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Private Roleplaying Characters

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If you want to upload your personal RP characters, without having to make a new album for the Private Roleplay Section then this is the place to upload them to.

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  1. Glaci

    Glaci is a 19 year old 5'1 glaceon pokemon, she loves to relax around the house and go out to the beach!~. Though she has a hidden lust buried deep within that becomes noticeable when she's turned on. She becomes the perfect little slut~
    • Album created by zenti
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  2. Godslayer

    A legend wrapped in a myth. There are many stories about the fabled Godslayer, many retellings and versions of the legend, though no one could tell you the truth of any of the tales other than Slayer himself. He would be just as likely to tell you that every story you've heard is true. 
    Ancient and enigmatic, Slayer has the face of a young man and the soul of a bitter immortal with a deep seated hatred of the gods, it doesn't matter to which civilization they are worshipped by. 
    The gods would tell you one thing, if anything at all. Slayer would tell you another, though he is just as trustworthy as the gods themselves, which is to say not at all, though many who know his story view him as a hero, an answer for the negligence of the gods to keep them in check.
    Slayer is rude and foul-mouthed with a lack of respect for basically anyone, gods and mortals alike, embittered by his existence as a mortal and further by his punishment from the gods to walk the Earth with never ending life. All that aside, he is quite driven in the single motivation in his long life: the eradication of the gods.
    • Album created by Pixel
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  3. Gojou Satoru

    Yeah, it's Gojo from JJK, but....I wanted to use the image for my own character. 3:
    • Album created by Infinite
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  4. Gowther

    name: Gother
    Age:  32

    Background : reoccuring slave - kidnapped and enslaved at a young age then threw the years grew to have more violent tendencies till eventally no one wanted to buy them anymore. though sexually abused at times gother was originally a working slave rather then a sexual one. they possess sexual and support magic.

    • Album created by inkylore
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  5. Hailey Geist

    Not the OC canonical namebut it will be for my rps
    • Album created by NytheraRP
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  6. Hanami Sakurai

    Name: Sakurai Hanami (last name first)
    History: Raised happily surrounded by a loving family, Hanami has no particularly stimulating points in her history, unless you count all of the physically stimulating encounters she's had with all manners of genders, races, and even objects ever since she discovered how good it felt to be touched down there. She has lived a largely carefree life as the dearly beloved daughter of a lesser known daimyo. The nth child of many and hardly the brightest of them (though, strongest is up in the air), she lived a life free from the burden of responsibilities while still being able to benefit from her father's wealth and high status. In other words, she was allowed to do whatever she wanted growing up.
    Personality: Hanami is feudal Japan's version of the girl-next-door. A little ditzy, perhaps a bit precarious, clumsy just when the time is right, but always kind and there for her loved ones when they need her. She is definitely an individual that goes by her own wavelength, dances to her own tune. Therefore, regardless of the setting, it's never a matter of whether she's one of a kind or normal compared to everyone else, she is always who she is, and part of that is having quite the sexual appetite. Her manner of dress, even, is provocative precisely to elicit attraction and lust and is so open precisely so that her entire body can be easily accessed. In less fantastical settings, she wears aphrodisiacs created from various flowers as a sweet-smelling perfume that promises a fun time for both herself and any poor (or lucky) sap who ends up too close to her. In more fantastical settings, her backstory might include being blessed, possibly even having her desires subtly enhanced, by a deity or spirit of fertility.  It should be noted, though, that her nymphomania is not to the point that all suitors are welcome. Moreso, just that if she likes someone and thinks that she wants to do it with them, she has no further qualms. Her body is her temple and life is short like the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring. She enjoys the flower viewing while she can and lives with no regrets.
    Other Notes:
    Hanami is a very positive person. Usually, that positivity is nothing very strange. However, when pushed into certain extreme situations, such as non-con, it becomes eerily disturbing. Hanami does not want to be raped, usually. If she ever has rape fantasies, which I'm not saying is impossible, she will have no shame about it as she does most things. However, in the event of an actual and nonconsensual rape, should Hanami start to feel good while being raped, she no long cares about how everything started nor does she process the trauma of rape. The rape has become something she enjoys, so she will willingly participates in it without a single hint of doubt. Hanami specializes in archery and the use of daggers. She is expressly forbidden from swords and naginata as they are respected weapons of the samurai class and she has... Well... Disrespected them quite thoroughly across multiple attempts to teach her such weapons. Hanami can't help it. Even now, she will regularly use her daggers to ease any needs between her legs between love making sessions. At least with daggers they're no symbols of honor and prestige. In all of her iterations, unless specified in the rp itself, Hanami is infertile by default, whether it's biologically or because of weird god shenanigans where, instead of becoming pregnant, being bred "breeds" the land instead with greater prosperity. It is ironic, given her flower theme. However, it is also another reason why she bears no responsibilities despite her age and can so happily accept all kinds of suitors into her warm insides. The only consequences of sex in her life is pleasure, so Hanami sees no point in treating it with any greater gravity.
    • Album created by Headless
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  7. Hannah Meyone 

    Name: Hannah Meyone 
    Aliases: Whisper, White Shadow or Hell Kat
    Age: 20
    Hair: White
    Eyes: Golden Brown
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 125 lbs
    Species: Meta human
    Job: Assassin
    Markings: Multiple scars on her back, cannot be seen because of her dragon tattoo
    Powers: Super human senses, shadow travel, amazing tracking skills, hard to kill, can take down hero's and villains, can shape shift into a wolf to kill her enemies, has ice powers
    Weaknesses: Low frequency noises (some mess with her head) some toxins and drugs the league uses, she can be bound by copper chains which she cannot escape

    Past: Former member of the league of shadows but left at age 17. Father was also an assassin her mother a meta human, both are dead now. After leaning the league she has taken up work doing private assassination jobs, she has refused job offers from the yakuza, Justice leave and the US government. Many have tried to take her contain her, control her and tame her but all have failed. The Scarecrow, The Riddler and even the Penguin all failed. She left many villains and heroes with horrible injuries. However she's never gone up against the Joker as of yet. 
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  8. Harley Quinn

    Hello all, this will be the pack of pictures for my character, Harley Quinn. The art work is done by a artist named DevilHS
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  9. Haru

    Name : Haru
    Race : Human
    Gender : Futanari
    Age : 18
    Sexuality : Homosexual
    Height : 5’ 1”
    Cup Size : C
    Cock Size : 11 inches
    A rookie Pokemon Trainer who was an outcast growing up due to her being a futanari, which results in her being quite socially awkward. She is secretly a major pervert and really likes other women, but gets nervous around them due to her experiences with being ostracized for being a futa. But that being said, she also values consent and wouldn’t force herself on anybody (though the Team Rocket types might be excluded from this). Has a massive pregnancy fetish and if, during sex, her partner indicates a desire to get pregnant, it will pretty much drive her into what can be best described as a fuck frenzy. Has a preference for Dark-type Pokemon.
    • Album created by Venus
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  10. Haven

    Haven is a member of a superhero team known as The League. She can create force fields for a variety of effects. Her real name is Sara Albright, which she keeps secret through the clever use of a pair of glasses, because no one would ever think the white-haired journalist with a penchant for red could possibly be the superhero Haven, whose outfit is red. Nobody. I mean, Haven doesn't wear glasses! They can't possibly be the same person!
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  11. Helena

    The quiet and reserved one. Probably best played with someone more outgoing.
    • Album created by DonutRex
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  12. Hellhound V2 (Free to RP)

    A return of the hell born dog girl. As lazy as ever, she always yearns to "play", which in her words means fighting with kicks and fire. But once playtime is over, she enjoys rewards for efforts, food, petting, headpats or any attention in general. Having no knowledge of human cultures, she takes a different approach with most situations than any humans would. Warning: She is very powerful.
    • Album created by Warning
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  13. Helm (Reference Only)

    Just to be clear on 2 things: 
    1. I know next tp nothing about this mobile game apart from you cam state at women's butts as they shoot things. This, this is merely a reference for a character I want someone to play.
    2. As previously mentioned, I am looking for someone to play this character and not for me to play them.
    • Album created by Chuck89
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  14. Hercules: The Demi-Goddess Of Greece

    A few pics of Hercules's appearance as well as some small roleplay prompts. Hope you enjoy!
    • Album created by GoddessOfGreece
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  15. Hilary

    Hilary Marie - 51. Housewife. Married to Hugh. Sister to Angie and adoptive aunt to Zara & Iris. Mother to Poppy and unnamed son. Bisexual. Arrogant & conceited. Overall bad person. Very sexy though. Really wants to fuck Zara. Face claim: Brandi Love 5’8”, fit, big tits, defined abs and biceps, big round ass, meaty pussy. Tan skin, long wavy naturally black hair, colors it honey blonde. Dark brown triangle pubes.
    • Album created by Zara
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  16. Hjordis Raventongue

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  17. Holly~

    Holly is a mythical animal, a humanoid grphyn of some kind. She is a pet that can cook, she is small but not short so be very careful not too break her.
    • Album created by KoitheToi
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  18. Horny

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  19. Hulin Lashzo (Futa)

    Hulin Lashzo. Age range: 400+ (looks like she's in her early 30's). 
    Hulin was once a witch who once believed in the power and study of the Night and prayed to a moon entity seeking only knowledge. But then the Salem Witch trials happened and her closes friends and daughter where all killed. She wished for revenge but her moon god never answered her prayers. Then one night something else did. A succubus came before her and promised to help destroy those responsible for the death of her friends and daughter to which Lashzo agreed. In exchange she had to be turned into a futa and every 50 years she must find a innocent female and corrupt them with her new "gift" and then send them to Hell.  
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  20. Iliad V'rei

    Name:  Illiad V'rei
    Age:  24
    Sex:  Female
    Iliad is one of few survivors of a bloody massacre of her people. The elven kingdom was completely demolished by humans who had assaulted them with vile plagues and curses that drained them of their magic.
    When she was young, she always wondered why her people never simply made peace with the humans they always seemed so afraid of. She was always told humans were vile, greedy beings who wanted nothing more than to seize total domination of the world. She never fully understood why that was a bad thing. If the whole world was ruled under one people, there would be no more war or fighting and it'd be like everyone was one big family. It made sense in a child's mind, anyway.
    In her childhood, Iliad was an adventurous young girl. She would often go on explorations through the forests surrounding her kingdom. At one point, she discovered an abandoned human settlement. She would bring her friends there and imagine being a part of human society. They would gather items from the forest and pretend to run stores or play house together. As she matured, she would use this place as a getaway, she had her first kiss and even lost her virginity here to a young elven boy.
    But when the massacre of her people began and she watched countless men and boys die in vain trying to protect their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters... only for those very same women to be dragged away screaming and begging in shackles, a battle they stood zero chance of winning from the beginning, she understood all to clearly why peace was never an option.
    There is nothing Iliad wants to do more than to raise hell on humanity. She would feel no shame in painting the streets of human cities red with the blood of everything that breathes. But she's smart enough to understand that her pure hatred alone isn't enough to win her any battles. She spent many years dawning a hood to cover her distinctive ears and slipping into human cities. She searched high and low for any signs of elven slaves. She searched brothels, towns, private homes, perhaps the largest incident was a time when she completely destroyed a slave auction with cleverly placed explosives. All of this with the intention of liberating her people from the tyrannical clutches of humanity. Unfortunately, any elven slaves have had their magic permanently sealed away with markings across their necks. Without magic, these slaves are nearly incapable of fighting and most completely lack the spirit of rebellion having lost everything they've lived for already. Iliad spends most of her time stealing from the wealthy among the humans to feed the many slaves she's freed and relocated to the abandoned settlement she discovered in her youth. She'd renamed it Ur'ada after the elven word for heart, blood, and life. It would now serve as a refugee village for liberated slaves. Many train to fight without magic. Though they are physically weak, there are a select few willing to fight for revenge alongside Iliad. However, even the strongest of them know they stand no chance if Iliad were to get caught and lose her magic, too.
    • Album created by Aura
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  21. Inoue Sensei

    Full Name: Mitsuki Inoue (I am willing to Americanize this character)
    Age: 22/23
    Breast size: 32D-34DD (either is fine)
    Height: 5'1" 
    Body type: curvy 
    Marital status: Single, never married
    Occupation: Mathematics High School Teacher
    Hobbies: Reading, researching better ways to educate her students, healthy eating, exercising, gardening, plants
    Personality: Mitsuki is an excellent teacher and almost all of her students love her. However, she is a bit of an air head and quite oblivious. Constantly zoning out when not actively teaching. Despite this quality she is book smart, but not so much street smart. For example if one of her students tried to make a move on her, she might not even notice. She is carefree, a worry wort, socially naïve, and very kind. These qualities contribute to her being a good teacher but also susceptible to being taken advantage of. Most of her male students have a crush on her, even some of the female students gawk at her.
    The plot I am interested in exploring is that she has only been teaching a couple of years max so she is still pretty green. I also want to include one of my favorite kinks, incest. Specifically, Aunt and nephew. Perhaps her and her sister had a falling out and Mitsuki hasn't seen her nephew in ages so she doesn't recognize him at first. He might not recognize her either; it will be up for discussion on how dubious you want your character to be.  She has a natural motherly instinct for him that he can take advantage of or they can confuse it for attraction. As for the nephew the age range I had in mind was 16-18. 

    Required "Kinks":  "coercion", power dynamics (teacherXstudent), incest
    Optional Kinks in no particular order:  double penetration, toys, cream pies, virginity, school uniforms, teens, masturbation, voyeurism, pet play, exhibitionism, vaginal sex, oral sex (both), handjobs, fingering
    I am also willing to discuss your kinks as well so we may try to include them.
    For now I expect this to be a shorter story, maybe even a one shot. But it can potentially be a long one too. In the end message me so we can communicate our needs and desires for this RP!
    Photos were made by AI, so if they have extra fingers and look wonky or what not that's why lol.
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  22. Iris

    Penelope Iris Elmwood - 18. High school dropout & OnlyFans model. Taken by Tyler. Bisexual. Lazy and unintelligent. Dependent on Angie to do everything for her. Spoiled horny brat. Addicted to sex and cheats on Tyler on a regular basis, which he's ok with. 
    Face claim: Kiittenymph
    4’11”, very thin, huge tits due to boob job Angie paid for, perky ass, giant green eyes. Shoulder-length straight hair with extremely long extensions installed, naturally golden blonde, colors it silver. No pubes. 
    Piercings: septum, philtrum, tongue, both nipples, regular and inverted belly button, vertical clit hood, several on ears
    Tattoos: many over her body
    • Album created by Zara
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  23. Jasmine

    Jasmine Age: 18 to 22 (( Can also depend on roleplay)). Race: Human. Chest Size: D42. Powers/Skills: None. Weapon: A ring blade or bladed fan. Personality/Background: Jasmine is a strong willed, strong hearted, stubborn, braty at times and has a kind heart and spirit of gold. She's curious and hates being behind stone walls. She enjoys her freedom and choice to do things. She is not some prize to be won. Fears: Choking, Claustrophobia, her freedom being taken away, hot steel or iorn ((This is because one time she was kidnapped and her kidnappers burned her nipplea and the pierced them before fucking her breats and nipples while they were blistered and bleeding. However they're healed now and she no longer has the piercings.)) And needles. She has black or dark dark brown hair and has brown or redish orange eyes. Roles this character fits best: Kidnapped Princess, Belly Daner ((When she dances she uses her ring blade or bladed fans and dances among fire.)), Braty Slave or Princess.
    • Album created by ElieCapulet30
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  24. Jem

    Jem can be a futa or a girl. Like, I don't know if it's an innate ability or something that changes with the story they're in, but yeah - like, they're fluid.
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  25. Jenny

    Me! 34K-21-42
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