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Nadia Deforest

Nadia Deforest

Name: Nadia Deforest

Gender:  Female (futa)

Race: Human

Age: 22

Identification number: 26A-W983

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:  Terrorism/vandalism/rape/assault/murder (one trial for a list of crimes connected to her association).  Life sentence.

Date of arrival: 13/April/2026

Association:  She claims to most to have just been part of a local gang, without any deeper agenda.


Occupation and education: Terrorist and Terrorist Army Training  Just 'work' related to her group, particularly skill in fighting with guns and knives, some moderate skill with explosives.

Special skills and abilities:  Melee combat, guns, explosives.

Magical abilities:

Blending.  Able to hide her futa status temporarily, appear to be an ordinary woman.  Her penis is not just invisible, but temporarily disappears.  She can hide it comfortably for up to a few hours.  In an emergency, under strain, she can hide it up to 24 hours if necessary.

Pheromones She can use these to potentially manipulate women, though the effect varies on an individual basis (up to the player how it effects their character).  It may make the woman more comfortable.  It might also make them attracted to her, look and think of her the way they would a man (possibly completely new thoughts for a lesbian, wanting her in a way subtly different than they might other women).  Being able to completely resist the effect is rare, but not impossible.

It can be used approximately every 8 hours.  It is most effective on someone standing next to her (potentially more than one at a time if there is a crowd) depending on wind/air-circulation, it could drift a little further, but less likely to be effective, the further away.  The direct effect generally lasts until the woman goes to sleep, but it could have lingering indirect effects, depending on how she felt about what happened under it's influence.


Futa-Supreamcist She is incredibly uncomfortable with even the idea of intimacy with men, as a futa or a blended 'woman'.  Since being imprisoned, especially after the staff disappearance, she tries to avoid being around them, especially alone and/or undressed.

She has a hard time trusting non-futas, considering them her equals.  She knows she has to struggle with it at least for now, can force it to a degree, but someone who discovers the truth about her may be subject to insults, dismissive thoughts etc (she might be aggressive/violent/dominant with women, something that might occasionally end up working for her, but unless she finds other futas, she is unlikely to find any true friends here).  While 'blending'/pretending to be a woman, she might try to act friendly with women, but it will be an act and somewhat forced.

Terrorist She quick to resort to violence and destruction to solve her problems.  Does not like to talk things out, may miss easier options that could seem obvious to others.  It may be difficult to stop her from going violent unless someone can earn her respect/loyalty (would not be easy for non-futas).


History: Nadia has long believed futa should be the dominant gender, a belief many other (but not all) futas have.  As a teen she found herself drawn to like minded people and eventually [Hidden].  They were labelled a terrorist organization long before Nadia joined.  She knew what she was getting into and quickly got her hands bloody.   Attacking random people, fighting police or other gangs.  She was essentially a thug/grunt/foot soldier.  She was no leader, did not do any of the planning, her job was to do what she was ordered too.  In attempt to prove herself 'more' than a woman, she had raped a few as well.  Some futa went further, getting involved with men, but she had no desire for them and left that others.

She was not especially infamous as far as such 'soldiers' went but she racked up a number of offenses, when she was finally cornered by police, she knew she would never be free again...unless [Hidden].  The trial was short and she found herself in a prison she had little hope to escape from, and no likely friends.  The staff knew who she was, but she used the one trick she had, to hide it from the other prisoners.  Pretend to be one of the women.  Maybe someday another member of her group, or some other futa would find their way there...Then the staff disappeared.  Leaving her seemingly alone, at least as far as she knew.  But she did not know every prisoner on the island, maybe there others like her already.  For now, she remains on guard, relying on herself, the skills she learned.  Maybe she could find ally's among the women...as long as they understood their place.

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