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Trish Cerluv

Trish Cerluv

Name: Trish Cerluv

Gender: Female. 

Race: Ovisaren

Age: 22

Identification number: 26A-W981

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Breaking and entering, disorderly conduct 20 years

Date of arrival: 5th April 2026 

Association: None

Occupation and education: 2 Years of community college, dropped out

Special skills and abilities: map making- with a focus on building layouts and blueprinting, but has a fair bit of knowledge on more geographically based maps
stealth- leaning more towards the side of "not making noise" rather then "not being seen" with her access to invisibility as a crutch, but can still hide in the shadows fairly well
hot wiring- surprisingly to some, Trish can make an engine purr, with or without a key.

Magical abilities: Personal invisibility - what better way to get to know someone then to watch them when they think they are alone? with a minute of prep she can turn invisible for about 10 minutes!.. only... herself though... clothes dont exactly agree with this trick, and it take about a day before she can do it again but there might be a way to shorten that... 
Lock Trick - with a little work she can open almost any lock with a little magic! ... only problem is it takes several minutes minimum... and she can only do it once every couple hours... but there's probably a way to shorten that... 

Weaknesses: None, ok maybe shes a bit bad with bugs and is a bit too unguarded when it comes to others
Personality: Rebellious, playful, Dumb

History: Had a hard life, doesnt want to go into detail about what happened but she swears she was framed by a shitty ex 

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