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  • The Wolf continues to Roam

    the wolf is still looking to get something going 



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    Then maybe the Wolf should be more descriptive about what the Wolf wants. Currently, the only one who knows what the Wolf wants, is the Wolf. So... What is the Wolf curious to stick the Wolf's nose into? Fantasy? Modern Age? Maybe something post-modern or even Sci-fi? Story and sex, or will you aim to drown someone in copious amounts of cum? Do you maybe even have some plot or two ready?

    Advertise yourself~ This is THE time to sit back, think a moment, and talk about yourself, what you are into, and then sit back and wait for the writers to roll in.
    You might even want to make a post here, so that others can simply click a link in your profile later, to check if your interests align with theirs. Saves you some work later.

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    Good point my pref sheet is listed and done as to everything else you are 100% correct my laziness has got the best of me and I'm not great at promoting myself

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