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Closed Club

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About This Club

Welcome everyone to the dark case club, I hope you'll finding your stay here very enjoyable. This is an extension to my roleplay, all the events that happens here serve as a prequal to my plot. Because my roleplay plot is long, here I have segments of it, so its like we are playing parts within the same universe, thus all are considered canon. What's important to know is that I'm accepting only male members at the moment. The roleplay will involve story, but make no mistake as it can get very smutty, with hardcore sexual scene. At the moment I have three parts planed for this club, and depending on how things go, I can make more. All the male members in the club will be having dom roles, and are going to roleplay with me strictly. As I'm going to play the main female character and assign the male characters to the members. Its because I have all parts planned out with the characters I would like to play with, the members whom are interested in specific segment will contact me to get a character, and ask about anything they would like to know before we start. Of course we would discuss about the character chosen by me for the member, and if there is a specific background they would like to have. Only if your going to play as one of the three sexual zombie types, than you can jump right in after discussing it with me, with no background information needed. I'll be roleplaying My character in first person, while the members can choose if they want to roleplay in first of third person perspective. I'm going to take care of majority of things, regarding story and how to advance it. What I'm aiming for is to have hardcore, and very steamy smut in the sexual scenes, of Couse with in respect of my kinks. That's why I would like the members joining to be, a bit skilled in their ability to write with me, in story, action scene, and most importantly the sexual scenes. So no one liners, the members have to have, at least, the ability to write one full paragraph, 2 to 3 paragraphs is the goal and if you have can do more than that, it would be amazing. Common in I hope you all enjoy your stay and have fun

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
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