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Delmar "Concrete Vulture" Barsi

Delmar "Concrete Vulture" Barsi

Name: Delmar "Concrete Vulture" Barsi

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 27

Identification number: 26A-E989

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:
Guilty - 6 Counts Bank Robbery
Guilty - 8 Counts of Extortion
Guilty - 8 Counts of receiving money from Extortion
Guilty - 5 Counts of using Fire or Explosives to damage property
Guilty - 5 Counts Blackmail
Guilty - 3 Counts Detention of Armored Vehicle
Guilty - 1 Count Willful contempt of court

[Guilty on 19 counts, 60 years]

Date of arrival: 09, 08, 2026

Association: N/A

Occupation and education:
Bachelors in Architecture and Architectural Engineering
Bachelors in Interior Architecture
Worked as an architect

Special skills and abilities:
Structural Study - Delmar's skill as an architect allow him to understand the basic construction of a building from a fairly quick glance knowing things like what combination of structures holds what, how much it could hold, the materials used, and general skeleton of a building. He essentially has a pretty good idea how a building is build with eyesight though looks at the plans are always more useful

Structural System Exploitation - Delmar is very good at understanding the interior systems of a place and what they can cover and what they often don't over. It might take a little study of the interiors, but once he's got that he's pretty good at playing with them for his own ends...or helping plan them.

MMA - In an effort to stay in shape Delmar took up learning various systems to keep in shape and took a liking to it. Delmar is trained in Boxing, Wrestling, and Kickboxing for combat purposes. He is actually quite gifted as well, enough to compete with the heavy hitters and defend himself of course.

Firearms (Shotguns) - Delmar is very good with shotguns and prefers them to any other weapon though he will mostly use it to disable things and intimidation.

Safe-Cracking (Or really anything else) - Delmar is a master safe cracker or rather he's learned to break open just about any sort of security device so long as its a physical security system be it mechanical or electronic. It might take time and tools but given enough room he's got enough skill to make anything fairly simple to break broken. He cannot break open digital security systems however because those do not have a physical presence.

 Magical abilities: [N/A]

- Cockiness: Delmar is a very cocky individual who is sure of himself and does not handle failure well.
This often leads him to act as though victory is assured already and not consider all the variables.
- Previous Injury: There is actually an injury on his side sustained sustained in his youth hasn't healed well and makes it fairly easy to hurt him if struck. He doesn't acknowledge it if he doesn't have to.
- Problem with Authority: Delmar's issues with Authority extend to ever being told what to do even if its for his own good. He angers very easily or definitely tanks in mood when given any sort of order. This can cause him to act a little irrationally to prove himself.
- Trust Issues: Delmar is a bit paranoid around people and often imagines that they'll turn on him at the drop of a hat. This makes it really difficult to form bonds and ask for help when he needs it, compounding his troubles.
- [Hidden]

Delmar is....a troubled individual. He's a greedy and selfish with a bit of a chip on his shoulder but he's also not unfriendly unless someone is unfriendly to him first. He has lofty goals and desires, a need to be his own man and a hatred for a helping hand, but he's often willing to lend his own though its rarely without a complication. He doesn't like it when things get complicated but he has a habit of finding himself in very complicated situations due to his own actions and desires to stand on his own two feet. He loves people, he does, but he also doesn't put much faith or trust in them.

He's got a hard heart and even harder head, but he's not...evil at least he doesn't think so. He does like to fight, verbally and physically. He likes it rough because that seems like a good measure that you're living life to the fullest. He's not dumb, but he'll do a dumb thing on occasion just to prove that he is no coward. He doesn't take disrespect from anyone however.

He is, however, loyal to his friends. They might betray him one day but he can never bring himself to betray someone else even if he's greedy. His word is bond no matter who its too or what and he'll die to keep a promise.

Delmar grew up in a rough place. The days were often filled with gunshots, and if it wasn't gunshots then some punk would press you. Delmar grew up where you were either tough...or some got someone tough to protect you and his family did that. The gang that managed where he lived were more or less able to to keep things under control so long as you paid them...and he hated it. His parents worked hard and often had to set aside too much just the very bastards that made life hard continued to do just that. He wanted to help his parents even then. It wasn't so easy though. You lived the way you had to so Delmar took up fighting. Boxing at first and that was enough to keep punks off his back well...unless they came in groups. Delmar got more than a few bruises from a shakedown coming up.

Life was what it was at least until he made some friends. They weren't a gang but they were always together. He helped them and they helped him at least that was what he thought until one day for their own skin...one of his best friends sold him out. Delmar had something someone wanted or rather...they told someone he did. Delmar couldn't give them something he didn't have and so he took a knife for it and nearly died. Something changed in him then and he began to cut people off. He started to act colder and go his own way. He wanted out of that place. He never wanted to have to put his trust in someone again.

He studied hard and got into college where he worked harder still to become an architect and stand on his own feet there. It did work but he built up a rep for himself as someone fairly unfriendly. He worked from there, but there was always something off. Bills. His parents still paying for protection, or the new generation not honoring that. It ate at him and as it ate at him he began to have...ideas. He knew these places and he knew the places rich bastards kept their money. He knew how to get in due to an hobby and so....he tried it.

The first robbery did not go well and it was a miracle he not only got away but got away with his life. He learned from there. He studied. He often took jobs for these places or small projects. He stayed in shape and he did it again and the second time went much better. It was dangerous but thrilled. He laid low for just a little bit and when it seemed he was in the clear? He got his parents out. He never told them where he got that money. That was it...the answer to everything right? Why wait? He could take it and so he did that and embarked on a bit of a spree. He knew these places, and he knew people.

He knew these places and boy did it work. He knew how to open things he shouldn't. It was a miracle he always got away...at least until that last job.

One last little thing he was sure and he was set but he made a mistake. He took on a partner. Someone in need. There was enough for both but well....it went sideways and he was left behind and put in cuffs. He took a deal to get the time reduced especially since he tended not to hurt anyone and he still had some dirt that he called in that absolutely couldn't get brought to light. He went down and he went down a lone.

And now he's just been doing his time, knowing there was a good chance he'd never get away from where they sent him.

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