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Rules and Character Creation basics (WIP)

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We will be using the Cortex Prime RP primer which you can simply get using a link from me! This system is designed to drive the story forward with as few mechanics as possible to maximize RP and immersion in a play by post environment. (This is a first draft of what I intend to be the basis of our custom system meant for this group.)




First things first Character Creation. Instead of a list of abilities and mechanics that align with classes and levels, this system is simply designed to provide a layout of what your character has the ability to do and how good they would hypothetically be at it. How the usage of those abilities will be entirely be done by the player in their posts and so long as the result remains within the logical confines of what the dice and the situation allow, then its acceptable. Character Creation has 3 basic parts.










the first being the backstory which falls entirely on you to post in the Character Creation topic and is reviewed by the DM before approval. Backstories are limited only by the following.


PC’s should have practical strengths AND weaknesses, nobody is perfect and nobody is an anime protagonist. 

Racism and Sexism and other topics some people find offensive exist in this setting that being said try to keep your characters preferences to a manageable level and talk to your fellow players and make sure whatever taboo’s you wish to RP and consensual OOCly if especially if theyre not ICly.


Refer to the lore page for a basic overview of what each realm is like in a broad sense and what you as a person from that part of the world would most likely have been exposed to. Each realm will have a list of specializations and backgrounds that you mightve come to learn in your characters life. (ex. you may take ONE specialization and ONE background at character creation. Your backstory might move from one realm to another but you may only have the benefits of being from one or the other. 


All Character pages must be reviewed before being used and must be visible to the other members of the party with all changes and updates you mightve made. If you have things you’d like to keep hidden from the party for a period of time for story purposes PLEASE let me know what they are in DM’s so I can approve of them and account for them in the story going forward! 




The system is meant to limit the amount of mechanics for simplicity sake and so (as of now, alternative system is included) There are only 3 attributes Mental, Physical, and Social. Attributes usually have a rating from

6 to 10, although there are exceptions. Everyone has a rating in each of them, and they usually default to a 8. Higher rated attributes must be balanced out with lower rated ones. This is done simply by removing one die level from one stat and adding it to another.(ex: I raise my Physical to 10 from 8 by lowering my mental from 8 to 6) The max anyone can be at character creation  is 10. 


Mental defines the pursuits of the mind (closesly associated with stats like Intelligence and Wisdom)


Physical is used in situations where physical prowess would be applied (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution)


Social is used entirely to define how well you understand and interact with others (Charisma and perhaps a bit of Wisdom) 


How good you are with each trait is defined by the die associated with it 


4: Poor. Notably deficient in this area.

6:Typical. An average degree of ability.

8: Excellent. Above-average performance.

10:Remarkable. Greatly above average.

12:Incredible. Peak levels of ability.


Attributes are generally the first die you’d select from in most encounters depending on the situation. If youre trying to climb a cliff you would want to use your physical die as your first die in your pool. However you if have the ability to levitate you could use your mental die instead. 




Trait and Trait sets   


Traits are a broad understanding of lifes experiences and the skills they provide you like being affiliated with a knightly order or having been a Sailor for many years. Many traits come in sets with benefits coming with downsides or additional experience adding new effects and larger die to the trait. They might also define the way certain NPC’s act around you depending on their own opinions. After you add the attribute die you’d look through your traits and add the ones that would apply to that situation to the dice pool. 


Vocational Traits 


Some Traits reflect a skill set that allow for certain abilities like being a Knight or a mage. These are vocational traits As your character progresses they will increase in capabilities and if they meet the criteria needed to advance to a higher level of the skill the die will increase. As you progress you can learn new skills and gain new vocations. However certain vocations cannot be held by the same by one character at the same time. A knight cannot be a thief and a warlock cannot be a priest etc.


4: Initiate. A new trainee don’t expect much.

6:Novice. Basically trained and equipped to do the job.

8: Journeyman. Knows the ins and outs of the vocation well capable of independent action.

10 Expert. Renowned as an expert of this profession.

12: Master. The Best of the Best.


(Some vocations will have Legendary skills that will allow for unique abilities.) 


Situational Traits and Negative traits.


In some cases your character will be put in a situation that might have long term effects on the character. These will be added to your trait list and could be used to role whether you choose to roll them or not. For instance if you save a village from a Dragon attack rolls to convince them of something might automatically add 8 to any rolls you do while in this village but if you kill a characters dog you might have a 8 rolled against you because of that. If someone is making an opposing roll against you and a negative situational trait might logically make their roll easier, they can add that die to their pool. Situational Traits generally have very particular circumstances for when they are added to a dice pool. In character creation you will generally have NO situational traits unless you choose to add one to align with your backstory. These will generally be negative though. 


Character Creation 


When youre making a character, you’ll get traits using a point buy system. You’ll start with 10 points and a different traits will have different values generally speaking though the cost will be directly related to the value of the dice they provide.


4: 1 point

6: 2 points

8: 3 points

10 4 points.


(Traits are still a WIP feel free to give me any ideas!)



Negative traits have no cost




Negative traits have a negative cost and can give you points BACK to spend on other traits directly correlating to the value of the negative dice the give you.

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