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About This Club

This is homebrew game setting for an erotic and sexual Pathfinder game. There will be house rules and plenty of sexual content. Ultimately it's just a vehicle for all of us to have obscene fun.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hey guys, i found this very cool dice roller, that could help up with dice rolling thing on the forum. https://www.rolldicewithfriends.com/ Basically, we insert the name of the room and then insert names, then we roll dice and it stays in the room's logs for a while.
  3. The autoplay option is best. Have everyone give you some default stances for their characters like the ones below, or ones customized for your world. When faced with hostility my character usually ___ (swings first asks questions later, runs away, tries to talk things down, etc.) When witnessing magic, my character usually (hides, stares in awe, treats it like an everyday occurrence, etc.) When traveling my character usually (finds shelter first, forages for food, lets everyone else do the work, etc.) Then you know a general idea of how they'll respond so you can let them do their default if they don't reply. Let them tell you what weapon they generally use, if they fight to the death or run at a certain amount of HP, etc.
  4. So most basic one is to limit how much time player has before his turn gets skipped/auto-played?
  5. It depends on the group and the system. Usually I just use a more freeform or rules light system. Also, imposing a rule of "24-hours per turn and then we assume you use a move that would make sense to keep the game moving" is pretty standard. The biggest thing for online play using any TTRPG system is to use as site designed for it. I haven't tried to play any here. I use a few other site with built-in dice rollers where the GM can prevent people from deleting posts/rolls. Narrative heavy systems are best. I've started using a basic system where players get Body, Mind, and Social stats - one at d6, one d8 and one d10. As they get abilities I add them to the character. They look a little like this: Mae - d6 Body, d10 Mind, d8 Social d8 Fae Magic (if this die rolls a 1 or 2, an unpredictable magical effect occurs) The GM rolls d6 for an easy task, d8 for a moderate task, d10 for a difficult task. Highest roll wins
  6. Oh i need those, what do you usually do for online play? Because i tried like 2 games already and they died indeed.
  7. I usually make some minor rules modifications for online play, especially with things like initiative and turn orders as otherwise it ends up dying off pretty quickly waiting for people to post.
  8. Trust me, its basically mathless DnD, where basic check is checking if you rolled 5 or 6 on either die, and most math is just counting hitpoints, tho i plan on homebrewing a thing or two
  9. No reason why you guys can't each start a game! I've heard good things about Tiny d6, but never played it.
  10. I mean how would that even be a oneshot if we play it pbp (play by post)? But still, yeah, i plan it to be kinda short, with longest thing to being to find clues where the fuck would be one of the kobolds to then back track so hard that could have just did one bullshit thing and cut the travel like in half.
  11. OK! I just didn't know if this was meant to br a one shot or not haha
  12. What you mean specifically? I meant doing my own little campaign, i had towergirls on my mind, but i couldnt really tie it so players could play as those princesses. So now i just think doing a regular fantasy kind of adventure, maybe asian-themed. Or maybe i could do other tiny d6 system, i also had borderlands on my mind for a while, but i dont really like to do erp in the setting. For plot - maybe assembling a bronze dragon from its fragments, that are also their own people, like horns and claws of a bronze dragon being a barbarian-sourcerer kobold. And for reason... Lets say its a prophesy or people need the wisdom of that bronze dragon because there is some mythic thrat that is approaching.
  13. I'm still finishing up this system lol how much of a campaign would you want to do?
  14. So what yall think of playing this? About the system, its basically 2d4 and sometimes you do 1d6 or 3d6, and have some slight mechanics, based on choices of species, like goblins being able to dodge the attack even after they failed a defence check, or golem-type species having to heal only from specific energy source, instead of healing from other means. Plus the tiny dungeons 2e doesnt have classes, it has just traits and optionslly has 5 premium traits, which are classes, so basically you choose your class at the end...? And weapons, they are very simple to understand, because there are light, melee and alternative, based on which tiny d6 system you play, in tiny dungeons 2e its light melee, heavy melee and ranged and tiny dungeons does magic as simple as it can be, you equip spells instead of weapons and then you can use them whenever you want.
  15. SFX are w.e we want but for something like that we could make some things that are like DnD bonus actions but yea something with stances would have to be balanced like that
  16. Thats what i was even thinking, like, arent some SFX taking a turn?
  17. Yes but you would have to basically make it a once per turn thing and when you switch stances you give up your ability to do anything in that turn
  18. Yeah, kinda, its like stances in fighting games, you have to switch modes first before getting access to some specific special move, which i personally see cool to do, mahbe the limit of switching dance style move could be done once per some period of time, or stance just lowers one attribute and grants access to SFXs, essentially styles grant an asset and access to sfxs, though wait, what if dance styles arent stances but source of an asset or multiple d4 assets, that are used to use SFX, like nymph style granting 2d4s related to sexiness, but she could convert a d4 on a sfx, which could step up a die or dice when avoid an attack.
  19. Guys, i found cool system, a series of systems to be precise - tiny d6, i personally like tiny wastelands and tiny dungeons 2e, so i am curious, what would yall say if i also GM'd a small adventure using Tiny dungeons 2e? I will probably be the most inconsistent GM in here, because my ass easily forgets stuff i have to do, so i dont really think it will be a full campaign thing or something.
  20. Would you say something like nymphs style requires you to perform a dance action to get the effect?
  21. I was thinking to make kitsune a scholar-hermit kind of person, but sure, id like the idea, and maybe during the play she discovers new enemies and makes up new dances from them... And maybe mix the- Holy shit its shin megami tensei demon system just in a form of dances. Then just learns new dance styles during a campaign, i at first thought dance styles as sort of stances, like i spend a PP and now i get other slight bonuses and other PP cost abilities, like stepping up a die when trying to avoid damage at cost of a PP while in a defensivd stance. Kinda like this Dancer of the myths - "Nymph's style" (1PP)- Change the style to this and step up social attribute die. > Asmodeus' Charm (1PP) - When you try to negotiate, persuade or charm a creature, add 1d6 "Charming" asset "Shade style" - Change the style to this and gain +1d6 asset to rolls related to keeping low profile or escaping. > Watch carefully (1PP) - Perform an illusionary trick, which makes people think you just vanished in the thin air, everyone who saw the trick gets 1d6 complication called "Fooled" In this example if i started to talk with a guard to grant us keys to some secret thing and i fail, to vanish i'd need to first change the style, though now i just think i could just do abilities and styles as seperate things, in the end just granting extensive list of abilities under dancer, which i would probably compensate by having barely anything for background. Anyway, i like that idea
  22. Based on the previous discussion we dont have to make vocations a mandatory thing. If you're starting as say a street urchin. You can have a set of common actions stealth, acrobatics, thievery, harm etc. However eventually you can specialize as your character develops INTO a dancer and have fancy new abilities to work with that make you specialized and more powerful. Thats another reason why I want to keep the player organization/group a more casual guild rather than a formal order or government with a strongly established hierarchy. You dont need to have a position of authority to have power and vice versa. You're just you doing what you do best.
  23. Nevermind, i found out about those, and i think they are cool, tho i think maybe those will be start to complicate things for new players, i mean someone did mention alteadg that alot of DnD players are not willing to learn new systems and i personally met such person, so lets not add these to keep things simple, i know i said that i wanted some sort of special sfx, but now i realized i can just do the background and always hinder it to have plot points for all the dances and checks for mythology stuff
  24. So basically like if DnD had feats that are specialized for certain clases or playstyles?
  25. essentially traits that outline a set of skills and the SFX associated with them.
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