No, this is not a fantasy about dinosaurs raping women.
I have not seen Dominion and the last season of Camp Cretaceous has yet to air, so this will be a story I'm making up after the events of Fallen Kingdom, possibly several years after.
The hopes were for my partner to take the role of Brooklynn. I think characters like her and Screwball are really relevant to the world today and there's a lot of opportunities for story telling with her, not to mention she's got a cute design. The hopes are for an older version of herself after she finally gets home and pursues her career of video journalism and uncovering hidden corporate truths, still quite popular with a large following.
My character will be an agent for another rival company for In-Gen and Biosyn, I was thinking of calling it Genesys, with the task of going to site B to harvest generic material with his team for any remaining life forms that could still be inhabiting Isla Sorna, but there's been a lot going on on the island that was though to be abandoned. When I was a kid, there were Jurassic Park toys out called Chaos Effect, which went really ham on the generic splicing of the dinosaurs. That's the direction this will be headed. Brooklynn and my character will have to put their heads together to escape after they discover that things are very not right in a twisted game put together by a money hungry mastermind.
There will be sex, but there will also be blood, people will die horribly as they tend to in Jurassic Park. Warning now.
Pokémon - Don't we all have ideas for a Pokémon story? This could be as basic as you want it to be, or as deep. I would prefer the absence of the half human half Pokemon things whose names escape me at the moment and keep it to normal Pokémon. Preferably, our characters would be originals from two different backgrounds, most likely both trainers with different or similar goals. The overall plot could be discussed if you want to do a Pokémon role play because I could take it in a few different ways from our characters just traveling together for x reasons, or something much more grand like an expedition to find a mythical Pokemon before an evil organization with ill intent can. Normally I would want to keep sexuality between humans, but we can discuss involving certain Pokémon if you wish it, I'm trying to be more open for the sake of fun role play. Salazzles can be wily, after all.
Originals are always preferred but the inclusion of canon characters would make it feel more authentic. Canon characters I would be good with pairing with include Lorelei, Bea, Nessa, Courtney, Elesa, Hilda, Rosa, Serena, Shauna, Skyla, Misty, Sabrina, May, Sada, Mallow, Olivia, Lillie, Lusamine, Shelly, Whitney, Alexa, Valerie, Dawn, Claire, Flannery, Go Trainer, Caitlin, Anabel, Shauntal, various team grunts and generic trainers (lass, beauty, hex maniac, etc.)
Project: W.O.N.D.E.R.L.A.N.D. - Inspired by Stranger Things, Wonderland
Many people often see things in the corner of their eye, just beyond sight. When they look, there's nothing there, even though they could have sworn they saw some sort of motion, some shadow or figure. Others can swear that they hear voices when the air is silent, whispers, as though there is someone right next to them. Most dismiss it as a trick of the mind and go on about their day. A rare few can see even deeper into these illusions and these rare few were gathered by a secret branch of government that researches the thin barrier between our world and a parallel realm that exists just beyond sight on top of it, existing separately and together all at once.
(More to be added as I think of it, drawing blanks on this idea for some reason when I know what I want to do with it)
Big Top Carnival - This is a more intricate idea that I've had in mind for a while about a vlogger who hit a big following exploring abandoned locations at the height of a recent pandemic and has sought lesser known places to explore to increase his following. He came across a Reddit for like-minded people about "hidden" abandoned locations that information was disclosed about and chased down leads for a supposed abandoned carnival in the middle of nowhere, which seemed to have no sort of documentation anywhere of it's existence. No scanned polaroids, no memories on blogs, no one talking about it anywhere, any time, ever. Months of research and chasing down dead ends, he finally found a short clip filmed at the supposed abandoned carnival and a vague idea of where it was located, a town in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest.
He gathers his best friend who is his usual camera man and a small group of friends to tag along in this goose chase across the country in an RV, but he's going to get a lot more than he bargained for.
This is a horror story, the hopes are that my partner and I can each play more than one character, I imagined the group to be six members, but that can be talked about, all with unique relationships to one another, maybe a bit of romance here and there even before the trip begins. This is going to be a story about survival, playing the odds and maybe some taboo sex with "demon" carnival workers.
Meow - I don't know why I like this plot so much, but every time I do it it's such a fun time because my partners play things so differently than the last and it forces me to adapt, I like the challenge and the breaking of monotony in a similar plot, which I guess I actually like because of it's simplicity and fun factor.
I, or my partner, plays the unlikely owner of a cat, Nekomimi or Nekomata, whatever we want. Despite the obvious sexual appeal of some of these creatures, in this world it is taboo to sexualize them, but what happens when this cat sees their owner as a potential mate and refuses to think otherwise as they enter their first mating season after reaching the mature age for it?
There's options here, I can play several characters, friends who also own cats, etc for a lot of crazy fun. This role play is meant to be very smut heavy. We can discuss how you feel about certain themes depending on what we want to do. I would like the characters to have personality, lives and relationships but this is meant to be more mindless fun, not terribly deep.
Older Than She Looks - A Story about a young woman (partner's role) with a rare condition where, at some point in her maturing phase, her body stopped growing, leaving her with the appearance of a young girl. She got through college and has a relatively successful blossoming career in a field where she can comfortably work from home to avoid uncomfortable interactions in an office space.
Self conscious for obvious reasons, she tends to stick to places (cafes, clothing stores, etc) where the people there are already familiar with her. She can't even go out and get a drink after a hard day's work without trouble because of how she looks, people thinking her ID is fake and she has to design much of her own clothing to avoid shopping in the kid's section of stores.
She has friends who have known her for years, but there's little she wants more than intimacy and companionship, which she has had little success with in the past. She removed her online dating profiles because they attracted the wrong sorts of people because of her young looks, others were deleted by admins because they believed she faked her age and anyone she tried dating either ended up being the sort of creep she wanted to avoid, or just couldn't handle the judgement, the comments and the dirty looks from people who saw them with her in public.
Eventually, she meets a young man (my character) who is hesitant at first, but shakes off the mental stigma and takes the time to get to know her and isn't at all bothered to be seen with her in public places. Perhaps they met online somewhere, or bumped into each other by chance getting coffee one morning, or in a place where they meet over a common hobby (buying comics, art supplies, collectables, etc?)
This is a story about a complicated situation turning into a strong relationship. I would like it to be character driven, but it can have as much smut as my partner might like.
Magic and Desire - (expanded from the "one sentence idea" My Childhood Crush is a Witch?!) Inspired by Bible Black
When they were young, a boy (mc) and a girl (yc) were inseparable, living in a town that always seemed stuck in Autumn, a town with a history of witchcraft and trials that enjoys hefty tourist traffic. What the tourists don't know (until they do) is that the town continues that history, or a single coven still operates in the shadows. The girl was fascinated with the town's history and the occult, a part of her that the boy always admired, her enthusiasm was infectious and seeing her happy was the light of his life.
That was, until one day, the boy's parents needed to relocate for business reasons. This devastated the duo, but after a period of heartache, life went on. The girl continued her passion for witchcraft, but eventually found herself a bit too deep in after successfully completing a spell. This drew the eyes of the existing coven in the town to her and they brought her in. The town's history never explained the sort of magic the witches actually used, though it was thought to be myth anyways, despite a few of the witches put on trial bring accused of being temptresses.
While she was still young, she was nurtured by the coven in secret from her parents, one of them seeing a great deal of potential in her an taking a job in her school as a counselor to cover for her "extra curricular activities". Once her powers matured, as well as her body, she was given her baptism into the coven and she was trained in the ways of their specialty magic; Sexual magic, a particularly potent source of energy when properly cast. The more intense the sex and climax, the more powerful the effect. The coven used this magic on men in the town, figures of authority and tourists alike to amass capital, power and influence, though those they used their power on didn't remember the "activities" after they happened, yet found themselves compelled to obey the witches sly suggestions when they were made.
Then, there was the boy, who grew into a clever young man and followed in his parents footsteps. They were also witches, but a very different sort, similar to police that kept balance and order among the covens in the world and they moved to the house hometown on an assignment to monitor activities when the coven there appeared to be getting a bit too strong, too loud and too much of a liability. They were cunning, however and the couple almost never caught them doing anything compromising, though they had suspicions. They weren't even sure who was or wasn't part of it.
And so the boy, now grown, returns to his home town on the same assignment as his parents before him, under cover, as the eyes of his superiors are once more on the coven...
This role play can be smut heavy, but I do want story in there, drama, tension. I also hope if anyone wants to partner up for it, they can play more characters than their main, as I will be doing the same thing.
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