the page holds information concerning locations, individuals and other things contained within the club or rather that is to say it will
The Demon King Manor
- Kings Chambers
the sleeping chambers of the demon king is decored with red plantlife with a bed in the middle resembling a bed in the middle of a red forest. the king sleeps here but occasionally partakes in intercourse with suiters and occasionally servents often times 4 or more people at a time.
- Throne Room
the thrown room were the demon-king sits and awaits issues to adress at all times, 2 body guards and 8 servents are present. it is not unheard of to find the king in the middle of coitus on the thrown or to find a pile of women and/or femboys piled infront of or around the thrown from sexual exhaustion of being filled with his seed... who knows you might be next...
- Dinning Hall
the dinning hall of the demon kings manor, typically invites staff for a feast or invited guest. commonly the feast will end with a orgy of demons trying to impregnate the guest and staff in question or alternatively the food may be found covered in a white glaze. though this is not always the case.
- Servent Quarters
the quarters for servents such as butlers, maids, and cocubines alike. used for sleeping, eating and taking care of other business. when not doing any duties they go here. though the act of fornication is not allowed in these quarters. the quarters are headed by 3 individuals a top maid a top butler and a top cocubine, who are allowed to make use of the corrasponding servents to the wish and desire.
-military Barracks
barracks for military personel, were soldiers and new recruits are trained, sleep, eat, and are sometimes punished. its rare but sometimes the demonking makes a visit here to "sample" the strong soliders in training as well as personel.
- Quart yard
quart yard of the demon king. home to a large guarden, farmland and even cattle, with the addition of a fountain. occasionally open to the public of the demonkings kingdom. sometimes prisoners or punished servents will be sent here placed in pillories or there contraptions to be used for public use and display...
-The Underground Dungeon
the underground dungeon is a dungeon where the surplus of monsters go as well as long term prisoners acting as both a prison and breeding ground for monsters to reproduce as a act of mercy the demon king threw in a few weapons to increase prisoners chances of not becoming a ona-hole upon the time spent there.
The Demon Kingdom