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  • Hello everyone. It has been a while since I posted something here but I have always gotten some great responses! So I wanted to create multiple plots and scenarios that may appeal to a wide variety of characters! 

    So I usually prefer my partner's character to be female or futa but I am open to others! If you like a plot just hit me with something, I promise I will hear out every idea.

    I think the best thing to do here would be to start from the future-based RPs and work our way backward. All of these ideas are good for the short and long term and can be made private or public depending on interest!

    Future Setting

    A Smuggler and The Cargo

    In the midst of galactic war, trade is halted and it becomes a time for profit seekers to sell goods to wealthy individuals on both sides of the conflict. Booze, drugs, and other vices can be bought and sold at extortion rates to where a smart captain can live like a king by the time the war is over. That is... if they survive.

    Available Roles here: Aliens, Smuggler, Military, Crew, Buyer/Seller, "Cargo"

    One possible plot here is that the 'cargo' is actually a human/alien that has very unique abilities. Psychic powers, empath, ect. This is an opportunity to get really creative!

    The Failed Colony

    The colony ship crash lands on an alien world. Either due to hostile flora, fauna, or even the environment the planet is unsuitable for human life. The survivors must either find a way off world or find a way to be rescued before it is too late.

    Available Roles: Officers, Crew, Colonists, Aliens

    A little vague, but I wanted to give lots of room to build here, we can really just make this whatever we want.

    S.L.A.I. (Steel Lancer Arena International)

    (More for those of you who like things like Gundam, Mech Warrior, Battletech)

    S.L.A.I. is the competitive combat sport in which piloted Lancers (mechs) battle for superiority in different arenas across the world. Pilots battle for money, fame, and glory while competing in the most popular and most dangerous sport in the world. 

    Available Roles: Pilot, Mechanic, Sponsor, Fan, Mech System AI (if you're into virtual sex with a computer)

    If you like future Rps, but I didn't list one you like, feel free to suggest one!

    Modern Setting

    Family Trip

    The typical family vacation with not-so-typical outcomes! Yes, this plot is designed with incest in mind BUT it is open to other ideas as well!

    Available Roles: Sibling, Parent, Aunt, Cousin, Locals

    School is Hard when you're Hard!

    So this is based on some hentais that I am sure we have all seen, but I would be happy to see what kind of spins we can out on it! Two possible ideas here!

    1. A girl either at an all-girls school or a regular high school wakes up one day with a brand new appendage. She must now struggle with being in a state of constant arousal, hiding her erection from friends, family, teachers... is there one person she can confide in?

    2. You know THAT guy. He's handsome, smart, good at sports, a perfect date. Unless you're his best friend, then you have to put up with all the drama that usually surrounds him. One day your phone rings and it's his number but a girl's voice is on the line freaking out... saying that he's a girl now! This is an idea based on a guy being turned into a futa and needing his friend's help to get through the last week of school while uncovering the mystery of what happened to him. I figured this idea has lots of chances for comedy!

    Available Roles: Futa, Friend, Family, Students, Teachers

    I Can't Run A Resort!

    The idea here is simple, a harem or reverse harem story. A character has been left a resort for wealthy clients to run and manage. This is a place where people pays lots of money to have their EVERY need catered to by well trained staff and hosts. The new manager can either be great at running the business or horrible at it. The comedy continues that they have to run the business while surrounded by attractive staff that want nothing more than their new handsome/beautiful employer to be satisfied.

    Available Roles: New Manager, Staff, Hosts, Clients

    Past Setting:

    Monster Girls Everywhere!

    So I posted an idea like this before, simply put the idea is that a knight must rescue a princess who is under a curse. The curse can only be broken by someone who is a virgin and the knight must stay at a castle full of horny monster girls who have their own unique needs and desires. If he can survive one month at the castle, he will be taken to the princess to break the curse.

    Available Roles: Monsters and Knights 


    Hogwarts Mischief

    Oddly craving some student themes, even in Hogwarts in the Harry Potter world. Does not have to directly involve the films or books as we can just be students trying to get through yet another year of Hogwarts!

    Available Roles: Students and Teachers


    The Weakling Prince

    The King has died. In his foolish attempt to expand the kingdom to the north, he didn't expect the barbarian tribes of the mountains to unite under a single banner and mount a grand assault. The king was slain in battle, his body was sent back to the capital leaving the Queen to clean up his mess. Through tense and troublesome negotiation both sides concluded... the Prince will marry the Barbarian Princess a symbol of unity between their kingdoms. The Princess is a strong, and powerful warrior who will not be satisfied with a soft noble. To save her Kingdom, the Queen sets out a secret request to all the best brothels across the kingdom. By order of the queen, one of two, 'tutors' shall live with the prince and teach him the art of pleasure. He will be undergoing physical training and a few magical alterations presented by the Queen herself to increase his chances... because if he fails to satisfy the princess... war will certainly be inevitable. 

    SO this is soft a soft femdom role, where one or two female doms will train a prince to be a master of pleasure. This will have long term story elements with lots of smut but it's open to a lot of plot devices. Maybe the Queen is also evil and is planning ulterior motives? Maybe the women training the prince are trying to get him to fall in love with them so he makes them his queens instead? I dunno, feel like there's lots that can be explored here. Prince's age is adjustable depending on your kinks. Like many of my hooks, we can discuss any aspect and change anything you need!


    A Knight and Their Squire (MxF+/FxM+)

    A knight and their squire are on a quest to save the world from a demon presence threatening to conquer he world! Do they have what it takes to succeed where all others have failed?

    (Your standard adventure RP, with lots of smut opportunities. Knight or Squire can be male/female/futa depending on partner preference. Some ideas here is the Squire isn't just there for support but to also act as a sexual release for the knight. Or perhaps we run into people/monsters to release our sexual urges on?)




    Per some requests I have received, I will be adding single scene ideas which include various kinks. These scenes can be enjoyed by themselves or expanded on for larger plots.

    Female Glory hole!

    Your character has been on a road trip and unfortunately left her toys at home. She stops at an adult toy store which has a booth for wild experiences. Curiosity piqued your character enters. Familiar with porn, she probably expected a glory hole or a disgusting booth with cum stains and videos of cheap porn playing on repeat. Instead she finds a very clean booth maintained, offering reading material, videos, even chocolates. The center if the room is has a seat with elevated leg rests. Instructions are to undress and have seat. On doing so, the seat rotates and brings your characters lower past a curtain. From there she can relax and enjoy the emenities while being serviced from behind the curtain.

    Tindr gone wild!

    Sometimes it not easy to get a date. Sometimes you just need the thrill of anonymous sex. As a tindr veteran you have become a pro on evading weirdos while still enjoying nights of passion. Sometimes they are hit and miss... other times you still think about lovingly. Suddenly the app announces it has an update to customize your date. (Sex partner creation fantasy)

    • Love 1

    User Feedback

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    Hello! I might be interested in the School is Hard when you're Hard idea, or possibly the Family Trip, if you're still looking for anyone for one of those.


    We might already be doing an rp but family trip catches my eye


    also monster girls, fuck yes. Monster girls.

    • Love 1


    6 minutes ago, SnowFall said:

    We might already be doing an rp but family trip catches my eye


    also monster girls, fuck yes. Monster girls.

    I know what you mean, I have always loved Monster Girls, but I haven't had too many partners willing to play them. 


    I've loved monster girls ever since I played monster girl quest all those many years ago, I'd be willing to be both roles y'know?

    • Love 1


    Sounds good! Maybe we can work something out!

    • Thanks 1


    Subtle bump is not so subtle-

    But since I'm becoming more active again, maybe it can be forgiven lol.


    Hello! For the wizard/succubus rp, are you looking to be the wizard, the succubus, or either? 

    • Love 1


    You are a necromancer bringing my dead advertisements to life! lol But I'm good with either!


    So, I see in your preferences that torture is a maybe, so I'm wondering how you are on sexual pain and stuff? I'm rely into sexual pain/torture stuff. 


    Normally I would say no, but I am trying to expand my horizons so, I'm open to it.


    Would you want to be the slave or the master in that kind of thing, or does it still not matter? 


    I suppose until I'm more confident in it, I think I would be better off being the slave in it for now


    Sorry for late response. I'm not sure if I'd be the best person for you to start out with if you're not used to it, cause I can get pretty extreme? 


    Thread!!! I call to you from the abyss and bring you forth to the light! *bump*


    Had to dig this old thread out from the grave it got buried in. **bump**


    Small bump this time


    I really should dress this post up more, maybe it would get more attention. XD


    Last bumped in 2021.... Post I summon thee from the depths! RISE!


    New hook, new bump!


    I'm down for the two school ideas and the family trip one, whichever you have more want to do.


    Bump for now, new plot ideas coming soon.


    Bump, should have some new ideas coming soon.


    Bump with new hook!

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