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Welcome to Fordinia!

Please follow the rules below.

Before looking into making a character, please read the lore dump.

After joining but before a member can begin to participate, they must decide if they are going to create an outsider, a champion of an existing outsider, or a simple commoner/adventurer. To create an outsider, you must get permission from either BunnyInASock to stake claim over certain regions and to make just about any other decisions such as the outsiders aspect as the aspect has a large role in deciding their strength in a given region. To create a champion of an existing outsider, you must get permission from the member that created the outsider and talk with them about what they want from their champion. Outsiders would be able to pick and choose their favored follower so be willing to compromise. For commoners or adventurers simply follow the template below.





Outsider of Worship (If Applicable): 

Place of Residence (Or its nearest Landmark): 




Reference Image (Or detailed Description):



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