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Kinu Yukimura

Kinu Yukimura

Name: Kinu Yukimura "Foxy" 

Gender: Female

Race: Kitsune

Age: 28

Identification number: 26A-W985

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Arson, Human Trafficking

Date of arrival: May 22 2026



Occupation and education: Journalist, College Education 

Special skills and abilities: 

Extremely limber: Kinu’s flexibility allows her to perform impressive physical feats, such as easily slipping through spaces as narrow as 10 inches wide, and performing advanced acrobatics like backflips or rapid changes in direction while moving. However, her limberness has practical limits: if she attempts to hold an extreme position for longer than five minutes, she risks muscle cramps or strains. Additionally, she cannot fit through spaces smaller than her shoulder width, and attempting overly complex or risky maneuvers under stress can result in injury, such as pulled muscles or twisted joints.

Keen Observer: Kinu’s observational skills are highly specialized in noticing and processing environmental details. Kinu excels at scanning her surroundings and picking up on small, often overlooked details. This allows her to identify potential threats, hidden clues, or escape routes. While Kinu is excellent at noticing physical details in her environment, her ability to read people’s emotions or intentions through body language and facial expressions is less developed. She can observe what someone is wearing or carrying, but she may miss more subtle cues related to their mood or deception. In environments that are cluttered or have a lot of visual stimuli, Kinu can become overwhelmed, leading to potential missed details or slower processing times.

Very physically Fit: Kinu’s fitness is focused on endurance and resilience. She can run at a steady pace for extended periods (up to 30 minutes without tiring), endure harsh physical conditions, and recover quickly from fatigue. Her stamina allows her to maintain focus and energy over long missions, and she can perform tasks requiring sustained effort, like long-distance travel or extended stakeouts, without significant rest. However, her physical strength is limited; she struggles to lift more than 50 pounds, and in hand-to-hand combat, she is at a disadvantage. Kinu relies on agility and evasion rather than direct confrontation, as she lacks the power to overpower opponents. If forced into a fight, her strategy is to outlast and outmaneuver rather than to overpower, but against a skilled or stronger opponent, she is vulnerable.

Scurry away - designed to give her a burst of rapid acceleration, allowing her to hit her top speed almost instantly. This ability is particularly useful for quickly dodging danger or getting a head start in a chase. The boost lasts for about 45 seconds, during which she maintains her top speed efficiently due to her rapid acceleration. However, the ability is highly draining; using it more than 2 or 3 times in quick succession leaves her completely exhausted

Magical abilities: 

Notice Me- allows her to subtly draw someone's attention by maintaining direct eye contact. This ability makes the person slightly more favorable toward her, particularly useful in delicate or tense situations. However, Notice Me is not mind control; it only works on individuals who already have some level of attraction to her. The effect is subtle, making the person more inclined to assist or agree with her, but it won't override strong opposing feelings or beliefs.

Kinu can use Notice Me up to 4 times a day, with each use requiring focused and intentional eye contact. The influence it provides is gentle and works best in situations where a slight shift in perception can change the outcome in her favor.


Very weak- While she's FIT that's more in terms of stamina and flexibility, she's easily overpowered physically, she's also not one for fighting being one to flee rather than fight. If forced into a corner more likely to surrender then stand her ground.



Kinu Yukimura is a renowned journalist from the Republic, known for her fearless investigative reporting. After earning her journalism degree from Stride University, she gained fame by exposing a major corruption scandal. Her work focuses on political corruption and human rights, making her a respected and influential figure in the media. Despite her success, Kinu remains dedicated to uncovering the truth and advocating for the underprivileged.

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