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Archer Lowell Reid

Archer Lowell Reid

Name: Archer Lowell Reid

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 35

Identification number: 23A-E682

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Petty Misdemeanors, Vandalism, Destruction of Public Property, Grand Theft Auto | 30 Years

Date of arrival: 09th July 2023 

Association: N/A

Occupation and education: Electronics Engineering

Bachelor of Science Degree (four years)

Special skills and abilities:  

1- Computer Expertise - One of his greatest focuses: Computers and the technology that powers them. He possesses an avid understanding of how to care for and repair computers, as well as navigate the software that makes them run. He is just as capable at rewriting and destroying PC code as he is at repairing it

2- Jury-rigging: A personal skill he refined as a result of his various studies, he prides himself on his capability to create a range of small (or larger) items using things he has on hand or may find in the environment to assist him or others. 

3- [Hidden] 

4- [Hidden] 

5- [Hidden] 

Magical abilities: N/A 


1- [Hidden] 

2- Risktaker: Many a time, Archer seems to have a lack of care for his own well-being or his luck, usually leading him to push his luck for better or worse. More often than not it can leave him injured if he doesn't learn his lesson the first time.

3- Prisoner Troubles: Despite his relaxed behavior, he has a fairly distant approach to most other prisoners at first meeting. He isn't here to make nice, but if people expect something from him, they need to pay up. However, there are people he feels no obligation to work for, and it is those who may attempt to beat some compliance out of him. 

4- Hopeless Demeanor: Sure, he's laid back, and sure, he's comfortable with his lot right now. But even if he knew the key to freedom was in arm’s reach, he has no intent to reach for it. For what reason or purpose, only he knows, but he has no desire to actively leave the prison.

Appearance: Archer stands at 6’2/187cm, something he considers fair height. A fairly lean-muscled body refined through time spent working and exercise activities in the prison belies the fact he is more of a brainy sort than someone who relies on raw power… But as long as other prisoners don't know that, it suits him well. Green eyes and fiery red hair round out his most obvious features to others, but lesser-seen ones include mild scars on his body and somewhat rough, calloused hands from working with electricity and other aspects related to his focuses.

Personality: Laid-back, teasing, guarded 

History: Archer's life started as one would believe most others usually do: An average life in a loving family, one of which there were no problems. With a soldier for a father and a scientist for a mother, the young redhead felt like he had much to measure up to when his time to be an adult came around… But Archer wasn't rushed to grow up. He had a life like many other kids around him, and with a sunny demeanor and outgoing personality, found it easy to make friends. 

Despite this, the knowledge that he wanted to earn his parent's praise and respect by following in their footsteps however he could ensured he did not deviate overmuch from his path. He endeavored to study and apply himself to his education for years, well into young adulthood, believing that he was sure to earn their praise and admiration once he finished his studies... Unfortunately, good things rarely lasted forever in life, and in the later years of his life, his father was lost to conflict overseas, and his mother to an unprovoked attack at her workplace.

With only his studies to sustain him towards trying to maintain stability in his life, Archer became a changed and secluded person over the years. Though he succeeded in earning a deeper understanding of engineering arts, it came too late in life when the people he wished to present his achievements to no longer existed. It was around this time that Archer's life took a turn for the worst, and everything from then until the day he was processed at Avonmore has molded him into the person who currently lives his fourth year at the prison.

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