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  • World Building for rps I do.

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    Name: Hikaru Dario Donahue-O'Malley 
    Twin: Akira(Younger) 
    Age: 30 
    Looks: 6'0" tall. Wavy coal black hair down to his shoulders. Deep brown eyes. Farmer tan skin, rather muscular but not to much. Face looks like Thor's(MCU) just no beard. 
    History&Personality: Hikaru is the eldest of the six brothers and one sister. He's kind, caring, and is sort of the father figure of the bunch. He can be firm and perhaps a bit strict sometimes, but he means well. He's  works as a foreman to a rather large and well off construction company. Thus he's not often home for long.

    Name: Akira Glen Donahue-O'Malley
    Twin: Hikaru(Older) 
    Age: 30 
    Looks: Identical of Hikaru. Except for he has pink streaks in his hair. He also wears glasses in a old fashion style. 
    History&Personality: Akira is the second eldest brother. He's motherly, sometimes a bit over bearing and dramatic. He's also very protective of the others. He can be firm, and rather strict. He's not afraid to scold anyone, if he feels they are being to dangerous. Usually waving a wooden spoon, sandal, or slipper while doing so. He works as a seamstress, so he's usually at home to work. Though he does have a small shop in the near by port town.

    Name: Geofry Anthony Donahue-O'Malley
    Twin: Marcus(Younger) 
    Age: 28 
    Looks: 5'11" tall. He has natural firey red hair, which he keeps cut short. Dark, native American tan skin. With shocking green eyes. He's has muscle, though it's the wiry kind. 
    History and Personality: Geo, as he prefers to be called. Is the third eldest of the brothers. He's a bit loud, can be quiet blunt. He's also competitive but very attentive to detail. Especially so with people's emotions. He and his twin Marcus are martial artist. Geo has a two degree black belt in karate. Along with knowing some jujitsu and tae kwan do. He and Marcus teach classes to kids and adults alike. There dojo is also in the nearby port town. They are well known, and have trained quiet a few people. Even did some pro competitions.


    Name: Marcus Joesph Donahue-O'Malley
    Twin: Geo(Older Fraternal)
    Age: 28
    Looks: 5'10" tall. He has natural blonde hair with brown streaks. His skin tone is the same as his twins. His eyes though, are a blue. He to has muscle, though a little more prominent then Geo's. 
    History: Marc as he prefers to be called, is the fourth eldest brother. Unlike his twin, he is a bit more soft spoken. He can be blunt to though, when need be. He's also a bit competitive, but not to much. He's attentive as well, though more so to surroundings. He does MMA and is considered a pro at it. He dabbles in  several other fighting styles. He really enjoys teaching, and is a firm but kind Sensei. He makes sure that everyone he teaches knows. That with learning how to fight. Comes great responsibility, and it should not be taken lightly.


    Name: Edwin Micheal Donahue-O'malley 
    Twin: Devon (Younger Identical) 
    Age: 26 
    Looks: 5'9" tall. His skin tone is not pale, but not tan. He has one blue and one brown eye. He has natural blonde hair. He's a bit on the skinny side. But he does work out, so he's got a bit of muscle to him. 
    History and Personality: Ed, as he prefers to be called is the fifth of the brother bunch. He's kind, caring and a bit of a history and mythology nut. He is currently taking college classes, to get a degree in history. Which he hopes to one-day be a teacher of the subject. While also working at part - time at a family owned dinner in the near by port town. Where he hears all the latest news and gossip. Which he'll occasionally remember and bring home for dinner time discussions. He is also fairly close with ray. The two of them, along with devon. having caused much mischief back in their childhood days. 


    Name: Devon Maximus Donahue-O'Malley
    Twin: Ed (Older Identical) 
    Age: 26
    Looks: Same as his twin. Though his hair tone is a shade lighter. His eyes are also opposite of his brothers. (Ed's left eye is blue so Devon's left eye is brown). Ed is a bit more gangly then his twin, but he knows how to defend himself. Curtosey of have older brother who are Martial artist. 
    History and Personality: Devon is the sixth eldest brother of the brother bunch. He is closest to their sister Ray. The two use to often get into shenanigans together as children. They use to be attached at the hip. He took it the hardest when Ray disappeared. He worked his ass off to try and find her. He's an artist and a musician as well. He's rather quiet usually, unless music is involved. He and Ray both love to sing, and often do duets when they do anything together. He works at a music shop in town, as a piano teacher for teenagers and young adults. He also occasionally sells his artwork. Devon is kind, caring and very! Protective of Ray. Though he can be mischievous as well. He will occasionally pull pranks on his elder siblings.

    10 chickens
    2 roosters
    50 sheep (20 males and 30 female)
    2 Llamas (They guard the sheep. One male one female)
    10 Alpacas (1 male the rest female)
    10 Ducks (5 male and 5 female)
    6 geese (3 female and 3 male)(edited)
    3 Cats: 
    Snicklefritz - Orange and white striped tabby cat with a red nose. He has golden colored eyes. He is ray's furbaby, and is named after a cat from a childhood t.v. show. Very cuddley, affection and demanding. He is mainly a indoor kitty cat. 
    Super Nova Hades - Just called Nova usually. He is a black tabby cat with a tiny white tuff of fur on his chest and green eyes. Somewhat cuddly, very curious and he loves to sun bathe on porch. He's also rather lazy, he once saw a gopher digging a hole. He just watched it! didn't attack, nothing. Nova is a outdoor and indoor cat.
    Toasty Ann Marie - Just called Toasty, though she has about 30 nicknames. [Seriously, about 30] She is a calico her colors are orange, black, brown, light brown, golden brown and has white "socks" on her feet. Golden colored eyes and a pink nose. She's rather aloof. she only like cuddles occasionally. She can usually be found napping on a bed. That or bringing her latest kill into the house. She's quiet the little hunter. Indoor and outdoor cat.

    10 Horses.
    Guest horses are: (Guest horses, are horses that any guest is welcome to ride. Since horses specifically owned/belonging to a family member. Permission must be asked to ride them.)
    (Name - Breed - coloring)

    Lady- Shetland - White
    Buddy - Clysdesdal -Brown and white
    Mr. Oliver - Quarter Horse - Buck(tan coat black mane and tail)

    Specifically Owned:
    (Name - Gender - Breed - Coloring -Owner)

    Thunder Break - Male - Stallion - Black with a what looks like a white thunder bolt on his face, and thunder bolts on his flanks. One white "sock" on his back left hoof. - Ray
    Shining Star - Male - Typical Iberian - Grey with a light grey star on his forehead - Hikaru
    Valentino - Female - Belgian Draft - Female -Tan with flaxen color mane and tails. has a heart shaped color of flaxen fur on her rump - Akira
    Aries - Male -Red Roan - lightish red(hence him being a red roan) - Geo
    Temperance - Female - Blue Roan - she is grey, but in the right light her coat looks blue and her mane a deep blue - Marc
    Patches - Male - Paint - brown and white - Devon
    Odysseus - Male - Appaloosa - brown, white and grey - Edwin


    Ray's Bedroom and Bathroom
    Her room is the attic, it doesn't have a slopped roof, it's roofing is flat. it's door hidden behind a large tapestry depicting King Arthur sailing on sea to Avalon. Said door leads to a small six step spiral stair well. Which stop at a door painted in rainbow and black stripes. The sign hanging from it reads  "DO NOT BOTHER ME!" In bold red letters. Inside the base color of her room is pale yellow. Though, only a bit of that is seen. Since hanging on the walls, are small handful framed posters, of some of her favorite anime characters, and book characters. A handful of band posters as well. Along with maybe four or five family photos, all of them have her, and her brothers in it. For whatever reason though, none of them had their parents in it, and none of them seemed to have been taken before she came home. Around all of those are paintings, of rainbow roses. Along with tapestries depicting several different mythological scenes. 

    Along with the pictures, and a bit higher on her walls, are a handful or orientate swords, and knives. One Chinesse battle axe, and one silver-plated bow, with peacock feather arrows. There are two, double door closets in the room, and each is a simple white color. There are also three large circle windows in the room as well. One on each side of her room, which are simple windows. The third is a ways above her bed, it’s stain glass. The picture in it is of both family crest. When the sun shines through them just right, it sets the room a light with color. Though one knob is crystal, while the other is black. Between these closet, is a short, Bare, or ballet practice bar, welded to the wall.

    She has her own personal bathroom as well, which is designed to look like a mermaids cove. With an old fashioned, claw foot tub, and a five person shower, with a bench.  Above all of that, in the main part of her room. On her ceiling is painted the night sky. With her favorite constellations on it. Orion the hunter, dog minor, dog major, the bull, the dragon, the swan, the crab, the big bear.

     All in all, it is a lovely, and bright room. Perhaps even a bit childish. Though ray herself, intends to keep it this way. Since nothing in the room, has really changed since she was little. Besides the fact, of her now having a king sized bed and having the ballet bar raised, to a proper height for her body right now. 


     It's pretty big, but it has a homey look to it. The floor is the classic white and black checker board of old diners. The walls are painted a soft yellow color, well that can be seen on them. The left side of the kitchen is a rather large bay style window. It's two side windows are opened, letting in the gentle night(morning) breeze. In the center of the kitchen, rather large, mock white and black swirl marble topped island in the middle of the kitchen. Around it are bar style stools, with plush seats in the same design as the porch's sitting cushions. There's just the right amount for all four demi-humans and hikaru to sit. 

    The breeze also brings in the outside smells. Fresh grass, hay, animals, and flowers. Along with the barest hint of sea air. Crickets sing outside as well, giving the room a rather serene feeling. Along with that bay window are counter tops, drawers and  cabinets. Which are above and below the counters. Said counter tops match the one on the island. While the cabinets and drawers are painted a cream color, with simple small knob handles. They also have pictures painted on them! Some have pictures of dishes, some glasses, quite a handful have spice containers painted on them. A small handful have various containers painted on them. Most of the bottom ones have pots and pans on them. The drawers have painting of cooking utensils and silverware. A couple of drawers though, have no pictures. They do however have letters, which spell out the word "Junk". 

    There is also a large two basin chrome sink, and a matching color dishwasher beside it. On the far wall are two sets of stoves, ovens and microwaves. The microwaves themselves, are above the stove tops. There's a bit more counter top, about two more bottom and top cabinets. Then there's a door, it's painted a grey color and has bright red painted words on it. Which reads this:

     "WARNING this door leads to the Larder, Spice hold, Basements and More! Remember bring either your walkie talkies or map! Make sure to take a pack lunch if your going to be gone for a few hours! Bring WATER!! Don't end up like Mr.Bojangles." 

    Taking up the whole right side wall are  built in! Three double door fridges and three double door freezers. They have paintings on them as well. Which correspond with what's inside of them.

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