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Anjira Vanlith [NPC]

Anjira Vanlith [NPC]

Name: Anjira “Scarlet Princess” Vanlith

Gender: Female

Race: Vulpeculan 

Age: 28

Identification number: 26A-W987

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Two murders, 35 years.

Date of arrival: 2.6.2026

Association: Vanlith family, The Council


Occupation and education: Soldier (in the past)

Azuno Military, Special Operations Regiment, Crimson Fang

Special skills and abilities: Agility - Anjira has an impressively honed degree of movement prowess, which serves her well in myriad situations. In combat especially, she is very nimble and known to possess the reflexes needed to keep her out of harms way and keep her enemies off-balance. 

Darkvision [racial] - Can see in natural darkness. This doesn’t include complete darkness like a dark room without windows.

Detect lies - There are liars everywhere and traitorous people are part of Anjira’s way of life, so she has developed a keen sense of noticing when someone is lying. The smallest change in one’s behavior, macro expressions, change in tone of voice and such are what give many people away. She can tell when someone is lying, but naturally doesn’t know what the lie is exactly. Extremely great liars might be able to avoid her detection.

Magical abilities: [Hidden]

It is known Anjira can use lethal magic, but the details are known to only those who are in her inner circle.

Weaknesses: -phobia - [Hidden]

Abundance of enemies - There are many who want Anjira dead. Either for something she has actually done or been part of or just because she is a Vanlith. In Avonmore prison rivaling gangs produce a potential threat to her wellbeing. 

Appearance: 177cm/5’8 tall, with a toned feminine body build. Anjira’s complexion is light, her long hair is raven black and her eyes bright blue. 

Personality: Anjira is a complicated and difficult creature. She is awfully proud and stubborn, sometimes even to the detriment of her own safety. The vixen is loyal to the family, but sees everyone else as expendable tools for her own gain. Anjira isn’t below manipulating, lying and in general using whatever means necessary against others to make them bend to her will. She isn’t afraid of resorting to violence, quite the contrary. Anjira doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and she enjoys putting people in their place or teaching them a lesson, in the most painful and humiliating way.

History: The Vanlith family is one of major mafia families that are part of the Council, alliance formed by all the leading mafia families of Azuno. Anjira went to elite private schools, got bad grades and caused lots of problems for everyone. She was never interested in academic studies. The young vulpeculan signed up to Azuno military as soon as she graduated from a high school.

Berenger, Anjira’s older brother, was meant to take the head of Praeco Global Transportation and Logistics company, which the Vanlith family owned and functioned as a legal front for their illegal activities. Berenger being such a responsible young man gave Anjira a chance to pursue the military career and she succeeded there better than she had ever done in the school. To Anjira the military life was a perfect way to explore her darker desires. Things that were reprehensible and against the law in civilian life were allowed here. 

When Berenger died under suspicious conditions, Anjira had to leave her respected position in the Crimson Fang and return home to prepare to become the head of the family when her father would step down. The fresh mafia princess didn’t get to spend much time with the family and take part in their business before she was charged for two murders. The trial dragged on for two years, as witnesses, prosecutor’s lawyers and assistants and jury members were threatened and some of them went missing. In the end Anjira was found guilty, despite her claiming to the bitter end that she was not guilty and she had been framed.     

Reluctantly, but surprisingly easily Anjira adjusted to the prison life. It sure helped there were some members of the Vanlith family there. Anjira took her position as their leader and soon the Vanlith gang was one of ruling gangs on the women’s side of Avonmore Prison Island.

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