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Name: Jijii
Gender: Female
Race: Nezumi
Age: 18
Identification Number: 27A-W1003

Conviction(s) and Criminal Penalty: [Hidden]

Date of Arrival: 25th of April, 2027.

Association: [Hidden]

Occupation and Education: [Hidden]

Special Skills and Abilities:





Magical Abilities:

Mute: For whatever reason Jijii simply cannot speak. She can make sounds and she has a tongue, however speaking simply does not seem to click right within her mind, no matter how hard she tries.




Appearance: As is to be expected from a Nezumi, Jijii is quite short, standing from bottom of foot to tip of ear at an unimpressive 127 cm (roughly 4 ft 2 in) tall. Her body is somewhat petite in build, a slimmer pear shape with slightly wider hips and fuller thighs. Jijii's breasts are small, only slight lumps capable of maybe filling out a normal Human's palm at the most, with areola a pink color only faintly darker than the short, soft, sleek fur covering her entire body. The mouse's ears and tail (roughly two thirds the length of her height) are a slightly darker shade of pink, as is her hair (which falls at its longest to the bottom of her shoulder blades). Jijii's eyes are a sapphire blue.

Personality: Cautious, Quiet, Twitchy


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