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Prison - Interior

Avonmore Prison Island

8th May 2027


Everything had been normal. Daily routines had repeated in the same way as they had been for a long time. There had been no signs of something being wrong. Everything had been as usual when the convicts were locked in their cells for the night.

Those who struggled with sleeping and were still awake around midnight were the first ones to notice something off. There had been usual night patrols on the hallways of the prison. As far as they could see from their cells, there wasn’t a guard anywhere to be seen. 

Clock was one at night when something happened. All the lights went off. That included even the green emergency signs. A complete darkness descended inside the prison. Those who had small windows with bars in their cells could see it was equally dark outside. The bright lights that usually illuminated the yard and guard tower lights were now out of use. One might think there was a problem with the electricity and it would take a moment before the backup generator would start grinding electricity and feeding it back into the system. However as the time passed it became more apparent that wouldn’t be happening.   

As the electricity was gone, all electrical locks opened. Those who were awake might hear the quiet click when the locks opened. This was weird and raised questions in the minds of the prisoners. They didn’t know if this was some kind of accident, an error in the system or intentional. Some kind of test? 

It took some time before someone was brave enough to try opening a door… and it opened effortlessly. There were many questions in the air and no answers. Someone called the guards, demanding for answers, but there was no response. The noise woke up the rest of convicts and soon almost all of them had left their cells, venturing cautiously forward to see how far they could get before coming across with the guards or a locked door. Most of the locks were open, but there were still some that remained firmly locked. If someone tried to contact someone with a hidden phone or use the public phone in the common area, they would find out that there was no reception. 

The night wouldn’t be peaceful. There was an abundance of suffocated hatred and grudges among the occupants of Avonmore Prison. Now that there seemingly was no one to keep them in check, some took advantage of the situation. Violence started from one incident, but soon spread like a wildfire. There were those who wanted to sort their affairs with violence and the only acceptable conclusion was death. There would be blood and death before the morning sun would shine on the island.   

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