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Far away from everything there is a beautiful tropical island that has a dark purpose. It’s known as Avonmore Island Prison owned by Falkcrest Corporation. One night all staff leave the island and a new shift never arrives. The electricity goes down on the same night, leaving all doors unlocked. —------------------ This is a sandbox roleplay with some GM guidance, meaning mostly me telling what you might find on the island. The game world is an alternative version of our world, with about the same technological level, bit of magic and fantasy races in addition to the humans. The twist of this game is that character sheets won’t be fully open to other players. The information shown to players may be false (if your character has lied to others) or there might be no information if a char decides to keep quiet. Sexual and darker themes are allowed. What happens depends largely on what your characters do. GM guide posts will be non-sexual, but players are free to do sexual and even violent scenes with other consenting players. Disclaimer: GM isn’t native english speaker, so this is the kind of english you are going to get.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. General discussion, questions, suggestions and everything in between comes here.
  3. Yeah I generally enjoy getting to write with new people! Two people in pain and their large cat just living on an island lol It would had been entertaining to have them all grow closer together, learning just how damaged they are and healing from that as much as possible while avoiding the grip of the mad fox. Potentially scaring them when Sybil inevitably decided to go "hunting" if we got a scene for that. Lucas and Del becoming fire forged potential duo. It would have been cool to see how their friendship, even tense, might have developed if the story continued! I definitely enjoyed that fight scene lol cool seeing the difference in how Lucas and Del handled business plus it had been awhile since I wrote someone as mundane as Del physically. Sometimes a good scrap in the absence of powers is all ya need lol One side might throw fireballs...the other makes do with throwing hands! A lot of potential for really cool, sweet, maybe some heart-breaking stuff but alas, things don't always work out. You, Dio, and Kissa (Hope she finds a place she can really have fun) have been a treat and really made the game something to look forward to. Hopefully, in some way, we can do that again.
  4. I appreciate the kind words, Blood. : ) So many fun moments and opportunities I'll miss from this game, and especially meeting different folks I hadn't known from before. At least in my head canon, Archer, Sybil, and Fera escaped trouble and can probably make the most of their island survival in the interim. Del, Luc, and Cele doing their best to keep oldies from going suicidal was nice, to say nothing of the fight. I'm quite glad I got to write one cool fight scene in this game. : p
  5. Understandable. It was a lot you were left with and it can be difficult trying to carry on the idea as it was. Its a shame but thats just how things work out! Whether you do something with this place regardless though thats fine even if it means a complete restructuring so you're more comfortable rather than trying to interpret whats left. Gonna miss the trio(s) at least lol. Those really were fun but who knows maybe it can work with something else going forward depending on what you choose to make of it.
  6. I had some time to ruminate on this, and as much as I wouldn't mind adjusting the idea to be something a bit easier to work inside of, I believe that wouldn't be the right way to go about it. I know I got the tag for the forum yesterday, but with no knowledge of the future of the game or its various plot twists, it would have meant I needed to pull apart aspects of the idea I either felt did not work or needed adjustments to add things I feel could have picked the game up. But that would honestly also be a violation of the GM's idea, and that would feel more than a little disrespectful. With that in mind, I'm afraid I must step back from attempting to restructure the prison. As much as I would have liked to work with it a bit to see if I could make something a tad different from the current direction, a guilty conscience makes it so that I wouldn't be able to do it without feeling bad, to say the least. Perhaps in the hopefully not so distant future, I can try to create something more fantasy leaning to make up for the game and interactions I lost out on in the wake of this. >.<
  7. Do what you gotta do. My messages are open of course. See if we can't keep this thing moving. Rest well!
  8. I won't be online for too much longer tonight, but in addition to figuring out a direction for the story, I will probably have to work with people to adjust their characters in the coming days. For better or worse, I may not be the most firm GM when it comes to enforcing certain aspects, but as this wasn't my game to begin with and it's suddenly changing into my hands, I would like to give people a chancr to figure out how they want to redesign or implement their characters. I can try to speak about it more at-length tomorrow if any details are needed. But for now there is a lot more that requires thinking on.
  9. The "Infinite Darkness" where even night vision characters can't see in the dark really is dangerous, isn't it? But welp... As I said, I wouldn't mind putting in Fonfon IF it lead to somewhere fun for her, is all I'm saying.
  10. Well then, maybe Nadia tripped and hit her head on a wall or something.
  11. For starters, lemme wash up for a bit, then get a needed post elsewhere, then I'll try to start wracking my brain for how to handle things here. And like Blood said, Dio, do what you gotta. : ) There will be no hard feelings from me, but I will do what I can to get things floating here, one way or another. ^^
  12. You gotta do what makes ya happy I say. I've enjoyed it greatly (Both Beach, and Therapy group) but as things have gone I don't think you could be blamed. Losing such a cool runner is a harsh blow to the mood. I'm willing to stick it out though because I've enjoyed the character interactions so much, hope you are as well but the choice is yours.
  13. I've talked a bit to Gard about it already, but I'll need some time to decide whether or not I want to continue in this club. I will say, I very much enjoy the dynamic between Fera, Sybil and Archer. I'm also a bit sad I never got to use Ao properly. I'll think about it, see what happens with the club and make a decision then. I just hope no one gets upset if I ultimately pull out.
  14. Dunno. Depends on what Gardsorm decides as he's now the leader.
  15. And not much, by what I can tell... So what happens next? Because I only see a series of unfortunate events if anything and nothing else. o.O
  16. I mean so far whats happened is: Group 1[Beach]: Escaped prison, lost someone to an explosion, found keys for the collars and some information about about the former owners activities (mostly just equipment and people moving), and beat up some members of a gang from a character from Kissa and are now going to some apartments to set up shop a bit and sunset some characters. Group 2[Therapy-needed group]: Met up in the basement, Archer turned the power back on in the prison, then they left, A big cat nearly got killed so they escaped and now they're hiding in the forest from the gang. Also the helicopter in the hangar near the prison blew up. Basically nothing at the prison has happened so far beyond that and the power coming back up. Story has been going on outside of it.
  17. Me having no idea what happened here at all but see Kissa deactivated... That... didn't go that well, I would presume. I didn't follow the scenes to know what happened here, though. I would not even mind putting Fonfon back inside if she's allowed to have so fun around but that would be weird because... No idea what happened so far. >.>
  18. Makes sense to me so yeah I'll wait and see what you do but consider me a good [1] down to continue if nothing else.
  19. I can say there were no notes given if we continue. It's very much looking like it's up to me/us to do with the club what we will. At most I will definitely keep the idea of the prison intact. And yeah, I agree. I don't like killing characters off, and those weren't made by me, so I'll do what I can to ensure they leave the story as unmolested as possible. After that, it's up to us to make of it what we will. : p I will say I'm not super used to working with sandbox ideas and concepts, but I'll try to spin a story for it for anyone that still remains. If player count doesn't feel like it picks up, then I'll see what the fate of the club is at that point. But I don't want to let it end without an attempt, even if that attempt may not end up the same way like it started.
  20. Its a little difficult as the story is pretty much in your hands now. Dunno if the others will chime in at all or Kissa gave you any notes if we do continue but yeah at least sunsetting the characters would be respectful I feel. Take your time. Whatever you decide to do I'm still here for. I like rping with y'all regardless. Shame its ended up this way but if you guys wanna continue on I'm down for it myself.
  21. I... Am not sure yet. It's a little short notice, so I may say to give me a day or two (irl) to figure out how things might go down going forward. I might at least have the Beach Crew chance up on the apartments so we can sunset the elderly folks + Celestine safely. As for the other antagonist crew, I'll probably need to mostly leave Anjira alone until she finds a way to get off the island, but the other thugs will probably focus on taking the island under their control. I gotta spin a narrative to get the PC prisoners (that remain) together, and then gather their opinions on how we plan to survive and/or escape the island. However, if people want to step back from the club in light of the sudden shift, I won't blame them for the choice. ^^ Otherwise I'll see how I want to adjust things to make it a bit easier to play in the setting.
  22. Right so.. Kissa is gone given how things have gone down unfortunately..... ....So....yeah How are things gonna go down here now? @Gardsorm your call.
  23. "Well, I can't see too much out here, but at least we're putting some good distance between us and the farm... Or maybe it just feels like that to me." Archer spoke quietly, keeping a hand gripped tightly around the head of his flashlight to mitigate as much light from bleeding through as he could, his other hand gripping the handle of the toolchest. Let just enough out to find their way, but not enough to potentially see them from further off. Fera was a helpful girl, but she was still injured, and they couldn't just stop to let Sybil look her over because if anyone had noticed where they dug their way out from, someone could have followed the general direction and might have found them. Both of them were strong, they could probably push ahead beforrbwesr and tear hit them. How long had it been since he did anything related to being out in the wilderness? He was still going through his academic days, if he remembered correctly. Of course those times they weren't exactly trying to fight for their lives, plus they also had other things on hand to make the experience easier for them. Here... This was very much a survival scenario... With some horror elements if those gangs decided to find their way over to them. He looked back to make sure Sybil and Fera were following, before he pushed on. "I couldn't leave the toolchest behind... Didn't exactly want bring it if it makes too much noise and leads everyone and their pet lizard to us, but it also saves me time needing to scrounge around for more. Assuming we manage to find a place with a generator that doesn't work, I might be able to restore power... But it also risks leading others to us." He paused for a moment to relax against a tree nearby, feeling a dull ache in his arm from carrying the box so much. Maybe the next thing they could do was try to get a vehicle to call their own. It would make traveling the island much easier, if nothing else. A little more time traveling, and Archer managed to locate a decent enough clearing among the trees and bushes to rest for the moment. "Let's relax here for now... Sybil, are you able to give Fera a proper look-over?" He asked, setting the tool chest down and rolling his shoulder.
  24. "True but if it can be helped then I believe it should be. I would not have felt comfortable doing such a thing either." she admitted with little hesitation. It seems he was there for a long time but as was Sybil. If he had years, if he saw an end to his time if all things hadn't broken down then perhaps he really was not deserving of this place and the heaviness he placed upon himself. Sybil shook her head slowly "I am sure, Mr. Reid, that you could rebuild." but they were all clearly not so keen on sharing their pasts. They had risked their lives for each other but for it all Sybil and Archer still had their secrets. Fera might have been an open book, but the two were not so innocent. Sybil simply had the idea that Archer was not some remorseless sinner. He could be saved. He deserved to be safe. "I know you are not some old man Mist- Archer." she said unused to speaking so casually with anyone. She took a deep breath "All I care for is right here." she said though perhaps it was odd to say so. They had only just met but it was about as true as it could be for Sybil. These kind people deserved that care "And she still hurt them anyway....I should have struck her down in the dark like all the others then maybe-" it was wishful thinking. She chose to approach in kindness and she had her forces. She would have been killed before begin given the chance. Ah she needed to relax. Stay calm. Focused. She was almost done. His surprise at learning she was blind was quite amusing in some way though he seemed sad about something "It is fine. I can manage." she said to calm him down "It is only natural that you ask something of me. I am sorry if I misled you." though the Anjira woman had identified her blindness back in the basement she supposed not everyone was so ready to acknowledge those like her. It did often come across as a surprise to others. He did not sound....judging. That was comforting on some level even if a part of her thought it was wrong. She was judged already, it was only right to be judged further. "It is what God feels just. Someone like me is only to be punished." there was no joy in her words as she spoke of this only....an admittance. She finished the stitching and gently cut the ends. She next cleaned the tigers wounds again with the saline, and applied an antiseptic. Here was hoping Fera did not rip them. Once that was done she found the bandages feeling around for a moment before she wrapped it around Fera. She would need time to heal. She was happy with Archer's words "Good. I desire nothing more than to help you." she said and was on some level glad that he had acknowledged her skill. It was....something she was proud of. The long lonely nights pouring her fingers over the pages. The long practice. The arguments to allow her to care for the forms of people more worthy than herself despite her blindness. She was proud of it once. She even helped at the infirmary now and then because of it. It was one of the few gifts she still possessed. With that done she gently rubbed Fera's head. Sybil looked tired. "From the first birth to my last, that is all it has ever been. It is all a thing such as I deserve...." tears were coming down her face though she didn't seem to recognize it. She simply made sure Fera was comfortable "Please. Watch over her for the time being..." and she'd get up to walk away. They needed rest and Sybil needed to....Listen. It did not sound as though anyone was approaching yet but for a time she would listen.
  25. "For better or worse, I kind of got the same feeling... But sometimes we can't always get what we want in life. All we can do is settle on what we can get " Archer sighed and shrugged. "I'm a guy sentenced to prison for a long, long time. I can't exactly drop all of that to help get her off the island... There's really nothing for me outside here anymore." The redhead continued, not really a story he wanted to get into all that soon... But he had endangered himself and them helping them all escape from Anjira, so the least he could do was be upfront and truthful to them. He had no reason to lie to them anymore, even if they weren't near someone who could subtly tell when someone wasn't truthful. "There's no need to apologize, Sybil... Also, feel free to drop the Mr. from my name and just call me Archer. Makes me sound like an old geezer, and I'm not exactly keen to feel like one yet, hah." He gave a soft laugh, trying to help Sybil to be a little bit more relaxed and not so... Apologetic. "There was no helping the defiance. Nothing short of open compliance and making our secrets known to that vixen would have been enough. Something like that, she wanted dirty details on everyone to blackmail them into compliance. That's why she used the kind of threat she did... If she can't hurt us, then she hurts those we care for. Textbook psychopath behavior, if you ask me." Sure, their future was uncertain right now, but it was probably better for their collective health in the long run to be away from her. They were now the sole owners of their future for the time being. He stood there, watching her try to treat the unconscious Fera, finding it weird she seemed to take just a bit longer to perform the act, but the reason didn't dawn on him until she spoke. "... W-wait. You're blind...? Like, literally, honest-to-goodness blind? ... Oh my god, I made all those requests and asked you to do so much, and... Oh, geez " Archer winced as he pushed himself to a stand and put a hand on his face. How... No, why did it take him so long to notice this?! Her compensation for the lack of sight was so good, he confused it for an efficient replacement. So the clicking and noise was an attempt to essentially replicate and 'trsce' her environment. It was the epitome of insensitive, to say the least, and he had to recall Fera chastising him for foolish actions earlier... Oh, if only the tigress understood just how foolish. "Still, that's... Quite the revelation. Far be it from me to speak on religious matters, especially their ramifications. But I can't say it's just or fair to be judged for a past life you haven't lived in this time." It screamed false pretenses to him. A birth defect, perhaps? A product of the sins her parents committed before they found their religion? Punishing Sybil for the sins of those that came before her... It sounded much more likely, but any outcome he could consider would only be baseless conjectures. The truth of things was known exclusively to her, even if she had her own view of circumstances. "I'm no judge of character, if you've made a living this far understanding the body despite your circumstances, then I would certainly take a chance. Of course, I also speak that as a guy with nothing really left to lose, so... Your mileage may vary. But I can at least feel that your working on Fera there tells me you're dedicated to your craft and your study, and I've got no reason to think otherwise." He spoke, crouching down once more to get a better look at not just Fera, but Sybil as well. If it wasn't because he had seen them meet for the first time, he would have thought Fera and Sybil were friends from West Wing before all of this insanity. Sybil had risen in support of Fera so fervently, he expected it... But then what did it say about him, a guy from East Wing caring for Fera? ... Well, somehow he got the idea everyone's first instinct would have been uncouth thoughts, especially considering how impressionable she was, and how attached she seemed to be to the two of them, but that simply wasn't the case. He had to consider how to broach certain subjects with Sybil, as the way she spoke made him think she was a religious person, but... He couldn't tell. "I've got my own opinions on things, but I'm going to withhold them so as to not cause offense. But what about you? Do you feel there's a higher power driving your actions here? Do you feel you're being punished for everything happening right now?"
  26. "There's no need to thank me, I'm just leaving it with the person most likely to make use of it." Lucas insisted as Celestine thanked him for the medkit. It was a small thanks, if anything, considering there were much greater concerns at the moment. Namely what they were going to do going forward, and how many were going to do it. From what little he was told, it sounded like the elderly were so demoralized that they rather choose a suicide pact out in the forest than fighting to survive. At least, that was how Lucas saw it. He knew they still had sparks of life in them, after all they had banded together to defend themselves a little while ago. They just needed a chance to collect themselves. "No, Delmar is right. As much as I want to question them, bringing them in the bus is going to endanger us all in the long run. There's no shortage of bad guys for me to question on the island, I'll just grab another one later. Let's find a roof for everyone to relax under first." the redhead weighed the options of bringing them versus leaving them. The survivor probably had magical talent, and keeping him in the bus was going to put everyone needlessly in harm's way. Lucas would approach the bus, but not before realizing the group had been using the single key to unclasp their collars. Given the key had exceeded his expectations so far, there was no point in leaving the collar on anymore, borrowing the key to remove his own collar, before keeping the device around for later. He could certainly weaponize the collar if it came to that. He kept a tight hold on the key for a moment, before he handed it to Del when he approached the bus. "Better we leave something like this with someone more trustworthy. You're a better judge of character than me, so I expect you'll find better opportunities to use it than I might." He finished with a whisper to his fire-forged companion, before climbing aboard the bus to sit in the driver's seat. He was certainly no Elias, but he hoped he could get everyone to their destination when the time came. He waited to see how many would climb aboard the bus, making sure everyone was seated and safe within the vehicle, before he shut the doors to the bus and began to slowly step on the gas. It was a short, eventful time at the beach, with more downs and ups, but now he hoped he could get everyone safely to the apartments, wherever they existed on the island.
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