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Lucas Maxwell

Lucas Maxwell


Name: Lucas Maxwell 

Gender: Male 

Race: Human

Age: 29

Identification number: 26A-E935

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Two counts of Murder and Drug Abuse, Life Imprisonment 

Date of arrival: 4th April, 2026 

Association: Ex-Sergeant of the Special Crimes-associated Esper Division Seven (EsDiv7 for short)

Occupation and education:  Law Enforcement, Special Crimes Division 

Master of Public Administration

Police Academy Graduate

Field-Training Officer Program

Special skills and abilities: 

1- Rundowner: Chasing down perpetrators has made Lucas an accomplished sprinter, stunningly able to keep up even with non-humans with a penchant for speed.

2- Piloting: Lucas is a skilled pilot. Put him behind the controls of a helicopter and he will follow you from the streets to hell, and back, even if it means fucking and weaving between buildings and other high-rise structures.

3- Cold Gaze: A quiet demeanor along with a soul-piercing gaze complete with an unamused scowl is Lucas' preferred way of getting people to crack under pressure. Whether it was getting confessions out of people or simply giving them a quiet hint to sod off, the kind of stare Lucas can give people often makes anyone uncomfortable. More mentally resilient people and those with great willpower can resist being made to break. 

Magical abilities: 

1- [Hidden] 

2- [Hidden] 


1- Target Marker: By virtue of what he was, being at Avonmore Prison paints arguably the largest target on his back ever, as he may be responsible for a small number of those who reside in the prison. Especially one he out there personally.

2- Broken Moral Compass: Once an officer of the law, the fortunes that have left him in prison have left him someone with little regard for the rules and regulations if left to his own devices. He may be liable to committing acts that could very well extend his already lengthy prison sentence.

3- [Hidden] 

4- [Hidden]


Lucas is a man of 6’4/193cm. His red hair, once kept neatly arranged, occasionally lapses into a state of messy disrepair from his time at Avonmore. He sees no purpose or point in maintaining his looks, as the prison is a place where the more ghastly looks are often ignored. However, this conflicts with how he maintains his physical form, knowing he will eventually come into conflict with someone who wants him dead. He refuses to be caught unprepared when conflict is concerned, and he'll sooner take their life than allow his to be extinguished. His eyes often reflect a man who has little life left to live, an empty glow that seems devoid of purpose or passion, but the right stimuli can cause embers of life to burst forth within them once more. 

Personality: Lucas is an example of someone who has been thoroughly crushed by his own dreams and aspirations, who let life's disappointments and its miseries weigh heavily on his conscience, and who lost his reason to exist and lives only for spite. Much of his time being spent in solitary confinement has made him grow secluded and self-reliant, and caused him to become leery of interacting with others, especially when the majority are all prisoners. The only one who seems like they can draw out anything resembling ambition and drive… Also happens to draw out the worst qualities in him.


Lucas' life began in the far off country of Azuno. Born into a prestigious but stern and strict family, much of his life was controlled and pre-arranged before he even had a say in it, and there was little to do but comply. The rigid upbringing ensured he would not grow up awry, and he would always consider family values and their way of life first and foremost. Even in love, his prospects were chosen for him, a future marriage arranged with a woman named Emily even from his teen years. Yet he still connected and bonded with her like they were always meant to be friends.

The state of Azuno was always a precarious thing, where it looked pleasant on the outside, but inside it held its dark secrets as a city almost entirely controlled by criminal elements. Lucas endeavored to fix that by joining local Law Enforcement, spending years of his life to not only show he was capable, but rise further by joining their elite Special Crimes Divisions to get into the thick of things. Lucas showed his dedication to the cause over the years, providing safety and stability for his now-wife Emily and the citizens of Azuno, but also providing a face and a name for his enemies to deal with.

Over time, Lucas began to dig into things he shouldn't have, and when traditional warnings did not dissuade him, tragedy instead befell Emily, and in his grief, he resorted to unscrupulous means to get his revenge.


Ultimately, while he got something approaching victory, it came at a very high cost; In retribution for his actions, his parents were murdered and he was framed as the killer through carefully planted evidence. The police, knowing what had happened so far, could do little but let the system do what it would to him, and Lucas was sentenced to prison for life, an irony that was not lost on him.

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