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About This Club

A ruleless narrative game set in the Warhammer 40k universe. You play a Heretic or Traitor Marine aboard the massive Battle Barge Nightborne Conqueror each with your own deck as your domain filled with all your favorite stuff and prolly a sex dungeon or too. Interact with your fellow heretics, your slaves and battle a plethora of enemies in the 40k universe for more power, resources and slaves!

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Can I get a quick roo call of who's still active and interested in a re-reboot? If you have an idea for what your character will be, give that a shout-out too, please.
  3. That's fair hahah that works in thr dark angels case I forgot about the fallen
  4. Why? The Fallen are running all over the damn place, just no one knows...
  5. That would be a hard sell lore wise....but in this case fuck it lol.
  6. It can be a mishmash - Chaos doesn't care about who you were, only what you can do for them. One of my favorite Black Crusade characters was from an in-person game. He was a Dark Angels Devastator who was not aligned to Chaos. He was really just a mercenary who'd lost faith in the Imperium.
  7. Yep and that sounds cool! Is this warbabd black legion? Or nightlords?
  8. The original game focuses on Chaos Warbands in the 40K universe, Cultists, criminals, heretics, Chaos Space Marines, unsanctioned psykers and sorcerers are all welcome. In the original reboot I played a Night Lord Captain who became a sorcerer. Tzeentch (or maybe the sorcerer who he was studying under) turned him into a woman. All we have is heresy! One of the things I want to say to everyone is that by stripping away the heavy mechanics of the Fantasy Flight games, I want to empower everyone to fail interestingly. Lose a fight but get taken captive. Don't die unless you want to but we're here to create a cool story and some rough, shitty failures are rich fertilizer for cool things to grow out of. I would like whoever plays to find reasons to stay with the warband - lust, affection, greed, they give you cool people to kill. That way if someone loses a fight and The Dark Angels drag them off to transport them to The Rock, we can bushwhack them in the Warp and board their corvette while they try to seduce the Inquisitor.
  9. I do not. I've played the Inquisition modules of warhammer roleplay but that's my only experience with 40k ttrpgs. And I would want to know more about the setting to give you specifics but I was thinking about being a Chaos Sorcerer.
  10. I'm glad you think it sounds like a workable idea. Do you know the actual RPG this game is based on? It's not a problem at all if you don't. Any idea what kind of character you'll want to play?
  11. I never played the first time so idk the mechanics I'd be new. They seem interesting though.
  12. I suspect we all will. Are we good with paring back the rules? I'm kind of leaning towards adapting something like 1d10+stat with results like: <7 failure, succeed at cost 7-8 succeed 9-10 succeed with style/bonus effect 11+ crush it Stats will probably end up kind of ripped off Apocalypse World and rank 0-3 Fight (Wich will double as dodge) Shoot Psi Personality (leadership/charisma) With 6 points to spend.
  13. I'd be down. Love the setting and the RP seems like it was going well. It'd probably need a fresh start though...
  14. One of the things I'd like to entertain, should I be allowed to adopt this club, is a streamlined resolution system. Would anyone object to doing a way with the highly granular FFG system in favor of something catered to play by post, resolve it yourself plmechanics?
  15. I just don't have the time to commit to it, or much or anything currently for that matter. So a negative for me unfortunately.
  16. I'm trying to adopt this club, is there any interest in reviving it?
  17. Although Eros seems to have left us for good, I still really want to play this. Anyone game for faking our way through the Eye of Terror?
  18. I have put 4 new images in my "character image" folder - do you guys think one of the others would be more interesting and/or fitting?
  19. As he moved invisibly towards the land raider Sanakht picks up the discarded limb of a dead guardsman. He moves around the land raider the long way doing his best to avoid detection and approach from behind. Sanakht approaches the exhaust ports on the back of the land raider and begins trailing the necessary symbols upon the back of it in blood wringing the discarded limb. As he spreads the blood into the necessary sigils Sanakht speaks the daemons Name under his breath. Calling it into the land raider to supplant the machine spirit and corrupt the tank itself. "Nai'Qindjash'tukalesh let your ruinous influence destroy the spirit and structure of this machine making it your body to walk in beyond the warp." There is a sickening feeling, a wrongness in the very air; the sigils glow and an arrhythmic pulsing spreads across the machine. +Dealing with it now Segmir @Guroda hopefully my plan works...+ The librarian must have sensed what he's done now so Sanakht leaps atop the land raider standing on the hatch and casting Iron Arm upon himself turning his skin and muscle to living metal increasing his strength and toughness dramatically. He hopes to trap the command squad inside as the machine changes.
  20. He watched how Rhonin went over him and made a mental note to get a hold of him in the air next time . Rage ran after Rhonin and with his bulkness chargeing throught doors and walls to get to Rhonin his lighting sword was chained to him he was going has fast he could to catch up with the smaller man
  21. Segmir had started his hunt in hopeful slaughter. To put down the scouts of the blood angels. Only to realize that it was more difficult then he first imagined. When finding a scout, killing one was easy enough but that usual one scout meant 4 more near him and considering there was a platoon of scouts running around the forest that wasn't any easier. Segmir had to move on foot as his bike was too loud for any further sniper fire to pin him down, his heavy feet trudging past nature and plants, using his experience and wisdom to the scouts. His one advantage was thankful for. +Sanakht @Solomon I have kept their scouts distracted what is the progress on the land raider?+ As his visor picked up movement of a small machine that was heading towards said heavy support. Probe? The second movement was of a scout who seemed eager to remove the small machine until plasma hurled across the field into the chest of the scouts armor slithering it's heat further inside as a yell from the scout echoed. Now it was time to change position his plasma fire giving away his position as he felt his armor crack to sniper fire as he sprinted across the foliage. "One down. Several more still to go." The fallen knew that this would become easier once their command post was taken out. Then he was going to find that Heretek later for much needed repairs after.
  22. The first two bolts detonated against the Rosarius harmlessly but the third slams into the Aquila on his chest, sending a few fragments of Imperial Eagle spinning into the air. Ruva gave a wolfish grin. His force field had failed. The lightless Warp Fire that wreathed her flared hot singing along her nerve endings and into her brain stem. The Armour of Agony would help protect her - a little - but she would never notice when it didn't. The Sorceress had meant just to sear her enemies to tortured ash but had created something else as well. Like all things connected to the Ruinous Powers the trick would be not to be overcome by it. The Night Lord leapt forward lashing out with the Force Sword. The Chaplain parried the thrust with his Crozius Arcanum. But the malevolent aether flayed his nerves, leaving him slow to counter attack. Ruva stepped forward into his second of hesitation, driving her armoured shoulder into his helmet. Again the wave of agony enveloped them both. The impact forced the Chaplain back a step, "Abomination!" he roared in both righteous judgement and pained anger. The space allowed Ruva to set for her next attack. She feinted the same thrust and slashed at his arm as he brought his Crozius across to parry. The ploy worked and Ruva's Force Sword carved through his armour and into his bicep. This time he was prepared for the wave of pain and his faith armoured him against its effects. The Crozius swung back, aimed for Ruva's bare head. The Sorceress ducked enough to catch the blow on her pauldron. The impact rocked her sideways but if there was any injury or damage, Ruva couldn't feel it through the personal hell she'd called down on herself. Her eyes flared wide as she wrapped her arms around the Chaplain, bathing him in the unholy flames.
  23. By the time Sanakht moves on from his mental assault of the Blood Angels Chaplain Ruva has closed the distance and scoured the Marine with a psychic assault, still not dead though, though his shield has popped, The Chaplain hefts his Crozius.
  24. Rhonin came in lightning quick towards Rage and just on the outer edge of Rage's weapon reach he leaps high into the air, drawing himself into an ball, defended from all blows by his Storm Shield and uses the Terminators bulkiness to land behind Rage and strike before Rage can respond. Rhonin reverses the grip on his power sword and stabs behind himself when he lands behind Rage, trying to hamstring the bulky terminator, but fails in his attack as his blade catches on one of the Adamantium Rods in Rage's armored leg before it can shear through the meat of his body, leaving Rage unharmed. The Blood Angels Champion is up and gone before Rage can strike back, but he won't be able to use that fancy attack on Rage again now that Rage has seen it and knows what to expect!
  25. I'd rather run 7th Sea but there's a ton of stuff I'll have to end. But I can get you a Sororitas style character there pretty easily.
  26. Sounds about right to me. Maybe there could be a "good guy" campaign some other time.
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