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A Tabletop style version of Cyber punk adapted to online roleplaying

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EcchiDreams Specific Community Club
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  2. At the sight of the Guard entering the previously closed and shutdown room, while perusing the opened data files at the station he had been using had caused him to curse out silently under his breathe. He frowned in annoyance at the guards notification on a radio that he planned to check out the room, which caused the Doctor to alter the plan on knocking him out and instead planning to silence him permanently by slashing his vocal cords attempting to silently rise up behind him from behind the table to use his ripper claws on his mechanical hand.
  3. Camila's eyes shake and her body twitches laid out on her back behind the table. The guard looks around the room feeling suspicious about there being a monitor left on after the room was closed. He closes the door behind him radioing that he is checking the room out. He takes a look around the room and it looks disturbed as if someone was pulling files from folders. He is getting closer to you almost on Mercy and Camila.
  4. At the sight of the research data for the Araska cloning and human genome program involving engrams or AI programs brought a frown to his face, while he muttered, "fucking corpos playing as gods....." as he turned away from the data station looking for a drive or way to copy the data. Hearing Camila's suggestion about sneaking up on a couple of scientists and trying on a disguise to get past them, he chuckled quietly and whispered, "Not a bad plan though but they always seem to travel in groups of three or more...." In an attempt to prevent Camila from having a meltdown and slipping back into the dream world, he would silently curse at the jingling of keys followed by the heavy thud of boots from a guard approaching the door. He frowned pushing Camila out of sight behind a table and attempted to hide out of sight from the guard with the intention of stealing of identification card after knocking him out or killing him.
  5. Mercy finds research data on cloning and the human genome, as well as recorded data from cloning experimentation, stating that clones of human beings tend to be mind less husks, and that their bodies could be used to store engrams or AI programs. Though the labratory is very clean and sterile there is this palpable yet frightening aura about it, especially in that room it's dark and only lit by the light of the clone tanks and computer monitors. What seems to be the most frightening this is the cold indifference of the people who work in this pace. from just what they have seen alone it's enough to give anyone nightmares. Yet they go about their day as if they were Marine biologists, and rent a cops. Mercy and Camila cant find anything that would be useful in progressing further into the lab. Saka security is up ahead, total of 4 patrol men in each sector and two guarding the lab area where the flower is most likely kept. Camila suggests that they sneak up on a couple of scientists and try to sneak past the guards in disguise. Then her eyes glitch for a second and she gets the shakes. Mercy holds her down and tries to help her get lucid just as a Saka guard approaches the door
  6. Mercy scowled at the floating child in the tube and the identical freshly autopsied child on the table. He listened at the door for coast to be clear to continue on to find the flower and get out of the medical labs. He periodically glanced around the empty lab and at the workstation debating about looking for any notes.
  7. 8Mercy learned from their conversation that the woman in the elevator was Saburo Arasaka's personal media in charge of recording and currying information to Saburo regarding secret black projects. Also that she was heading to record information on the very flower they were looking for. Finally it seemed like the end was in sight and that there would be a chance of making it out alive and with Eddies at the end of the day. But now it was the two of them in the belly of the beast. The two tread carefully and follow behind. Always being sure to. Stay at least one corner behind them until they saw them enter the testing sector. Soon they had to duck into a near by lab hide from a couple scientists passing by, finding tubes with human beings floating inside with these blank expressions on their face. One tube having a child inside with a near identical one laying on an operating table. Vacantly with a freshly stitched autopsy scars on his head and chest.
  8. At Camilla’s response to the psychosis treatment working for her without any side effects and her seemingly returning back to normal, he sighed at the oversimplified explanation from her but nodded in response. He stated quietly, “Thats about the basics that happened and were at the elevator to the lab with the flower” as he looked around for the hatch or access into the secret lab from the elevator shaft on top of the elevator that they current stood on top of. As he looked around for the hatch, he would wait for the sound of those inside leaving the elevator before attempting to enter the elevator and listening to there conversation for any information that might help.
  9. Mercy Looked puzzled for a second, but slowly and calmly explained everything that happened to her and that up until just seconds ago she was having a bout of cyber psychosis which was brought on by a Saka netrunner on a local network.Camilla replied "ok... so what Im hearing here is someone caught me off guard, I lost control, was a badass and shot what made me loose control, you got hit by the drone as collateral damage. then I got surrounded for a moment, a moment later I was a badass again buuuuut needed a bit of a patch up. we bailed down the shaft, did a little more badassery. little bit of balance lost, then you stabbed me in the neck? Ok I think I got all of that aside from the fact that you were the one that lived, not sure how I got that mixed up but cherrio churros and all that, no use crying over spilled milk, especially cherrio milk. that milks pretty damn bland. but I guess getting shot up with a needle moments before getting thrown on an elevator is not even in my top 10 worst ways I have woken up so let go, get the job done, and get some breakfast, im feeling cereal" Which he then explained that slipping ment slipping out of reality. It started getting dark now, more and more so by the second, soon total darkness. Soon to be preview to the horror that lies beyond oblivion. You have now plunged deep into the world of survival horror...Good luck
  10. Everything was blurred Everything was fuzzy Everything felt like it was wrong then something jabbed into her goddamn neck, burning into her veins as she snapped back to reality for a moment, ready to shoot whatever corpo fuck decided to stab her before whatever poison kicked in. as she went to swing around and attack the fucker she froze like she saw a ghost, her head was a little jumbly but she was sure mercy had died back in the trash compacter. her pupils dialating as she blinked, feeling concussed as everything was muted and distorted, she was looking for kara, she could have sworn they were just talking with grim gallows humor about how they were bleeding out with a dead doctor a few rooms back. but the details were blurry and off. was that a delusion? was this another one? what the hell ha- well she was still getting her bearings she was yanked forward by the good doctor as she faceplants against the top of the elevator, having not been prepared for that in the slightest "what in my wanted ass's seven hells bells is going on here exactly mercy?"
  11. As the duo had stopped on a ledge and hearing the strain in Camila’s voice, Mercy dug through his med pouch looking for anything that might be helpful. He smiles brightly at a small vial labeled, “Solution P” and glances over at his companion blinking in confusion at the strange detaching noise. Mercy glanced up seeing an elevator rapidly descending in the elevator shaft towards them. He mentally cursed out loud at his luck, “bloody hell!” and quickly grabbed onto Camila’s injecting a dose of the cyber-psychosis treatment into her neck shouting, “Sorry no time to be gentle! Get ready to jump!” Once the elevator had passed by them, he prepared to jump and if needed carry Camila with him onto the top of the elevator to gain access to the secret lab.
  12. "If you have something give it to me now, I'm slipping already." She said sliding her back down the frame of the ledge and sits hoping he has something or maybe it will pass. She looks up at him. If I start to slip and I become out of control give me the pain killer and make me pass out hopefully you can get me out of here. She takes a deep breath as Mercy starts to look really squigglie. Then a flash of confusion on her face, not sure if he hear the sound of something detaching above them. Minutes ago An AV lands on the roof of the Biotechnica building. It's a black and red Arasaka AV and a Woman in a red dress and black jacket walks out. A black Jacket with the Arasaka logo on it. an executive greets her at the door and escorts her to the private elevator. The executive goes on to explain that in experimenting on a way to pollinate the flower they had stumbled on to a new bioweapon that could turn the tide of the war, or even fore Militech to surrender. Perhaps the woman can see her family again he remarked as they proceeded into the elevator with two Saka security guards. Minutes Later and as they made their way down The executive went on to explain that they had a break in before she arrived, nothing two serious just three edge runners looking to steal something for a quick buck. Nothing she should trouble herself with. but it will be the corpse of one of them she will be filming. It's her job as an Arasaka media to record information that is too sensitive to be on the net. she records the footage and curries it to Saburo Arasaka directly. When the elevator reached the bottom they got off and went into a room with a two way mirror. On the other side the mangled and disfigured body of Kara lays on a operating table, as if it was a sacrificial alter. Once the Media got a clear shot they released the seed and pollen into the room he body then began turning a sickly mulchish green and began sprouting buds, as those buds bloomed they began releasing the same gas now, making the room thick with it. Like a sparkling golden amber haze that surrounded this grotesque abomination. Like some kind of evil ancient god rewarding it's people for a worthy sacrifice ..In the past she would have been sickened by this but years of this kind of work have hardened her to the point of being dead inside. She lashed a fake smile telling the executive she got what she needed and that Saburo would be pleased.
  13. He shakes his head at the mention of being primarily saka drones and replies, “honestly don’t know but I do know the corpos use it and I am not sure if it happens naturally from too much chrome or a hacker” as he watches the last drone explode. He gives a small smile and replies in a sad tone, “There are meds to combat the effect but from my experience so far. I don’t know of a cure but I’ve got some contacts that might be able help and I might have something back at the clinic I think…” as he tries to remember if he has anything to help on him or at the clinic.
  14. " So really every cyberpsycho might just be a saka puppet?" She said aiming her arm and taking out the next drone. Taking a moment to enjoy the magic of burning metal falling down around them." Then she went down lower into the abyss of darkness. The hell of secrets Biotechnica has in their closet. Cam could feel her self slipping back mentally so she stopped on a ledge to get her self together. "Know where I can get some good meds for this?" She asked holding onto him smelling him trying something to keep her grounded in reality.
  15. Mercy curses at the buzzing sound echoing down the shaft from above them as he replies, “I only planned on seeing what they had and burning it or only taking what was needed since its tied to a damn bio-weapon” as he glares up at the saka drones. He scowls taking a quick shot at one of the drones and replies, “Sorry but I’ve seen enough cyber-psychosis victims come in and you displayed all the medical signs for it… plus saka hackers are notorious for using it” before he cackles at the mini-explosion from one of the drones burning up into worthless scrap.
  16. " I don't know about you but I say we take what we need and burn the rest. You saw how it reproduces, if we dont make it extinct it will destroy more lives than it saves." The said as she set the line up. "Damn I thought it was a mental disorder ... Fuck I really might not make it out of here alive." She said with a sigh as she repelled to the next floor. Lower and lower they went until they heard a slight hum and saw two saka drones fly down into the shaft.
  17. He shook his head at the mention of Kara and states quietly, “Considering we lost one person and should hopefully have this plant… I might agree” as he watches her pull out the grappling hook. He rubs the back of his neck and clicks his teeth soft replying,” yeah based on that statement, I’d say you got hit with a dose of cyber-psychosis from a hacker and depending on how your body handles the three doses at minimum about a half hour to hour.” He grimly nods as he grabs onto Camila watching how she uses the grappling hooking for the descent down the shaft.
  18. "I remember seeing the bodies and Kara being killed, but not much after that. Everything looks like a kindergardener drawing a rave in my head." Camila looked up at him with a side smile and a shrug as if to say it is what it is. "I wouldn't worry about BTB. He would pay us double just to never show our faces again. Last thing he would want is us leading Saka to his door step." Mentally she was barely there though the pain was gon the twitching and psychosis was still there. "How long do I got until it wears off doc?" She said pealing her self off the wall and looking down into the darkness. In her mind it was like she was staring into the abyss and it was stareing back into her. Calmly she secured her grappling line." Hold onto me..if I slip into another episode you will have to make sure we get down there." She said having him hold onto her and repeling down the shaft.
  19. Standing before the elevator shaft, connected by the maintenance tunnel, a red light flashed behind them. He cursed quietly to himself hearing Camila’s words asking what happened. He sighed softly and responded, “you took out the saka drone and goons that were after us” as he glances down at her in concern. He motions with his head to the dark elevator shaft, “Not sure how long you can stay with me after the saka techies messed with her chrome but my contact had to dip out but gave us a map to this elevator shaft and the lab we need is at the bottom. They also include a pending route out of here.” He continues by saying, “Fucking BTB is probably gonna screw us over since Arasaka knows about us being in here but that plant can be leverage” as he injects her with one more dose of a pain killer saying, “this is the last of the pain killer I can safely give you with it harming you or having to knock you out….” As he sets her down by the wall to the left of the open elevator shaft.
  20. Camila looked wide eyed and mouth gaped that one of these damn squiggles would dare touch her. She was about to lift het gun but then the squiggle formed Mercy's shape.Then she vividly saw Mercy explode with bullet holes and blood mist just as Kara had, even seeing that it was Mercy who had been gunned down and her escaping into the tunnel with Kara and even having to console her before they moved deeper into the tunnel. then a quick flash of reality to him patching her up, but she seemed different not her usually pitch black quirky self that was until she looked at her hands and started playing with the blood because it didnt look or smell like blood." Relax, I've held on through worse." She said looking at her arm.."So what happened?" She asked looking over at the corpses of Saka agents before they turned into dancing neon squiggles, they looked like sombody slid a vibrator into a rainbow. "I'm not coherent." She said in response to him. The pain killer was helping with the shakes and the pain but she slipping back into full psychosis.
  21. Hearing the strangled cries and gunfire that traveled from behind him back down the hallway brought a frown to his face as he took one last look down the elevator shaft before racing back over to a lucid Camila. At the growing pool of blood that was growing underneath her, he quickly digs into his med-pack and curses out loudly, “Fuck!” quickly beginning to pack the shoulder wound with gauze to focus on the stomach wound. With practiced ease, he began to suture the wound closed and remove any bullets or fragments. Once finished, he would move onto the other wound quietly muttering out calmly, “Just hold on almost done” as he gave her a mild local pain med to help with any discomfort from his med-kit. After finishing closing up the wounds and applying a local disinfectant, he wrapped the wounds in gauze and bandages. He proceed to gentle pick her up as he carried her over to the elevator shaft muttering quietly, “Got to get down to that lab and then out of here quickly” as he called for the elevator.
  22. Mercy made his way down the maintence tunnels when he spotted the elevator shaft. He checked the map and saw that that was it. He opened the door leading to it and saw the long drop into darkness. It was like a hole leading into hell but no screams or fire just silent darkness foreboding of the horror to come. He thought about waiting for an elevator to cone by so he can jump on it and catch a lift. But in the distance he heard Saka troops moblizing. He had to go now... But suddenly shots had rang out..they found Camila..screaming echoed through the tunnel.. Once the muffled screams of men and women died out all that was left was this gargled scream for "Merrrcyyy..Mercyy" the final Saka soilders seemed taken aback by it until they caught bullets in the visor of their helmets. Their bodies dropping to the floor, skull, brains, blood and broken glass oozing from the smoking bullets holes. "Meerrrcyyyy Mmeerrrrcyyy" echoed through the tunnel as he rushed over to see her. She was doubled over having caught bullet wounds in her stomach and shoulder. She was bleeding out and he had to act fast.
  23. Having failed at opening the door marked with contamination and the blazing fire of the drone along with the chrome dome having gotten closure, Mercy gritted his teeth in pain from the drone barreling into his chest. The silent buzzing of his agent going off giving a dull green flash of the message with a map, the good doctor would smile faintly diving past the two seemingly distracted oppositions in his way since he could comeback to save Camilla or recover Kara’s body without help and made a mental note to give Cipher a free tune-up. Silently putting his phone in his pocket, he would take off down the hallway following the pre-mapped instructions to the designated elevator, while quietly making his way to the destination intent on grabbing what he could from the secret lab and fleeing the building.
  24. He gave one shoulder but to the door but it was locked tight as he went to make another shoulder butt a bullet streaked by right in front of his head. His eyes widened and he turned his head to find a flaming drone barreling towards him and slamming right into his chest and knocking the wind out of him. Mercy was breathing heavy laid out on the floor as Camila approached gun arm out stretched he head twitching, eyes wandering in a bewildered haze as If she had no idea where she was. Her outstretched arm was now twitching and firing around the tunnel at unseen foes. It was so loud he couldn't hear him self think. But then she just walked by more preoccupied with killing her hallucinations more than anything. Leaving Mercy with only the faint confused whispers of " what's happening? where am I?"faintly echoing in the tunnel. Mercy let out a faint sigh savoring whatever luck he could get in this shit storm. However once he got up he saw that the door was sealed shut with a hologram that said warning contamination. Yet another dead end just when things were looking up. He sat dejected against the wall thinking that at any moment he was gonna get found and executed by Arasaka or worse, used as a lab rat by Biotechnica. He took deep breaths thinking that he should turn back, but he cant leave Camila like this. Then again he considered leaving and coming back with help like BTB or Cipher. Just as he was giving up a message popped up on his Agent...Cipher: "can't talk go here." And on Mercy's phone was a map and a path leading to the elevators and more importantly it shows that one elevator leads past the basement and into what has to be secret sub labs.
  25. Mercy frowned at the sound of the Arasaka Drone or the sound of the terminator pirate infected by the cyber psychosis, which told him that his hacker friend might no longer be in the system. He mentally shouted, “Bloody fucking hell!” as he searched through the metal hidden labor corridor with its eerie red-light and watched the shadowy figures inch closer to his location. He gripped the side of his head trying to wrack his brain for a solution before his green eyes sparkled at the sight of a metal door behind him labeled “lab”. He quickly dashed over to the door silently praying for the door to be open as he braced himself to shoulder check the door hoping for a miracle or that his friend might still be in the system to unlock or open the door for him.
  26. Visibly shaken from witnessing Kara get shot into pieces and her body left draped over the ledge like a rag doll riddled with bullet holes that spouted blood like a fountain. Just shook her head no in a near catatonic state, truly this was a dire situation indeed. The whole thing went tits up from the jump all because one text message at the worst possible time. As reached over to put his hand on her shoulder and tell her that they got to keep moving, hoping to just move on and get this nightmare over with. It was then that the door to the door began to open behind them. The drone having traced the door the Kara had hacked was now shining its light upon them. Camila turned her head to look back and it was then she was hacked by an Arasaka netrunner using the local network to infect Camila with cyber psychosis. Her body began to shake and her arms seemed to move on her own. A feeling of dread mixed with determination filled Mercy's stomach and heart. all those victims of cyber psychosis he had treated were not just diseased chrome addicts who made gonks of themselves by chippin too hard, but another means of control from these corporations. Mercy would seeth in anger if he didn't have to start running for his life from the swarm of bullets heading his way from The drone and her machine gun arm. The bullets ricocheting off the metal walls of the duct making them wiz by him just as he thought he had escaped them. frantically he looked for something, anything to get him out of there, thinking of anything he could do to escape. Taking a stand wont work, even as a last resort, what is a simple shot gun going to doing against a woman who's half pirate and half terminator. Still where can he go there has to be some way to go but everything he sees is a dead end and he's almost rand half way around the building trying to escape. All the while he could hear her grunting and groaning in agony as he body slowly stalks the metal corridors, her metal arms scratching and banging on the metal walls as she shambles closer and closer. but the sounds only mask the faint hum of the drone as it comes even closer. What could be done, soon the drone will be on him? Mercy had to take a stand now or find somewhere to hide it seemed like he was at the end of his rope and soon the drone will be on him and Camila is not too far behind it. Perhaps he could trap the drone somehow and possibly damage its visual sensor?
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