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Celestine Deschantes

Celestine Deschantes

Name: Celestine Amilyn Deschantes

Gender: Female

Race: Vulpeculan

Age: 31

Identification number: 24A-W841

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Murder. Life imprisonment.

Date of arrival: 21.2.2024

Association: -


Occupation and education: Doctor 

Medical school graduate

Specialization to pediatrics [incomplete] 

Special skills and abilities: Sailing - Celes has a good understanding of sailing. Due to her parents being avid yachtsmen, she has spent a lot time on sailboats and can maneuver a sailboat and knows the fundamentals of sailing. 

Darkvision [racial] - Can see in natural darkness. This doesn’t include complete darkness like a dark room without windows.

Sensitive hearing [racial] - As a purebred vulpeculan Celes has a sensitive hearing. She can hear small sounds and from a longer distance than what’s average (compared to a human).


Magical abilities: Healing touch - Celes can heal moderate injuries with her touch. Her healing magic is potent enough to mend broken bones, internal and outside injuries. However, her ability has many limitations. To use it she has to touch her patient and she is going to need liquid for the healing to work. At most Celes can use the spell once a day. It can be used only on fresh injuries and it can’t regenerate something that’s already lost, so things like curing a cancer or poisoning or regrowing a lost body part are out of the question.


Weaknesses: Conservative - Due to her upbringing and life before the Prison Island Celestine is conservative. She believes in things like the importance of religion, no sex before marriage, women should be feminine and submissive while men have more freedoms and people should stay in whatever social class they were born into. Her restrictive and old-fashioned way of thinking is something that makes her get into conflicts with others sometimes.

Sensitive Hearing - Sensitive hearing can be a hindrance sometimes. Celes' problem with loud sounds is partially physically and partially mental. Especially loud sounds feel uncomfortable, sometimes even painful. Raising one’s voice intimidatingly can make Celestine feel extremely uncomfortable or scared. 


Appearance: Celestine is 172 cm/5’6 tall woman with a curvy body type that has a bit of softness to it. Her complexion was fair even before being sent to Avonmore. Celes’ eyes are blue, her impractically long hair is alice blue and her vulpeculan traits, meaning her tail and ears, are snow white. She has a small beauty mark under her left eye. Even in her current state Celestine has the looks of a refined beauty and an aura of a noble lady.

Personality: Restrained, religious, gentle. 

History: Celestine was born as the only girl in an old money, noble family. Expectations for her were high and like a good girl, she worked hard to fulfill those expectations. The Deschantes family honored old traditions and values and it showed in their life. Celes’ life was full of responsibilities and activities. She studied hard to stay among the top students, was active in her church community, did volunteer and charity work and somehow still found time for her hobbies, like playing a violin, dancing waltz and reading.


Celes was only 22 years old when she married. She believed she could get it all if she just worked hard enough. She could have a family and a career. As years passed without addition to the family, the young vulpeculan focused her energy in her studies to become a doctor. To the outsiders it looked like she had it all. Celes had a loving family and husband, money, beauty and a spotless reputation. She was someone young girls aspired to be… Until everything came crashing down.


In December 2022 Celestine stabbed her husband 118 times, leading to his death. Behind the closed door her life had been far from perfect. The loving husband had been an abusive and violent monster. It was an old and far too well known story. In history there had been many women in the same situation as where Celes was now, and there would be more in the future. Some fellow inmates felt sympathy towards the murdering vulpeculan for she had lost her freedom when giving the violent husband the fate he deserved. The fact he had been a police officer was reason enough to end his life in the eyes of some prisoners. 


Celestine’s family and friends turned their back to her and the only visitor she has had during her stay in Avonmore Prison has been her older brother. 

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