1. Everyone knows this rule, NO GOD MODDING!!!!!. You are not invincible and you are not undefeatable.
2. When rping, be sure to use third person and write like your writing a book, write up to three or more lines per paragraph(Based on PC). No one liners, it isn't a story if there is only one to two lines. When rping and writing in third person you will refer to your character as if he/she is someone else, there is no "I, me, or myself" in third person its, "he/she, his/her", ect.
Line 1: beginning of paragraph
line 2
Line 3: end of paragraph
3. You must start with at least 2 or more characters, but as the new human race family grows so will the amount of character you can have will grow as well, your character can also be either a family members, friends, or strangers to my character(s). If we start a group rp, then you must have permission from the other players before creating a character related to their characters.
4. Mature content is allowed, primary focused Kinks will be Bestiality, Lolicon, and Incest. (Others may be applies depending on players preferences.)
5. The characters who first started this story are the ones who are known as the Primary Parents to all new characters, unless the new characters have children then they shall be grandmas to the new children of their children.
6. Depending on the preference of the people I roleplay with, will determine how our characters will give birth to their children. There are two options, Normal Birth with no blood and not as painful, or Alternate Birth with a more magical way of birthing.(More will be explained within Information)
7. Depending on individuals interests Children Growth can range anywhere between Instant growth, rapid growth, or a slow growth up to the lowest age of starting characters and they will then age slowly by year. Depending on weather we do a Group or 1x1 roleplay this will determine which form we do based on the person I'm roleplaying prefers.(More will be explained within Information)
8. Powers and Abilities will be given in certain locations and after certain tasks have been completed given by spirits throughout the new world. I will be giving our characters Powers and Abilities based off of what I see in our pics that relate to color, items, objects, and effects, along with what I have seen within characters Bio's and Character Sheets. You will not be able to choose your characters powers and abilities, if I can't think of any powers or abilities for the characters, then I will let you choose your characters powers and/or abilities.
9. Earth has been destroyed and your characters have died and the chosen humans have been selected to be reincarnated onto a new planet. The new plant life will look completely different and may taste differently than what our characters will be use to, some that may look good to eat, may end up tasting horrible or be poisonous. Please be aware of this when roleplaying this. However since our characters are use to what Earth had to offer in the line of food, their taste buds may try to make them think that the new food taste similar to something from the old world.
For example a purple leaved tree has a round fruit on it that is a red-ish orange color and may look similar to an apple, but when your character bites into it, it tastes similar to raw meat. When animals and other things are eventually brought into the rp, they may also end up tasting different as well.
10. All Characters will be eternally the same age they are reincarnated as. So if you put your characters age as 10 in the character sheet, then they will be 10 for all eternity. However, do not confuse this for immortality, our characters will not be immortals, they will just never age beyond the age provided.
Note: I do not plan on characters actually dying in this roleplay, but that doesn't mean they can't get hurt or sick from poisons.
11. Children born from the Main Primary Characters will have a max age, based on the parent they are birthed from. So if the mother that birthed them is age 10, then the children they give birth to will stop aging at age 10.