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About This Club

Have you ever wanted to feel your rights be stripped away and reduced until you were just a beast in search of pleasure? In the world of fuck or be fucked, those willing to throw away their humanity are the ones most likely to make it out. That is if they even want to. The Donjon doesn't ask, it takes. And one day you will wake up here with only loose memories of what the outside world looked like. All manner of beast and monster here seek nothing more than to claim you and use you. But don't think your fellow prisoners will be anymore merciful, for they are just as likely to want to ravage you as the monsters you tried to escape. Any decision can end up with you in a BAD END.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Okay people. I do apologize for my lack of showing. But as I said on the site it's. Been a lot of me not being able to have the energy to get on. But for all you party people for now you have a character. Look at the other characters. And ask the people to rp! It can be in this club or private. This is always a place to have ideas and loves to jump into your RP situations. So if we'd all like we can just start. I should be getting a bit more active in the coming days so heres hoping that pans out. As always thank you!
  3. It's been a good while since I've been back here, think since November last year, and I understand the sentiments. A lot of the clubs with huge member counts seem to be the active ones at first glance, and as much as I'd like to maybe try out for them, I feel a little awkward about dropping in on something already in action. ^^; The week just started, and I know some folks might have jobs or other obligations to attend to (I myself got one back in January, so that contributed to keeping me away for a good span of time until i felt I could juggle it better), so I won't write it off just yet. I had planned to lean more into a character type who liked to play rather than lose, seeing the other characters we have in the game presently. That being said, if I could find someone fitting that description, I would definitely have to give it a look. : p
  4. I'm a little unsure about the activity at clubs... I kind of feel like they're all dead haha I've already written to the creator but somehow it's dragging on... https://ecchidreams.com/dreamer/7162-blakerp/ I would really like to start this here somehow. I'm always in the mood for some fantasy RP, lewd is always good, but also some normal conversation and actions between different characters/Players... Maybe someone would like to do something privately in a group? High quality multiplay rp in a fantasy setting?
  5. Coming back from a long and damning hiatus, this club looked like it has some fun concepts I wouldn't mind trying with in the coming days. ^^ I'm going to give it more of a look and see what comes to me.
  6. Name: Shiro Core: Shiro is something like the personification of arbitrariness and does exactly what she feels like Alignment: Chaos Race/Species: mystical neko girl Appearance: Shiro has a cute and attractive appearance who combines various animal and human characteristics. Her short, white hair is messily cut and some strands stick out playfully. Her large, bright red eyes give her a lively and striking look. Her body is covered in leopard spots, emphasizing her animalistic aspect, and she has both cat ears and a spotted tail. She displays a friendly and playful facial expression, with her small fangs visible. Shiro enchantingly combines the elegance of a girl with the fierce features of a leopard, giving her a unique and captivating look. Background: Shiro comes from an ancient, mysterious world where magic and mystical beings are omnipresent. As the personification of arbitrariness, she has no fixed past or future and lives entirely in the moment. Her origins are a mystery that she herself does not fully understand. Shiro appears in a variety of places and times, always looking for new adventures and experiences. Shiro finds particular pleasure in playing pranks and driving others to the brink of madness. She loves to steal important things or reveal secrets, often causing chaos and confusion. Her pranks are often clever and well thought out, which often drives their victims to despair. This unpredictable and mischievous aspect of her personality makes her both fascinating and dangerous. Skills and Abilities: Instant Teleportation: Shiro can teleport freely through space, even taking people she touches with her. She uses this ability not only to escape or move around, but also for her pranks by appearing and disappearing unexpectedly. She can take any shape and type of mass with her and move it to another location as desired. If she doesn't like someone at all and in a rare case is upset, she can also take a person to a burning volcano, miles in the sky, or deep in the ocean and leave them there. Feline Reflexes: Her animalistic instincts give her exceptional reflexes and agility. Master of Pranks: Her ability to pull pranks and wreak havoc is unparalleled. She can uncover the deepest secrets and steal the most important items without getting caught. Tools and Artifacts: Enchanted Diary: An ancient diary that records her thoughts and experiences and gives her advice in times of need. When she reads it, her own memories slowly disappear and collect as stories in the pages of the book. Magical Collar: Shiro wears a cute collar that has her name on it. This necklace has a special magic: if someone manages to gain her favor, they become her owner for a while, whom she serves with joy and obedience. Whether as a helpful companion, useful maid or in another form, she shows her loyalty and support during this time. This is a kind of compensation that is intended to compensate for her arbitrary nature and gives her motivation to be even more arbitrary. Personal Goals: Shiro has no fixed goals as she is guided by her arbitrary nature. She constantly seeks new experiences and adventures to satisfy her curiosity and meet new people. Sometimes she helps others when it serves her interests or just on a whim. Her only constant goal is to remain free and unattached, always following their own path. Apart from that, she likes to confuse people, and her arbitrariness and friendly nature ensure that she is hated and liked at the same time.
  7. name : amaterasu. ( i like to lose ) core : nine tailed fox. alignment : ambition. race / species : kitsune. appearance : appears in her mid twenties, but is at least a thousand years old. background : amaterasu was born in a shrine in eastern japan. for a little while, her childhood was pleasant. her parents were loving and caring, albeit strict. when she was a teenager, a group of bandits raided the family's shrine and slaughtered amaterasu's parents in front of her. such caused her to despise humans. she traveled alone for a long time, honing her skills and abilities and choosing to be in the company of other yokai. after stalking them for many months, amaterasu made her first move on the ones who killed her parents. she used her skills to lure them in the forest and slaughtered them in the most painful ways imaginable. with her revenge exacted, her life had no purpose. she indulged in drinking and smoking, as well as the pleasures of the flesh. she sees ending up in the donjon as divine punishment from the gods, but she intends to make the most out of it. hone her magic, battle strong opponents and even submit to the pleasures this place has to offer. in other words, lots and lots of sex. skills and abilities : pyrokinesis : she can control a special type of blue fire, that can only be created by powerful kitsune. shape shifting : she can change her appearance at will, but with some limitations. she cannot change her age or gender, but she can recolour her hair and change the size of her breasts and bust. pheromones & heats : being a fox, she has monthly heats and can release pheromones that attract her mates. deception : she's a master manipulator and liar and can talk people into doing things she wants them to do. mind control : she can control somebody's mind for a short amount of time, if they're not more powerful than her. impregnation : she can be impregnated by more than one partners and can carry multiple children at the same time. her limit is six. fox form : she can change into a white, nine - tailed fox. ( not used for smut purposes ) seduction : she can seduce men and monsters by blowing them a kiss. this spell works like an aphrodisiac, but can wear off quickly and their lust isn't necessarily directed at amaterasu. hand to hand : she's familiar with hand to hand combat, but typically uses kitsune magic to fight. tools and artifacts : she doesn't have many tools, only a magical orb that can be used to enhance her magic. personal goals : just having a good time and destroying anyone who goes against her.
  8. this club seems like my kind of thing and i'm excited to get started ! i'll work on a character asap ! faceclaim is going to be a pain to find ngl.
  9. Name: Lord Karl Vergewaltiger Core: Perverse magical knight Alignment: Domination Race/Species: Magically enhanced human Appearance: Karl looks like an unusual tall, muscular human, covers in scars. The iris of his eyes change color in relation to his desires. Karl is aware of this and can use this to his advantage. His eyes are usually black indicating lust, red for anger, blue for happiness and so on. Background: Karl was born into nobility, grew up in a world of privilege and abundance. Despite his advantages, or perhaps because of them, Karl developed a sense of superiority and entitlement, thigs came too easily and naturally to him. By fifteen he had develop his view on society, he believes the rules that govern society are wrong, that men are meant to rule over women whom are born to serve, and that many laws and taboos simply didn't apply to someone of his calibre. It is said that by this age he had already turned into sex slaves all of his female tutors. By adulthood this mindset led him down a dark path, using his abilities and education to build a criminal empire funded by on trafficking and the enslavement of women and girls. Most of which became either willing particpants or unwilling slaves and servants to his crimila enterprise. Of all the prisoners in Donjon, he is perhaps the most deserving of being there, yet he is perhaps the only one that is there out of his own volition seeking a challenge commensurate to his skills. Skills: • Sword Training: Karl has unparalleled skill with the greatsword. His mastery of the massive blade means he can wielded it with an elegance and precision that defy the laws of physics. • Privileged Education: Karl was born into a life of extraordinary privilege, with access to the finest education money can buy. From his earliest years, he was educated by world-renowned instructors serving as personal tutors. • Black Market Connections: Karl illicit desires meant he operated in the shadows of society, he has extensive black market connections in the underground economy. Through years of careful networking and calculated risks, he had cultivated relationships with smugglers, forgers, and various criminal enterprises. • Sexual Manipulator: Karl was born with an unsettling talent for coercion and manipulation, that he has honed through years of practice and keen observation of female nature. He has an uncanny ability to identify women's lusts and weaknesses in order to ruthlessly exploit them using a combination of intimidation, and deceit. • Body Flicker: Karl can move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if Karl has teleported. This is accomplished by harnessing magic to energize the body to move at extreme speeds fast enough to overcome the force of gravity. This technique makes it seem as if Karl can instantly move from one place to another. However, whilst teleportation actually can transport the user through space, this technique is merely high-speed movement. Abilities: • Illusion Magic: Karl isn't a master of this ability in fact Karl in general doesn't like using it but if pushed or if he is feeling particularly sadistic he can make himself look and sound like other people or large objects such a pillars, statues etc. For inanimate objects this is used as camouflage and for stealth. Karl only takes another person's appearance if he desire to trick a girl into believing he is their lover, husband or significant other. If he is touched this effect ends. • Pheromone Lust: Karl can actively activate an area of pheromones in a 10ft radius around him. These pheromones only arouse females and only if Karl himself finds them attractive. They only affect humanoids, never animals. The effect gets worse with time and lasts twice as long as the time Karl spent near the target. • Magically Enhanced Body: Karl's body has undergone powerful magical enhancements, transforming him into a being of superhuman prowess. His strength allows him to lift impossibly heavy objects and shatter stone with his bare hands. His endurance surpasses mortal limits, enabling him to fight and fuck tirelessly for days or traverse vast distances without rest. His magically augmented health grants him regeneration and immunity to most diseases and poisons. • Tactile Telepathy: By touching someone, even briefly, Karl can instantly perceive the target's mental state, recall their past experiences, and understand their deepest secrets and desires. This ability provides unparalleled insight into motivations and knowledge, making it a powerful tool for gathering information, solving mysteries, or manipulating social situations. Karl primarily uses this ability against women using their darkest desires to shame and humiliate them. This ability only works on humanoids. • Elemental Magic Mastery: Karl's mastery of elemental magic sets him apart as one of the most formidable sorcerers of his age. He commands the primal forces of nature with brutal efficiency, weaving spells of fire, water, earth, and air to devastating effect. Karl can given sufficient casting time summon raging infernos, conjure tidal waves, raise mountains from flat terrain, and call forth tempests with but a gesture. • Sexual Magic: Karl had several spells to use for the explicit domination and subjugation of women. The worst of these spells cause the target to behave and speak as if they want to have sex with the caster and is enjoying whatever the caster is doing to them. However the spell deliberately leaves the rest of the mind of the target intact, this in effect makes it appear as if target is a consenting and eager participating in the sexual act, and if asked directly will say as much as effusively as possible. However to the target it is as if their body is betraying, behaving differently than what they would want but unable to explain it. The more the target hates, resents, dislikes or finds Karl undesirable, the more she is compelled to act as if the opposite is true. Artifacts: • Drackentoter: A thick mass of black steel that can barely be called a sword. According to legend, it's said this weapon was created to face dragons, and is imbued with magic to protect the wielder from their elements they wield. Karl has further enhanced with magical gems to be able to call it to his hand and to significantly strengthen the steel to become virtually indestructible. The flat of the sword is so large it can be use as a shield. • Magieritterustung: This extraordinary magical armor is a marvel of enchantment, adapting to its wearer's will. With a thought, the armor can alter its appearance, shifting between styles, colors, and materials to suit any situation or preference. It can manifest as gleaming plate mail, supple leather, or ordinary clothing. It's most remarkable feature is its ability to completely vanish at the wearer's command, leaving no trace of its existence until summoned again. When active, it provides exceptional protection against a wide array of attacks, whether physical or magical. The armor absorbs and disperses incoming damage, leaving its wearer largely unscathed from assaults that would fell an ordinary person. Tools: • Dietrich Key: This magical skeleton appears as an ornate, ancient key adorned with mystical symbols. Its power lies in its ability to adapt and change shape, fitting and unlocking virtually any lock, whether mechanical or magical. When inserted, the key's teeth morph to match the lock's mechanism, bypassing complex wards, dispelling magical seals, and deactivating alarms. Its magic extends beyond physical locks, opening sealed portals and even technological locks. • Portable Harem: This magical collapsible harem is an extraordinary artifact of spatial manipulation magic. When inactive, it appears as a small, ornate trinket easily carried in a pocket. Upon activation, it expands into a full-sized luxurious mansion, complete with opulent rooms, lavish furnishings, and even expansive grounds. The harem's crown jewel is its magnificent bath complex, featuring pools of various temperatures, therapeutic mineral waters, and enchanted steam rooms. A staff of near-transparent servants, liveried and obedient, wait upon all who enter. This pocket-sized harem provides instant luxury and privacy wherever its owner travels. With a simple command, the entire structure can be reduced back to its portable form, leaving no trace behind. This magical dwelling offers the ultimate combination of convenience and extravagance. Personal Goals: Karl's goal is simply to enslave as many girls and women into his personal harem and rule the prison as it's undisputed king and leader. Karl already believes he is the most powerful being in the prison, if he isn't his goal
  10. If you're looking to play with me or another DM first check if the DM is available. Get their okay, then simply make a topic of your adventure. In it's title please include The name of the other player or Dm The location of where you're going to be For example it could be BLAKE RP X RANDOM VICTIM PRISON- THE SHOWERS However, if a scene moves from the location to another then go ahead and keep it going. just make sure to note in the post where you're going. Also, if another player wants to join. They can ask you don't have to but it's a public club X3 Also for playing with another player, that's something you two can set up on your own. Feel free to act as a DM for solo encounters I.E if you're playing for a person and they want a group of monsters to ravage them, feel free to play a group of beasts even if you're not a dm. The world building is pretty light and the rules lighter. So you can just do it. The only rule is any named NPCS I make you don't take without permission. As well they're meant to be mine lol
  11. Name: Amante Maritriza Vitima (i like to lose) Core: Amante was created to please her master. Her purpose is service and pleasure, and her abilities all align with this purpose. Alignment: Lust Race/Species: Amante appears human, but she is actually a magical construct composed of 99 different individuals merged together from species including: aasimar, amazon, andorian, angel, asari, chiss, drow, dryad, elf, erinyes, ex nihili, fae, falleen, human, korrigan, kymellian, mermaid, nagaraj, naiad, neko, nixie, nymph, orion, pixie, red martian, sakaraan, satyress, siren, succubus, sylph, tamaranian, tau, tiefling, togruta, twi'lek, vampire, werewolf, yokai, zabrak, and zeltron, among others Appearance: Amante is designed to appear to each person in a form to which they are most attracted. When no one else is present she appears as a lithe, young human maiden with blonde hair and a perfect body. Background: [Character’s backstory and major life events that shaped them] Skills: Amante has skills as a lover rivaled by only the most experienced and expensive courtesans and concubines. Abilities: Shape Shifting: Amante can change her appearance to that of any of the ninety-nine original individuals from which she was created. She can change her facial features, height, and body shape as well. She has no conscious control over her shape-shifting. Her appearance only changes when it would make her more attractive to the person she is with. Attractive Appearance: Amante is designed to appear to each person in a form to which they are most attracted. Reciprocal Arousal: If someone near her is aroused, she becomes aroused as well. If she is the cause of this arousal, she responds to it in kind. Her own excitement increases with that of her partner, though hers will likely continue even if the partner loses theirs. Impervious to Permanent Damage and Death: Amante cannot be maimed, killed or permanently marked. Over the past several hundred years she has been tortured, lacerated, stabbed, shot, boiled alive, impaled, drawn and quartered, skinned, beheaded, burned alive in a lava flow, dissolved in acid, had all of her internal organs removed, had her skin flayed from her body, and been disintegrated. Several hours later she awakes near where she was apparently slain as good as new without a mark on her. Tattoos and scars are similarly impermanent for her. When she is tattooed, it disappears within several hours. Scars fade over a period of several hours. Restrictions: Amante cannot deny a request provided it will enhance the pleasure of another. There are some exceptions, most notably that she will not cause physical harm to come to any living thing. She seems to forget sexual encounters, and always acts innocent as if she had no idea of her own past. Tools and Artifacts: none. Personal Goals: She was created by a powerful mage to be his servant and concubine. As she cannot deny a request that will enhance the pleasure of another, she has no real goals of her own. She simply exists, pleases others, forgets, and innocently offers herself up for the pleasure of others again.
  12. Yes! This club still exists! Even though I've failed to do anything with it up to this point! I still believe in the power of the bad end club! So, First things first, I request some help from my lovely club members! Make your characters! and go into the prison! This club can either be Player X player in certain areas! OR DM x PLAYER. If someone wants to become a DM private message me and we can set up this stuff! (Still looking for people to help set up the club btw)
  13. Name: Rivean Core: A disgraced human noble who seeks to further her understanding of forbidden magic. Alignment: Ambition Race/Species: Corrupt human Appearance: A human female of medium height and build. She's naturally beautiful with long wavy Black hair a heart shaped face and a curvaceous figure. The only way you'd know she wasn't fully human were her pointed ears, the changing color of her eyes and small collection of magical runes tattood on her body. (As she becomes more corrupted and depending on her experiences in the Donjon her body will change to reflect those experiences.) Background: Born to a noble family of a pious and holy kingdom, Rivean had everything she could ever want and it was never enough. She was bored with the restrictive lifestyle of her homeland and constantly sought out new and interesting experiences growing up. Eventually she found Magic which she excelled at but her homeland strictly monitored it's usage and in the end she felt mkre stifled than ever. As she became an adult she would eventually discover chaos magic. The ability to manipulate matter and warp reality to the will of the user. When she was caught she was quickly exiled and eventually was sent to the Donjon. This will not stop Rivean, she has found the one thing she always wanted and she'll stop at nothing to master it. Skills and Abilities: (Shape Shifting I) Can change the proportions colors and shape of her body to a limited degree (Manipulate mind I) Can affect a single target to change their emotional state or perception of events. (Chaos Bolt I) Can throw a small bolt of chaos energy though she has no real control over what it will actually do... Tools and Artifacts: None. Personal Goals: To establish herself and gain knowledge so that she can determine her own path for once.
  14. The Yard- This is the place where it's wide open, but there's plenty of hidey holes to be found. Wide open, the guards patrol here loosely. They don't seem to care what you do as long as no one dies. So it's a lawless place where people buy and sell, almost operating as a whole market place. But watch out for the Yard has various factions that own the land, and if you try and set up you might be made to pay "protection" or worse, be made to sell more than just your crafts to appease the offense. The factions are. The Iron Chain Brotherhood - The Swarm
  15. The initial opening of the Donjon, it is here that you awaken and it is here that you must learn the basics of the world and try to escape before you are captured and used for whatever uses the guards have of you. The types of creatures here are numerous and varied, but they tend to follow the themes of being smaller and attacking in groups, with the big brutish Guards, and the devious Warden. There are various methods of being played with here. -If you want to play as a Prisoner expect to be ravaged and taken. Toys will be used, monsters include tentacle beasts, the guards which are hulking monsters of muscle and violence. And there are also rumors of the guard dogs, massive beasts that will hunt down your scent if you're not where you're supposed to be, If you want to be a monster- You will either be a guard, or a guard's beast. You have authority. But the warden is the god of this floor. Notable Locations- The yard. The Punishment Room Showers Cellblock Canteen https://imgbox.com/md25WD6m
  16. Once you have an idea for the character you want to create. Go ahead and put them down below. Please not you can start almost anywhere on floor 0, 1 and 2. If you want to have been in the dungeon for a while, that's fine. But if you want to have just arrived you must start in 0 the prison.
  17. Name: [Character Name] Core: [A brief description or essence of the character’s personality or role] Alignment: [Choose from Lust, Domination, Chaos, Ambition] Race/Species: [Applicable if your world includes different races or species] Appearance: [Description of the character’s physical appearance] Background: [Character’s backstory and major life events that shaped them] Skills and Abilities: [Special abilities or skills your character has, relevant to their Core and Alignment] Tools and Artifacts: [Important equipment or special items that the character possesses] Personal Goals: [What drives your character? What are they trying to achieve in the Donjon?] for Example Name: Lucille Core: A cunning and seductive predator who uses her charm and wit to manipulate and control others. Alignment: Ambition Race/Species: Arachne (Spider-Human Hybrid) Appearance: Lucille possesses a haunting beauty, with sharp, angular features and captivating, multi-faceted eyes that shimmer with a hint of malice. Her lower body is that of a giant black widow spider, glossy and imposing, while her upper body is human, draped in dark, elegant garments that blend into her shadowy silhouette. Background: Born under the cursed moon in the forgotten woods, Lucille was ostracized by both humans and full-blooded creatures of her kind. She learned quickly that power and influence were keys to survival. Over the years, she honed her abilities, becoming a feared and respected figure in the underworld of the Donjon. Skills and Abilities: Web Crafting: Can create and manipulate webs that are nearly indestructible, using them to trap, communicate, or create barriers. Venomous Bite: Her bite can paralyze or kill, depending on her intention. Charm: Uses her alluring presence to manipulate others emotionally and psychologically. Tools and Artifacts: Ring of the Night Widow: A mystical ring that enhances her venom’s potency and grants her the ability to become invisible under moonlight. Personal Goals: Lucille seeks to build a network of influence and power that spans the entire Donjon, aiming to never be vulnerable or powerless again. Also please note you can just use photos instead of descriptions, and you can leave a backstory vague since your character "doesn't fully remember it" in lore unless you want the backstory.
  18. So you've been sucked into the Donjon with no idea what to do! Oh no! Don't worry with our convenient [] step program we're going to tell you the basics to figuring out your core attributes and how to work with them! so STEP ONE) Figure out your core. This is the core idea of your character, feel free to draw on any number of troupes to make it work if you want. The Donjon is something beyond time and space, so don't feel constrained to fantasy. Have an idea for a Cyberpunk character to explore the Donjon? Bring them in, fantasy warlock that needs to fuck the tentacles to get her power? Bring her in! STEP TWO) Choose your Cruelty. On your character sheet right under your name, you're going to write in "I like to play." or "I like to lose." This is to determine your level of difficulty in doing everything. If you want to just have your character get ravaged all the time. Then "I like to lose" is for you. But if you're more interested in exploring the depths of the Donjon and finding out it's secrets. The "I like to play" is another option. Or even if you just want to make your attackers work for it. STEP THREE) Choose your Alignment. In the Donjon Alignment isn't as simple as good or bad. It's about the core of what you value. The four Alignments are Lust Characters aligned with Lust are driven by desires and passions. This alignment doesn't necessarily pertain only to sexual or romantic desires but encompasses any deep, burning need that drives a person. Lustful characters are often compelling because they are so in tune with their wants, and their actions are directly motivated by the pursuit of personal satisfaction. They might seek pleasure, the thrill of the chase, or the satisfaction of their deepest cravings, making them unpredictable and intensely focused individuals. Domination This alignment is about control and power. Characters who choose Domination want to assert their will over others and the environment. They are often leaders, tyrants, or manipulative strategists who use their intelligence, charisma, or brute force to achieve their goals. The quest for power can be for personal gain, security, or a genuinely believed greater good, but the method always involves some form of dominance over others. Chaos Chaos is the alignment of change, entropy, and unpredictability. Characters aligned with Chaos value freedom from restrictions and may see disorder as a necessary state to bring about transformation. They might strive to disrupt the status quo, challenge norms, and push boundaries, often resulting in creative breakthroughs or destructive rampages. Their actions are often spontaneous and driven by a desire to see what happens next, regardless of the consequences. Ambition Characters aligned with Ambition are driven by their aspirations and goals. They are the go-getters, the dreamers, the schemers, and the climbers. Their ambition could be for power, knowledge, recognition, or any other form of achievement. The positive aspect of Ambition lies in its motivational force—ambitious characters are often dynamic, proactive, and capable of great feats. They inspire others and can bring about significant positive changes or advancements. STEP FOUR) Equip Your Tools. Here, you decide on the tools, weapons, or artifacts your character possesses. These can be as mundane or as fantastical as you wish. A cybernetic hacker might have a deck that can interface with any computer, while a fantasy mage might wield a wand that channels arcane energies. Consider how these tools can help or hinder your journey through the Donjon, reflecting your core attributes and alignment. However any tool can be taken, and you only have so much initial (S)exp to use. Make sure not to blow your load too quickly. STEP FIVE) Define Your Quest. No one ends up in the Donjon for no reason, and while you don't choose to come here. You're brought here instead by a burning need inside of you. What is that burning need, and just what will you do in order to see it become reality? The Donjon is a place of danger, mystery and wonder. But it can be very rewarding to those who play it's games. STEP SIX) have fun That is the basics of character creation in terms of the ideals. If you want to see the character sheet please go to the CHARACTER SHEET topic *this topic might not be made yet if not please hold
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