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Closed Club  ·  1 member  ·  Rules

World of Spirits


These rules are mostly to ensure that I, as the person overlooking this club, am comfortable with the content I watch over. So please respect them.

General Rules:

  • No NSFW gifs or images. Only images that are drawn or CGI. (can be anime or cartoon too, so long as it's not too cartoonish, e.g. One Piece or the Cal Arts style.) No photos or AI art.
  • No OOC harrassment or bullying. 
  • No OOC homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism or xenophobia allowed.
  • No necrophilia, bestaility, pedophilia, hebephilia, vore, scat, watersports, vomit and things of that nature. Biting/blood sucking for vampires is fine, though. 
  • Any submissions/roleplays/requests should be approved by me and I will delete them if I deem them too inappropriate. 

Roleplay Rules:

  • No godmodding. Don't kill any characters without the permission of the person playing them. 
  • Roleplays should be in 3rd person except for diaries enteries, letters, emails, texts and things of that nature.
  • Unless texting is involved, IC responses in text talk should be avoided.

Original Character Submission Rules:

  • All characters must be 18+. I will not accept shotas and lolis.
  • No characters, original or canon, should share the same centre.
  • They cannot be Mary Sues/Gary Stus. This means that they cannot be flawless or overly powerful - I'll provide a character sheet to that end, which you can make more detailed or fancier, but must fill in any section not stated to be "optional". 
  • Since canon spirits come in various forms, so can canon spirits. They don't all have to have been human before they died, but they should appear, in the very least, vaguely anthropomorphic. 
  • Non-humanoid animal companions are very welcome provided they're not used in sexual scenarios and explicit depictions of cruelty towards them are avoided.

Canon Character Rules:

  • You must audition to have a canon character role, and this audition must be public so people know how you play the character you auditioned for.
  • If in a roleplay you use a canon character as a minor character I might allow certain characters to be used as such - the Guardians -, even without auditions, but not Pitch. If you want a villain for your story that'll abuse folks and be a shit dad, make an OC. 
  • All canon characters will be seen as 18+ physically and mentally. They will never participate in anything remotely sexual in any form that looks or behaves in a child-like fashion. (Exceptions might be made in instances of abuse, but even then it must be made clear that it is in fact abuse and nothing else.) 
  • If you are inactive for long enough, the canon character might get taken off you.
  • Technically, multiple people can play a canon character, provided they've shown that they can in fact play them - hence the auditions. These also give players a chance to pick between people's different interpretations of the same character. 

Crossover Rules:

  • Certain crossovers are allowed, provided they follow certain conditions. 
  • The verses must be ones that I am familiar enough with.
  • The pairings must be ones I am comfortable with. You can find some such pairings HERE along with some of the verses I am familiar with. This isn't an exhaustive list, and it will likely have things added to it later. Pairings I am not comfortable with may not be used or even mentioned in roleplays within this club in any capacity, not even a very minor one. 
  • You also need to audition to play canon characters from other verses. Multiple people can hold the same canon character but they must all have gotten through auditions successfully.
  • All characters from crossovers must be 18+ in any roleplay within this club.


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