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the page holds information concerning locations, individuals and other things contained within the club or rather that is to say it will


The Demon King Manor


- Kings Chambers


the sleeping chambers of the demon king is decored with red plantlife with a bed in the middle resembling a bed in the middle of a red forest. the king sleeps here but occasionally partakes in intercourse with suiters and occasionally servents often times 4 or more people at a time.


- Throne Room


the thrown room were the demon-king sits and awaits issues to adress at all times, 2 body guards and 8 servents are present. it is not unheard of to find the king in the middle of coitus on the thrown or to find a pile of women and/or femboys piled infront of or around the thrown from sexual exhaustion of being filled with his seed... who knows you might be next...



- Dinning Hall


the dinning hall of the demon kings manor, typically invites staff for a feast or invited guest. commonly the feast will end with a orgy of demons trying to impregnate the guest and staff in question or alternatively the food may be found covered in a white glaze. though this is not always the case.



- Servent Quarters


the quarters for servents such as butlers, maids, and cocubines alike. used for sleeping, eating and taking care of other business. when not doing any duties they go here. though the act of fornication is not allowed in these quarters. the quarters are headed by 3 individuals a top maid a top butler and a top cocubine, who are allowed to make use of the corrasponding servents to the wish and desire.



-military Barracks


barracks for military personel, were soldiers and new recruits are trained, sleep, eat, and are sometimes punished. its rare but sometimes the demonking makes a visit here to "sample" the strong soliders in training as well as personel.



- Quart yard


quart yard of the demon king. home to a large guarden, farmland and even cattle, with the addition of a fountain. occasionally open to the public of the demonkings kingdom. sometimes prisoners or punished servents will be sent here placed in pillories or there contraptions to be used for public use and display...



 -The Underground Dungeon 


the underground dungeon is a dungeon where the surplus of monsters go as well as long term prisoners acting as both a prison and breeding ground for monsters to reproduce as a act of mercy the demon king threw in a few weapons to increase prisoners chances of not becoming a ona-hole upon the time spent there.




The Demon Kingdom



 The royal courtyard + Inner Gates


ironically named, the royal courtyard is a section of the kingdom directly below the manor that hang above the kingdom by impossible massive chains attached to greater or equally massive pillars that that sit at the outter walls of the kingdom. the royal court yard  is inclosed by the inner gates. a gate and wall that seemingly seperates the nobels living space from from the commoners living space, monster or not. getting threw it is required if one wants to go the the manor. 

The 9 Districts



Greed - Monopoly District


the monopoly district is in a laymans terms is the shoping district of kingdom square housing any untold number of services and goods, from food, products to services. called the monopoly district as its feeled with businesses trying to become the ultimate monopoly stooping to any low possible to make a deal to grain more money and assets within the kingdom and is no stranger to even scam artist. at the moment the district is owned by the "greed house" a nobal family branch of the demon kingdom.

Lust,  - The Traffic Light District


a multilayer sexual district layered on top of each other each layer defies its self as a different district color coding it based on the levels of extremes when it comes to sex, but due to special magic, it packs its self into appearing as one seemless district. these seprate micro districts can be entered and exited by doorways within the district, labeled as door ways to different districts. the appeal of the entire district is consental sex however extreme or gentle it might seem on the outside people pay top dollar to have the fantasize full filled, as oppose to the usual or being black mailed or raped into partaking in the fantaties of their captives involuntarily humans are espcally vulnerable to this business model, given they are some of the most saught after victims of sexual assult...

there are 4 micro disticts. the green light district, which tends to feature normal sex and pleasures its not uncommon to see people buy services for other things other then sex either, some just want someone to spend time with even if the incentive is financial.

the yellow light district, features the likes of more kinky types of sex, the kind of things people exaggerate about, over sized but managable titties and cock, minor drug use. toys and a bit of  BDSM, the works. at any one time this district has a notable high female population most of which are either passing threw or using it as a rest area for the employee's that work in lower districts.

The red light district, feature some of the more extreme kinks, the kind people might judge you for having as such its not uncommon to find monsters in this area as they're consider either clientel, employee's or work equipment. and contains a very large female clientele, for obvious reasons and interm a notable high male employee population. 

the black district features some of the darkest desires, that might just be considered illegal by normal human standards yet extreme, for those that come here, sex for them extend far beyond just sexual pleasure, as such violence or worst is often  intertwined into there sexual acts. humans while not prohibited are highly refered not to go here, as some that do go there don't typically get seen again. with slavery and race trafficking being a common practice there. and of course monsters are of a higher concentration in this district.

as one can guess the district is owned by the "lust house" a nobal house of succubi and other demons of such association.   

Gluttony - Perpetion District


the perpetion district unlike the others holds nothing unique about beyond being the food district featuring exotic food deemed tasty many with special effects. going as far as to sell potions using these food like ingredients to prolong certain desires perpetually but for a limited time. along with other goods able to provide the same effect. the district souces its materials from farms, ranches and other such places within the district its self farming from monsters and demons alike. as one could imagine humans aren't quite off the table either being used for there milk, flesh and as a catalysis specimen to create monster hybrids.

Envy, -  Green District 


the green district is named after the saying " green with envy" as it seems universally agreed if envy had a color it would be green. the district is also known as thieves corner and shares a space with the red district and together makes up the slum territory of the demon kingdom.
as such crime is a common occurrence in this district, often considered a  "crime free" zone. which many foreigners mistake for being a safe zone. doesn't help that the crime here is cold and calculated making it hard to detect or even prove once it has happened which is why despite being part of the slumbs, the district looks rather rich and well structured for its placement and role in the kingdom.

Wrath - Natural Order District


the natral order district some times called the jungle district is one that follows rules of nature and follows a "might makes right" mentality where business and homes flourish only as well as the owner can affectively protect it. a pool a violence, sex and honor and betrayal with no shortage of fighting. where the men are grizzly and the women sometimes grizzlier, a surplus of fighting establishments and gambling on fights. seemly anything can go until suddenly it can't so if your weak don't be supprised to find yourself being treated more like a object then a person.

 Pride - No-Bell District


the no-bell district is the prided capital of the demon kingdom where people are said to make it big, where if your not somebody you aren't a person. and if your not a costumer then your free labor as such the poverished found here are taken as to perform free "work" of there new bosses choosing. those who have made a name for themselves rather big are small  are held to a creed that forces them to up hold any request in relation to the thing that makes them of worth. refuting it grants them the title of fraud losing there worth and reducing there efforts to free labor. the only way to restore it is to fulfill the request's made. the district named No-bell is derived from the symbolism of how bells are a sigh of breaks and rest thus those of the prided profession are allowed no rest when it comes to there prided work on the line.

 Sloth -  Token District


the token or toke district is a district displayed for its drugs, sex and any other activities that might inspire procrastination and laziness not to mention addiction. some times called the pitfall district, due to its design to entrap those who stay for too long slowly sapping any diligence one might have had. it's said it takes a very strong will to thrive in such a district, and its easy for crime to unravel as most find themselves to be unbothered... "eventally"

 Violence - Red District 


the red district is the other half of the slumb district representing the violence of its citizens who are so unhappy with there pour life style that they'll do anything to escape it even for a little bit. most do not have the patience for long term gradification like the green district thus resulting in blanted crime being commited often in a high aggressive fashion neither of which is subtle resulting in a cycled butterfly and domino effect of crime being done to everyone and anyone even those in the process such... ( think super-jail montages from adult swim) because of this envirorment this environment there is a barrier around this district keeping those with violent tendencies, intentions and plans inside. thus acting as a micro prison.

 Treachery - White District.


the white district sometimes called hell's paradise, is a place like no other the color of soft and bright hues act as a violent contrast to the rest of the kingdom. the people are nice and seemingly normal which is suspicious for the normal residence of the demon kingdom. the nature of the district comes to light when things turns bad or the opportunity to obtain something desirable is presented leading them to turn treacherous often in subtle ways, leading to acts like cheating, ratting out others or throwing trusted people under the bus. though due to the massed nature of the district and those in it they often end up making up in one way or another creating a cycle of betrayal and forgiveness.










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