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𝓗𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀𝓼: Love Parameter chapter 1-40

Hey there, have you ever wanted the ability to make anyone you meet fall madly in love with you? What if I told you between that street corner there was a chance that you would be lucky enough to get the person you have always desired?

Today we are looking at a Manwha series known as Love Parameter that looks at these exact ideas and manages to do it while still a story that keeps the tension throughout high. Reading Love Parameter I have always found myself on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next as the series became more and more intense.




A young boy named Young-Hoon gets a special pair of glasses known as a Holy Device that gives him the power to better communicate with the girls he talks with. He can figure out what exactly to say to them and learns many details about them. With these glasses, he desires to do what he always had wanted. Get a girl to like him.




Young Hoon is a hopeless nerdy young boy who gets the power of the glasses in order to woo any girl he comes across. The glasses allow him to know exactly what to say in any situation. But through the powers of these glasses, he transforms into a picky kid who attempts to have sex with every girl he meets in his quest to find the one who is right for him.



Lee Ha Young is one of the first girls our main character gets with. She is a young girl going through a lot of personal issues. You don't learn a lot about these issues at first but they become more notable as we start to see how clingy this girl becomes to Young Hoon in wanting to be his girlfriend. And it becomes the center for a lot of dramatic moments throughout these chapters.


Seon Ha is the very obvious girl that Young Hoon will end up, dating by the end of the series. (Unless there is a major twist at the end of the series). She is the only girl whose parameter he just can't see and we are left wondering about throughout the narrative. There is also the mystery with her as she seems to also have one of the holy devices. As brought up whenever she talks about not being able to see Young Hoon's parameters either.

When she walks back home after speaking with Young Hoon she walks in on her sister having sex with another guy who she figures out based on his parameters is also a cheater. Something which Seon knows well enough leading to her belief of "All men are disgusting" which helps sets up the conflict within the story with her character.


Lord Go and his low-ranking Angel also are another source of conflict. Lord Go is a Godlike being who created the Holy Devices and decided to come up with a plan to share these devices with the rest of humanity. The problem is that the other Gods didn't like his idea and have sent low-ranking Angel down to Earth to help collect these devices and take them away from any human who is using them.

These two add an extra layer of conflict in these chapters as the Angel continues to take the devices away from random men making them worthless without them and erasing their memories. Tension mounts as Seon and Hoon have to try and escape from the might of this Holy Angel.


There isn't as much to talk about with the sex itself in the story as a lot of it is pretty standard as far as hentai plots go. There are a few fun moments such as when Lord Go uses one of his devices to destroy the angel's clothes in public or when Young Hoon gets tied up by a bunch of girls who start wearing a dominatrix outfit and a whip and we watch as these girls attempt to have sex with him but beyond that, a lot of the kinkiness in the sex comes from the scenarios that have been set up.

Such as Young Hoon trying to use his glasses during sex scenes to figure out how to best pleasure a girl or what does Young Hoon does when his glasses are taken from him during sex. Each of these scenes can add that extra bit of spice to make the sex a little bit more interesting and it also makes the sex scenes feel more earned because you are now invested in what is going to happen next.

Defiantly not one of my favorites. The faces in the scenes can range from being pretty cute to pretty weird looking. Much of the art feels very simplistic in its style. Now I will say that as the story goes on the art does slowly improve but a lot of the few early chapters the style really didn't work for me



The art is probably one of my major issues with the series just cause I have seen so many other manwha that look pretty and stylized while this one just feels flat. From a character standpoint, there is a lot of times that the story plays on the trope of girls really finding all guys to be horrible. Not only with Seon but also with the Angel character. I do not know where either of these plots are going to go but hopefully, they go somewhere interesting.

Overall Thoughts

I really had a lot of fun reading this. The characterization is very expressive I found myself at many points feeling these tense moments as I wondered what was going to happen next. I was invested in the story and the characters with this story. Overall this is a very high recommendation from me!!!



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