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Ao Fushin

Ao Fushin

Name: Ao Fushin

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Human/Half-Koyan (A rare feline, humanoid race)

Age: 25

Identification number: 27A-E1024

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Murder, Life Imprisonment

Date of arrival: 17th April 2027

Association: N/A

Occupation and education: Chef

Special skills and abilities: 

  • Knife Handling: Ao can use a knife as though it was an extension of his own body. He is proficient in using knives/short blades and can use them for a multitude of different things effortlessly.
  • Fast Runner: [Racial] Ao is faster than your average person, his long strides letting him cover a longer distance in less time.
  • High Stamina: [Racial] In addition to his high running speed, Ao has learned to control his breathing in order to reduce stamina consumption, allowing him to keep moving for a longer time even under highly physically taxing situations.
  • Quick Reflexes: [Racial] A bit of a 6th Sense in a way. Even if his mind doesn't have enough time to process something, Ao's body can quickly move and react to anything that is thrown at him. Of course this doesn't mean he can avoid everything, but it would make it more difficult to land a surprise hit on him.
  • Sense of Smell: [Racial] Ao has always had a keen nose. He has been able to recognize a person by their natural smell, and more importantly, he can discern what foods are edible or not, and which ones would go well together in a dish.

Magical abilities: None



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  • Night terrors: Due to past traumatic experiences, Ao will often wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, running off to throw up. This makes for a lot of restless nights, and he needs to keep himself well-fed in order to combat the fatigue.
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  • Street Smarts: Ao isn't exactly stupid, but he has never had proper schooling. He's learned the basics from his deceased mother, so as an example, he's smart enough to do simple addition and multiplication in math, but more than that would be beyond him. He doesn't know about the power house of the cell, things like that.


Personality: Mistrustful, cautious, but if you succeed in gaining his trust, loyal (Think stray cat that's been hurt)

History: Not a lot is known about Ao's life. From an outside perspective, it may even seem as though he appeared out of nowhere, being a man without a home or family records, not a single document to be found containing any information about his past. Just 3 months ago, he was found hiding under a bridge, covered in a large amount of blood. The blood was traced back and discovered to belong to a rich noble who had been found dead the same day. Of course, Ao was put on trial for this murder, yet this wasn't the only life he had taken. The family of the noble accused him of the deaths of several other people, and Ao was found guilty for each and every one of them. During his trial, the man simply refused to speak a word no matter how much he was questioned, and was sentenced to live out the rest of his life in Avonmore Prison.

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