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Leona Blazefury “The Lioness”

Leona Blazefury “The Lioness”

Name: Leona Blazefury “The Lioness”

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 29

Identification number: 20A-W593

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Manslaughter, Aggravated Assault, Participating in Illegal Fight Clubs (Organized Crime), Resisting Arrest with Violence. 40 Years.

Date of arrival: 20.06.2020

Association: The Black Claw Syndicate, an organized crime group involved in illegal fight clubs and various other illicit activities


Occupation and education: Underground MMA Fighter


Ex-military combat instructor

Special skills and abilities: Instinctual Expertise: Leona's instincts have been honed to perfection, allowing her to react quickly in combat situations. This makes her highly unpredictable and a formidable opponent. Leona's reliance on instinct over strategy can make her vulnerable to well-planned tactics. She tends to act on impulse, which can be exploited by opponents who are able to anticipate or manipulate her actions. Additionally, in situations where her instincts are overwhelmed or confused, she may become disoriented and make critical mistakes.

Enhance physical strength: Leona possesses muscular strength that reaches the maximum of what is possible for a human being. This power allows her under effort to lift a bit more than two times her own body weight, rip doors off their hinges, overturn vehicles, and eliminate enemies with a single blow. Her physique is designed to efficiently utilize each muscle group, making her capable of massive physical tasks that would be unthinkable for most people.

Unyielding Willpower: Leona's mental fortitude allows her to push through pain, fear, and exhaustion, making her almost unstoppable. Her willpower can be a double-edged sword, causing her to ignore signs of serious injury or fatigue. This can lead to her pushing herself beyond her limits, resulting in severe physical or mental breakdowns. Her stubbornness also makes her resistant to advice or help from others, which can be detrimental in situations where collaboration is key.


Magical abilities: [Hidden]


Weaknesses: [Hidden]

Overconfidence: Leona’s belief in her own strength has led to a dangerous level of overconfidence. She often underestimates her opponents, especially those who seem physically weaker or less experienced. This overconfidence can lead her into traps or situations where she is outmatched, as she is often unwilling to retreat or acknowledge her own limitations.


Morbid routine: Leona's obsession with maintaining her peak physical condition drives her to an extreme training regimen and strict diet. She relentlessly pushes her body, ignoring chronic pain and risking severe injury. This compulsion leaves her often mentally and physically exhausted, making her vulnerable to mistakes and emotional instability. While it ensures her physical strength, it also brings her dangerously close to self-destruction.

Appearance: Leona Blazefury stands at imposing around two meters or 6´7" tall, with a muscular and well-defined physique that speaks to years of relentless training and combat. Her platinum-blonde hair is usually tied in a thick braid, cascading down her back, complementing her chiseled features and the battle-hardened aura she emanates. Her piercing gray eyes reflect her indomitable fighting spirit and the pain of her past. Her body is a canvas of scars and tattoos, each symbolizing a battle fought and survived. Leona's choice of clothing is simple yet practical—usually consisting of tank tops and cargo pants—allowing her the full range of motion needed in combat. Her physical presence alone demands respect and caution.

Personality: Determined, Rude, Personable

History: [Hidden]

She became a star in the underground fighting circuits, where her ferocity and raw power made her a crowd favorite. The nickname "The Lioness" was bestowed upon her by spectators who marveled at her ability to take down men twice her weight. [Hidden]

However, Leona's rise to infamy was not without bloodshed. In the heat of battle, driven by the roar of the crowd and the thrill of combat, she had taken several lives. Most of these deaths were passed off as accidents or the inevitable consequence of underground fighting. As her fame grew, so did the scrutiny. Law enforcement began to take notice, and it wasn't long before Leona's past caught up with her. After a particularly brutal fight where she crippled an opponent with her brute force, the authorities finally had enough evidence to bring her down. She was arrested and charged with multiple crimes, including manslaughter, aggravated assault, and resisting arrest.

Despite her criminal record, Leona remained a public figure of fascination. Many saw her as a tragic hero—a product of her environment, forged in the fires of adversity. Others viewed her as a dangerous criminal, a ticking time bomb of violence and destruction. Her conviction and 40-year sentence were met with mixed reactions, but for Leona, it was just another battle to be fought. Incarceration might have stripped her of her freedom, but it could not break her spirit. She remains defiant, always ready for the next challenge, always prepared to prove that the "Lioness" can never be truly tamed.

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