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Sybil "Shadow of the Theater" Baudelaire

Sybil "Shadow of the Theater" Baudelaire

Name: Sybil "Shadow of the Theater" Baudelaire

Gender: Female (Futa)
[Functional Male and female parts]

Race: Human

Age: 37

Appearance: she's actually 7'2"

Identification number: 23A-W803

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:
Guilty on 4 Counts - Homicide of a Federal Officer
Guilty on 8 Counts - Homicide
Guilty on 5 Counts - Blackmail
Guilty on 4 Counts - Aggravated Arson
Guilty on 3 Counts - Kidnapping
Guilty on 3 Counts - Ransom
Guilty on 2 Counts - Sex Trafficking
Guilty on 2 Counts - Injuring Officer(s)
Guilty on 4 Counts - Trespassing
Guilty on 5 Counts - Breaking and Entering
Guilty on 1 Count - Hostage Taking
Guilty on 1 Count - Sexual Harassment

[Declined defense, Guilty on all 42 Counts, Initially sentenced to Death, changed to Life Imprisonment without Parole.]

Date of arrival: 05, 12, 2023

- The Many Eyes of God - An old, and surprisingly powerful cult based in Southern Louisiana. They are a cult that believes themselves to be descended from the 7 eyes of god that became men and women, fathering lines that serve and watch over the chosen lineages of god or...a god. They are quite esoteric and preach 7 tenets that aim to influence its members into complete obedience like with any cult. They act as an innocent, religious theater group on the surface however but one close to many powerful families, political powers, and companies.

- The Baudelaire - A formerly powerful, old money family that makes their name in development, entertainment, politics, and medicine.
- [Hidden]

Occupation and education:
MD in Human/oid Physiology
Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Worked as a physician and an Acupuncturist

Special skills and abilities:
Vulnerability Focus - While Sybil is not much of a fighter the sum-total of her knowledge has given her the ability to accurately and consistently target anatomical vulnerabilities and sensitivities (Ex. "Pressure Points") combined with her needles in the hopes of ending fights as quickly as possible to make up for her lack of durability and true combat skill.

Exceptional Limberness - Sybil's style of dance has aided her into keeping an an incredibly, limber figure. She essentially sits at the peak of human flexibility, bypassing most somatic pain and despite her body being able to contort it in ways that should seem painful but mean little to her. She is even able to maintain full control in these awkward seeming positions. This does not mean her body can't break of course as she is not elastic but her body has more given before such a thing would occur at least in terms of elastic force is concerned. This aids her well in situations where she needs to defend herself as she begins to move in odd ways that would be difficult for most people. She becomes almost inhuman, at least to those not so used to the human body bending and shifting that way.

Fine-tuned Echolocation - Being blind has made it so that Sybil must navigate by use of her senses but she has trained so thoroughly to use her echolocation that she has reached the human limit. She's become so adept with this that she is fully capable of navigating environments rapidly without the immediate use of aids and doing things that most people like her may not with far greater ease. She is able to get a very rich sense of the environment. She is able to understand spacial information well such as discern height, material by density (Essentially Rock, from metal, from cloth, etc), position, movement, even dryness and wetness (though this requires much less noise), and presence creating a "sound map" of sorts.

Magical abilities:
- [Hidden]

- Shadow Needle - Sybil is capable of conjuring 6 black colored needles a day between her fingers. These long thin, pure black needles are made of shadow, and do not actually cause wounds but otherwise mimic surgical grade stainless steel verum capable needles. They will vanish without a trace after approximately 10 minutes in hand, 1 minute out.

- Sybil is totally blind and is thus unable to quickly react to unfamiliar stimuli as quickly as those with vision, though she can adapt her ability to take in information only works as fast as she can make intentional noise and thus she loses in terms of the speed of information that a person with sight might be able to process. Noisy areas also provide a significant hurdle to the speed of her information gathering.
- While Sybil is quite capable without them, she still needs to use aids in order to avoid the things she can't perceive easily through the use of her echolocation.
- Sybil's senses can be more easily overwhelmed due their needing to compensate for her lack of vision.
- [Hidden]
- [Hidden]

Sybil is....a sad presence. A dead thing, still moving among the living though she has little idea why. The woman seems to be in constant pain made clear by the seemingly dark aura that surrounds her. There rarely ever seems to be times where she isn't cry, but it is something she does in silence most often. Sybil will, despite her pain, greet everyone with a smile. She is a well-spoken, polite, and elegant figure despite the deep desolation that hangs upon her shoulders. She cares deeply for people and things and acts quite motherly, a gentle but firm guiding hand there for anyone that needs her. She is quite intelligent as well, and able to handle herself well enough even if the darkness that hands on her is sometimes far heavier than she'd like. Sybil will place others above herself in a desperate bid to not impart her despair even if it means blatantly lying. She does genuinely enjoy simple things such as conversation or sex, and is generally easy going though one would do well not to confuse Sybil's nature with being easily controlled.

She can, at times, seem almost devoid of this shadow and appear genuinely happy. She can appear quite clever and thrilled especially if it means bringing a smile to someone else though this can change in moments. She will go from exchanging jokes one moment to obsessively reciting knowledge the next in an attempt to keep herself strong the next. She does love people. She does love, even if at times she is far too caught her small world to properly express. She simply cannot handle living in her own head.

Sybil can also be....quite creepy however. An unnaturally quiet figure that moves through the world as though he was not part of it. She does live only in shadow, and her upbringing has given her a strange way of navigating that world and the people in it. Her understanding of love is far darker than it should be.She has few barriers. She can be obsessive and overly familiar. She sometimes seems to exist past herself and others talking as though they are all mere memories, or dead.

She is more than willing to shadow someone and push them, but rarely or malicious reasons...but that malicious spirit is there. That shadow that gave her name. That resenting, bitter, unrelenting fury within her that sits and grows under that pale surface. It can, at times, twist her when it bubbles to the service. A calm fury that puts a smile on her face as she seeks to harm and control rather than listen and help. It rests under he skin like a 2nd sheathe and though Sybil refuses to acknowledge it there is no denying that it is there. It can bleed to the surface, or erupt.



One moment was celebration, and they had moved to speak and the next? Those men had come. Agents? It all happened so fast...from Celebration to pain. Pain that never seemed to end. The last thing she could recall was the final words of her father...as hateful as the first. Much of the Baudelaire were killed too in that raid. Sybil was not, or she was. She would tell you she did.

"God hates me. This is why I feel only pain."

No casket but a hospital bed and and long hours. Pain was all she felt, and darkness was all she had. The Theater had left her behind. Her siblings were dead, her father was dead, what friends she had were dead, an innocent family...were dead and she had no one left...no one but family friends of the Baudelaire who came to her for answers but she had none. She only had misery, tears....and anger. She recovered and though there was an attempt to calm her mental state she just couldn't. There was something inside of her, something that had been there since she was a child but had been ignoring.
And then one day, she was visited by another family friend but this time they came with news....and Sybil snapped. She vanished into the dark and all was silent....

The first death was a suicide, the second had no apparent cause, the third seemed to be an accident. The only link being that they all worked the same case and that there were rumors of a sighting of a mysterious figure. A tall figure dressed in black that moved like a ghost. Rumors that those who helped with the raid were cursed and being haunted by a vengeful ghost abounded. There were tales of a rogue member of the cult hunting down agents. They did check for Sybil, but when they tracked her down she was merely staying with a friend in her time of need who vouched for her. Things went quiet again...
Another death, by their own hand but at the scene was an anger mask once used by the Theater. No one really understood what was happening or how. There was nothing but....the ghost. The Shadow of the Theater as people were calling it then. It became sensational but things had gone quiet for a little while longer. The Shadow was not at peace...far from it but it was a few months before it was seen again.

A final performance, a last dance and she was hosting it....for her family. It was perhaps because they wished to keep up appearances or perhaps they really did think she was one of them but the Laurent readily answered her invitation or at least the special guests she invited. Fools, just like her but it had a purpose. It infamously took place at an old Baudelaire building, a hotel they had yet to finish. It had been turned into a memorial by the remainder of the family and friendly with what they had. It seemed merely like a family gather but once night fell it turned into a house of horrors and none would leave alive. The Shadow had struck again but now it had a name...Sybil.

She went on one excursion after that, in what could only be described as a message. She took 3 final members of the Laurents and she forced the Laurents to negotiate for them, over and over but she was merely idling by. She broke 2 of them and only returned them when she was sure those scars would last forever. The last she kept as a hostage. This one was important, someone important to the family that had wrong her own, a 'sister' at least if Sybil had ever been a Laurent. The Sister and the Spirit spoke and the truth was revealed.

"God hates me. This is why...he made me a fool."

Sybil had been prepared to deal a final blow but...the truth has a curious way of revealing it. She was made aware of all of it. [Hidden] The truth of The Theater and the evil they had her do. [Hidden] The rest of the cult knew this, [Hidden]. Sybil's whole life had been a lie. A joke. She had been a fool. The already broken spirit broke further and desperately tired to wring truth from her "sister" but she knew the truth....and more than that? She was shown her kindness and sympathy.

A few kind words and Sybil's missing heart would finally beat but with it came the regret and she'd...surrender. Vengeance incomplete and world completely and utterly broken she was taken in and the case of the Shadow of the Theater was brought to a close.

The trial wasn't long. [Hidden] and Sybil....she didn't fight it. She simply gave in.  [hidden] and despite efforts which she often rejected she was found sane. She was ready to finally meet the death she had somehow avoided, to become the corpse she was but her 'Sister' called in her own favors and she was spared. It was a kind gesture although to Sybil it almost felt like revenge. She had lost. She had been a fool. She had nothing left. Her father's words echoed in her head even as the new judgement was rendered. God did hate her and he would have the last laugh.

She was shipped away, hopefully to never be seen again.

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