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Name: Fera

Gender: Female [Futa]

Race: Tinorian

Age: 28

Identification number: 17A-W380 

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Attempted Terrorism, 30 Years in Prison

Date of arrival: 18th June 2017

Association: None

Occupation and education: None


Special skills and abilities: 

  • Prison Mascot: Would mostly affect NPCs. Players can choose to react to her how they would like, but Fera is just...very likeable. Her bubbly personality has given her quite the reputation amongst her fellow inmates. They've often just shared food with her and given her headpats. The older ladies at the prison treat her like their granddaughter. Perhaps even the prison staff liked her.
  • Durable: Fera's got tough skin! Her skin work similarly to rhino's leather. She can still be harmed of course, but she will take less damage than the average person, assuming anyone would actually hit this furball. She can take a punch, and it takes a bit more strength for the knife to penetrate the skin.
  • Way too much Energy: Sometimes it's almost as though this girl runs on an endless battery supply. Most importantly, she could go a night or two without sleep. Any more though and she might pass out.
  • Quick Recovery: If Fera does end up getting hurt, she recovers exceptionally quickly. Scratches and bruises will heal within 2 or 3 days. Deeper wounds will heal in 2/3rds of the time it would take for the average person.

Magical abilities:

  • Tionarian Pride: For just 10 seconds, her strength, defense, speed and agility will reach the absolute peak capable for a person. This skill can only be used once a day.



  • Dumb as a Brick: She was already a total idiot when she got here, and even though people have tried to teach her a few things, Fera just doesn't have the head for it. She doesn't seem to know anything about the world outside this prison even though she's lived her whole life out there.
    She remembers people, but good luck trying to get her to remember your name too. She likes to give nicknames...not always the same one...they might not even sound anything close to your real name. She doesn't really consider them nicknames either, so good luck convincing her that's not your real name. (PS: If someone else mentions a character by their name, she'll know who they're talking about...but she still gets it wrong when she says it)
  • Truth Bound: Fera doesn't know how to lie. Whenever she tries, she'll start to sweat and fidget, making it obvious to anyone. She rarely ever even attempts to lie, and it might tear her up inside until the truth comes out. Of course, 
  • Blind to danger: Fera can't really distinguish dangerous situations unless someone blatantly tells her. She could walk right down the middle of a mexican stand-off and then wonder why those guys were pointiong those funny looking things (guns) at each other.


Appearance: Fera is 183cm/6 ft tall

Personality: Dumb, energetic, positive.

History: Fera doesn't have much of a story. At 18 years of age, she was found at a packed stadium covered from head to toe with explosives. Despite this, she claimed not to know anything about any explosives. She didn't even seem to understand what an explosive was, but given the circumstances, who would believe her. Fera couldn't really defend herself in court. When shown a picture and asked if she'd been wearing those explosives in the stadium, she enthusiastically said yes! Afterall, she didn't see any reason to lie about it. Fera was found guilty of attempted terrorism and sentenced to 30 years behind bars. She has been leading a pretty happy life in prison though, getting a nice outfit (prison clothes), a lovely room (prison cell) and funny-looking roommates (other inmates). She even gets fed for free! (Prison slop)

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