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Private Roleplaying Characters

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If you want to upload your personal RP characters, without having to make a new album for the Private Roleplay Section then this is the place to upload them to.

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  1. Charlie

    Charlie is a friendly, ditzy CHARIZARD that loves people. She has a tendency to forget what she's doing at any given moment. She loves berries and peppy trainers.
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  2. Juliette

    Light BDSM
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  3. Annalise Briar

    Alien (Prequels)
    Name: Annalise Briar
    DOB:  21XX
    Sex:  Female
    Gender: Cis
    Species:  Human, synthetic enhancements
    Occupation:  Weyland-Yutani Industries Engineer
    Age: Late 20s/Early 30s
    Height: 5’6” (170.6cm)
    Weight: 134lbs (60.7kg)
    Build: Lithe
    Body Shape: Rectangle
    Ethnicity: Caucasian (Irish)
    Red hair White skin, freckles Green eyes  
    Languages:  English
    Temperament: Spunky
    Sexuality:  Straight
    Alignment:  Neutral Good
    MBTI:  ???
    Spirituality: Atheist
    When Annalise was younger, she suffered an accident that would have killed her. Instead, her uncle and only known relative, spent a fortune to preserve her life. Many parts of her body are now synthetic; notably, her heart, lungs, and eyes.
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  4. Dr. Steel

    ID: X0N17
    Name: [REDACTED] Steel
    DOB: 1965
    Sex: Female
    Strain: Progenitor (T)
    Species: Human (Former)
    Status: Infected
    Function: B.O.W. broodmother (“Queen”)
    Height: 5’9” (152.4cm)
    Weight: 149lbs (22.226kg)
    B/W/(HH/)H: 86/30/(90/)110
    Build: Rounded, soft
    Body Shape: Spoon
    Ethnicity: Caucasian (Circassian)
    Black hair White skin Sharp eyes, blue (formerly), blue/purple iridescent Disabilities: Mute

    Languages: English, American Sign Language (ASL)
    Temperament: Timid
    Personality: Steel is an incredibly calm, reserved woman suffering from severe trauma. Many of her actions directly or indirectly benefit her, often to the emotional or physical detriment of others.
    Sexuality: Bisexual (male preference), polyamorous
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Spirituality: God complex, cult leader, worships Wesker/Uroboros
    Credentials: MD-PhD (Virology, Human Anatomy & Cell Biology, Medicine, Biology)
    Occupation: Caduceus (cult) leader, virologist, medical doctor, researcher
    Note: The viral segment compares Albert and Steel, as “successfully bonded viral hosts” are integral to the Caduceus plotline. The virus is either effective in its engineered purpose, or it mutates violently and out of control. This segment is written in the hopes of creating some sort of consistency between “successfully” infected individuals.
    X0N17 was a weakened version of the Progenitor virus intended to enhance individuals without incurring the unsavory effects of the virus. In this regard it is very similar to the virus the Wesker Children had introduced into them, though X0N17 is more likely to be considered a “cheap knockoff” with miserable results across the board. With an even smaller test group to work with, that left Steel as the single compatible host for the virus.
    She merged with it successfully, but suffers its ill effects frequently. In some sick, twisted comedy, the virus did not regrow her destroyed vocal cords, nor did they immediately implant her with the kind of power seen after Albert’s rebirth. Albert’s virus was further incentivized into its intended function by William Birkin’s mutant virus strain, creating the resulting abilities given to Albert post-mansion incident.
    Steel’s virus worked more slowly and with a great deal more pain. Documentation surrounding the process was highly classified, but it is likely that Steel spent some time comatose, or perhaps in a state of constant, fevered agony as her body was forced to adapt to and accept the invading virus. Everything that could possibly aid in her survival was brought to the table, then threw against the board to see what stuck.
    After the ordeal, Steel’s abilities finally began to manifest. She was capable of immense strength, speed, stamina, and had an impressive regenerative ability. Once Goddrad was certain of her stability with the virus, Steel was tested copious amounts of times in the hopes of better understanding the limitations of the virus. As it stands, the only sure-fire way of killing Steel completely is incineration, much like other T variants.
    Her abilities after infection include the following:
    Superhuman strength (not comparable to Albert) Superhuman speed  Superhuman regeneration Superhuman stamina A “radius” around her which draws infected towards her The ability to manipulate weaker infected through some sort of strange aura Genetic compatibility with infected partner(s) Production of “eggs” and “offspring” through intercourse with said infected partner(s) Some of these abilities are notably different from the Progenitor / Mutant Strain used to turn Albert, but it appears all Progenitor-fathered viruses have a similar set of “symptoms” and effects. Increases in power and speed are seen across the board (even as early as Crimson Heads, before their evolution into Lickers), while certain abilities seem to only manifest in specifically qualified hosts.
    One such ability is Albert’s “Death Stare,” of which Steel seems to possess a variant, though with a very different purpose. She is capable of frenzying the infected and, at point-blank, disorienting non-infected individuals. It remains unclear what alteration has produced such a unique phenomenon in both parties (and other more powerful infected specimens). It is also unclear what exactly is being done to produce said effects.
    Plagas (types 1, 2, and 3) do not appear to be affected in the same way as typical T-strain infected. More research is necessary.
    Uroboros seems to react similarly to other T-infected strains when presented to Steel. Its instances are non-hostile or, like some of the other infected specimens, seeks to actively use Steel as a potentially compatible genetic partner. Uroboros instances have not been studied in any viable hosts at this time.
    For further reading on X0N17’s effects on Dr. Steel, particularly in copulation and reproduction, please visit the project's archive: Extended Reproductive Viability and Mutability Processes (ERVMP).
    Foods: Fruits, beef, venison, hard boiled eggs, most pastries
    Drinks: Coffee, tea, wine
    Activities: Reading, gardening, watching documentaries, working out, swimming
    Studies: Plants, animals
    Foods: Fermented foods, taffy
    Drinks: Sparkling water
    Activities: Sports
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  5. Melanie

    The Matrix Trilogy
    Program Information
    Program Identification: ???
    Program Type: Computer virus; malware; AI
    Programmed Languages: English, Russian, French
    Designation: Disruptive malware, file/data corruption
    Description: Destructive virus capable of data corruption, attaching itself to data to prevent permanent deletion, and able to cause major crashes throughout the system
    Mission: ???
    Completion Date: November 6, 2XXX
    Failure: Program developed beyond intention and was released with catastrophic consequences
    Chosen Name: Melanie
    Chosen Name Meaning: Black, dark
    Additional Names: Mal, Malware
    Designation: Exile
    Sex: Female
    Gender & Pronouns:  She/Her 
    Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic/Anarchist
    Physical Projection
    Race: Unspecified
    Mutation: Albino 
    Height: 5’10” (177.80cm)
    Weight: 270lbs (122.47kg)
    Figure: Hourglass
    Attire: Black lace-up split-side dress, black heels, black choker (black lace undergarments)
    Voice Claim: Clémentine , speaks with a French or Russian accent
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    TV Tropes:
    A.I. Is a Crapshoot Chaotic Neutral Cold Ham Computer Virus Evil Slinks Femme Fatal Literal Maneater Makeup Is Evil Mind Rape Outside-Context Problem Sex Is Evil Turned Against Their Masters Wild Card Temperament: Mischievous
    Personality (Basic): Witty, confident, sultry, dismissive, hedonistic
    Likes: Human pleasures (sex, baths, expensive things), mocking system agents, mayhem, red, playfulness, unpredictability/gambling
    Dislikes: Rules, human failings
    Fears: Deletion
    Data corruption Data absorption/consumption Capable of mimicking the avatar(s) of anyone who’s data she has consumed Masking herself as either a human or a “harmless” program Attaching herself to data/replicating her data to avoid deletion Manipulation of the Matrix; able to phase through walls, damage object and avatar data, and corrupt object and avatar data  
    Melanie’s history is lost to even her, but particularly old or experienced hackers and red pills may recall an internal attempt at destroying the Matrix. This attempt would have utilized a human-controlled malware program to gain access to The Source, though it ended in failure.
    If this was Melanie, and she is not convinced that it is, then that may explain the origin of such a damaging virus. Fortunately, Melanie seems content to simply cause trouble, consuming the data of those with authorizations she lacks. She also seeks to consume beneficial lines of code, which may grant her new abilities in the Matrix.
    The Agents are aware of Melanie’s existence and are authorized to enforce deletion on-sight.
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  6. Maya

    Conservatively raised and quiet but she is not weak or fearful.
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  7. Fantasy Izzy

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  8. Eliza McIver

    Created for Victorious: The Cat's Meow
    A young, ambitious, candy-loving street artist that made a name for herself on social media through videos showing her creating pieces on the walls of structures, derelict and commissions alike. She helped to pioneer the 'neon light' spray style.
    Liz is something of a late bloomer. Her talent was always there, but it took some time for her to be 'discovered" and gain a following sizeable enough to strike out on her own, which she did as soon as she legally could, needing for years to escape the judgement in the environment which she was raised.
    Her talents were eventually recognized by scouts and she landed herself an invitation to attend Hollywood Arts, a school that would help her put focus into her passions, hone her skills and maybe even find a new niche. Without a second thought, she hopped on her motorcycle and left her home in Anaheim behind to start with a blank slate in Los Angeles.
    Her time there would be brief, but Liz was determined to make her mark and leave in a better place than when she arrived. Still, almost immediately upon her arrival she began to shake things up through the student body, particularly among a particular group of friends where she caught the mutual eye of a petite redhead named Catarina Valentine, with whom she was immediately smitten.
    Liz is more of a doer than a thinker, quick on her feet and smiles in the face of trouble. Always acting as though she has something to prove and keeping a great deal of information about herself close to her chest, she can be enigmatic, vague and something of a Cheshire cat type. With her nouveau punk rock attitude and burning desire to live rather than exist, Liz rarely finds herself in a dull moment. 
    Don't let her seemingly mono-chromatic wardrobe mislead you. @Liz_E_Ives has a bright spirit and wants little more than to fill the dreary world we live in with color.
    • Album created by Pixel
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  9. gambzee...

    I like playing big sexy clowns and Gamzee Makara is no exception. can run this one as a dude, a chuck, or just a plain old standard clown (nonbinary), but in all cases they will be a bottom; apart from maybe using their hands and tongue
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  10. Witch hunter rosane

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  11. Dameon Weiss

    • Album created by Mysthero
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  12. The Prince

    In fantasy settings, this will be Prince Ardele "Kidd" Weiss

    Modern settings, his name is Kidd. Mostly submissive he can grow to be a rather kinky and romantic dom given the right circumstances. Images are from the Adult Game, Claire's Quest. I do not claim ownership of the images, just the character they inspired.
    • Album created by Mysthero
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  13. Katie

    Height: 5'2
    Katie is a very outgoing femboy and loves going to new places. His silvery fur attracts attention good and bad. However hes known to get in a bit of trouble. If you show him affection he'll reciprocate it 100 times over. But there is a more lustful side to Katie that often lends him being overstimulated, and needing to control his desires IF he can control them :3
    • Album created by zenti
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  14. Suurin

    Species:Furry fox
    Suurin is a fox mommy who loves going to the gym as well as on runs. She's caring and loyal to the people around her, however is prone to let her lust take over. Keep teasing her and she'll be all over you~
    • Album created by zenti
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  15. Lexi

    • Album created by Sub Slut
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  16. Mei

    Age: 21

    Species: Human

    Height: 5'2"

    Personality: Reclusive and timid, Mei is hard to get very much out of when you speak to him. He can always manage a few words, but even just making eye contact makes him stammer like no tomorrow. So it's no surprise that when someone finds him attractive, he becomes a rose-colored mess. However, get past that and you have an obedient toy to use as you please~
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  17. Sophie

    Age: 21

    Species: Anthro Raccoon

    Height: 4'11"

    Personality: Sweet and energetic, Sophie loves just about anyone he meets. Kindness goes a long way with him and he's always sure to return it to anyone who gives it to him 10-fold. But when it comes to romance, he's about as oblivious as they come. The easiest way to get what you want from him is to be straight-forward, and once you ask he's more than happy to deliver~
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  18. Sarah

    Age: 24

    Species: Demi-Human

    Height: 5'10"

    Personality: Fiery and full of himself, Sarah is often the center of attention, whether it be intentional or not. He knows many can's help but stare at him and he loves to use that to any advantage that he can. But when he finds someone he really likes, he makes it clear what he wants from them~ Endless teasing, flirting and plenty of suggestive looks are to come until he gets them in bed with him~
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  19. Rivean/Ava

    This is a gallery for my custom character Rivean Le'Chance
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  20. Blake Belfry 'The Flying Fox'

    (Batman Fan Character)

    Alias: The Flying Fox
    Identity: Blake Joel Belfry 
    Sexuality: Non-Binary (Male Born/Pronouns don't really bother them) Bicurious (Prefers feminine)
    Race: Dhampir (Irish-American)
    Career History: Apprentice at Wayne Tech under Lucius Fox/Occasional Errand Boy for Bruce Wayne/'Vigilante'
    -Utility Belt 
    -Cover Cloak (Allows them to Camouflage when they stay still.)
    -Echo Sensors (Allows them to detect unseen enemies/motions. Does better when they remain still.)
    -Bat Dagger (Able to deliver a shock)
    -Batarangs (Throwing weapons for disarming and 
    -Hang Glider Wings (For traveling great heights)
    -Lockpicks (For picking locks mainly)
    -Grapple (Able to fire a grappling hook that pulls himself or light enough things to him)
    -Hacking Device
    -Many Others
    -Sonar Bomb (Produces a signal that sends a strong sonar that draws in nearby bats)
    -Electrical engineering 
    -Criminology study
    -Escape Artist attempts
    -Friendly nature with bats
    Bio: Blake Belfry was another understudy in Gotham City sometime after the Batman first appeared. Far as everyone was concerned they were just another naive soul doomed to be trapped in Gotham as it went down hill as 'super criminals' become more and more common around the entire world. No one would expect Blake would end up getting a scholarship at Wayne Enterprises. Even less would expect them to be the new costume hero running around 'The Flying Fox'.
    Unfortunately the problem with being new is you're not used to how experienced some criminals can be...as they will fine out after a very chaotic time to come at Arkham Asylum. And why it was probably a bad idea to try a solo act without the full arsenal while Batman was out of the country. 
    -Batman (Okay yes he's sexy and mysterious. Why wouldn't they be interested?)
    -Harley Quinn (She's crazy and it's totally Blake's thing)
    -Poison Ivy (...was probably doomed to be crushing given those pheromones)
    -Barbara Gordon/Oracle (Sexy red head less please. Would risk jail time from her father)
    -Bruce Wayne (...he looks good in suits...business and crime busting),
    -Catwoman (...wouldn't mind a three between her and Bruce~),
    -Baby Doll (...okay yes it's weird but they can't help it. Dahl has movie star energy and it's fun),
    -The Riddler (Fun mysterious energy),
    -Talia Al Ghul,
    -Calendar Girl (Well...she was a model),
    -Vicki Vale,
    -Harvey Dent/Two-Face,
    Hugo Strange (he's weirdly buff for a Professor~),
    -Roxy Rocket (The way THAT WOMAN moans? Yep.)
    -Matthew Haggen/Clayface (Shape-shifting? Yes please~)
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  21. Slenders cumdrop

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  22. Danni Druffles

    Name: Danielle Farris Druffles
    Nicknames: Danni, "Dandruff Nest"
    Age: 19
    Height/Weight: 5'2 ft/97 lbs.
    Gender: Female
    Species: Empathic-Human 
    Nationality: Sweden-German-American (Born in America)
    Sexuality: Genderfluid Female Born Demisexual Aromantic
    Occupations: Ex-Self Titled "Feeling Healer", 'High School Student' (despite not having attended school since late elementary school), Various Temp Jobs
    Personality: Most of the time Danni can be described as this quiet, very self-criticizing, confidence lacking, easily embarrassed girl. Regardless while undoubtedly shy and lacking confidence in herself she's kind, polite, soft spoken, tries to stay on a person's good side, though gullible and curious. Definitely a nice girl but needs to open up better to others.
    Likes: Quiet, Collecting Accessories (Like Hair Pins, Bracelets, Necklaces), Photographs, Artwork, Walking (This includes pacing back and forth like a paranoid watchdog), Turtles, Fruits, Forests, Watching Animals, Superhero Cartoons, Weather, The Colors Red, White, and Green.
    Dislikes: Cigarette Smoke, Smell of Alcohol, Loud Noises, Shampoo, Sharp Objects, Military Talk, Spicy Foods, Sexual Jokes/Comments (They make her blush), Clowns, Shadows, Violent Movies, The Colors Orange, Purple, and Black.
    Hobbies: Photography, Scrap-booking, Walking, meditation, etc.
    -Feeling Manipulator; Able to manipulate the feelings of beings around her through direct contact. This can be something such as removing a person's certain feeling, making a certain feeling be the current feeling, or swapping the level of feelings with others. This can affect all sorts of feelings; happiness, anger, depression, confusion, courage, fear, envy, hunger, even love or fetishes.
    -Is surprisingly fast on her feet, she spent plenty of years running away from problems so makes sense.
    -Decently educated with an IQ of 140 so able to understand things quickly but doesn't seem like it cause she doesn't want to show off.
    -Photographic like memory able to remember words, pictures, faces, quotes, and etc with little trouble.
    -Carries around a lot of good luck charms which SOMETIMES gives her good luck.
    -Backpack: Photo Album, Canteen (Usually filled with Water), First Aid Kit, Change Purse, Sketch book, Notebooks, and Various Pencils, Pens and Erasers, Non-Perishable Foods, Blanket, Pocket Watch
    Danni carries around a lot of accessories from necklaces, rings, hair clips, keychains and etc simply cause she likes them.
    Hair Related: 1 Four Leaf Clover Hair Clip, 1 Smiley Face Hair Clip, 1 Purple Flower Hair Clip
    Face: My Little Pony Band-aid (Forehead, above left eyebrow)
    Neck: 1 Set of Dog Tags (3 names. Forest Bowie, Cameron Helios, Montgomery Fields), 1 Leather Collar with a Heart Buckle 
    Jacket: 9mm Bullet Keychain (Attached to Jacket Zipper), Watchmen Button, Companion Cube Button, Osaka (Azumanga Daioh) Button
    Backpack: Lucky Rabbitfoot Keychain (Attached to a zipper)
    Left Shoulder: Bandage Wrap
    Left Wrist: Red Bead Bracelet, Lettered Silver Square Bracelet (Spells FOREST), 7 Rubber Bands
    Right Wrist: Rainbow Colored Paperclip Bracelet (even paper clip chained together is a different color of the rainbow), Purple Scrunchie
    Waist/Belt: Mini Handcuff Keychain (On one of the Belt Loops), Pocket Watch, Silver Chain
    Left Ankle: None
    Right Ankle: 3 Golden Anklets
    A long time ago surprisingly Danni used to be a happy and care-free child like most child though she discovered her gift when one day she was trying to cheer up a depressed friend and realized she could take away a person's feelings, or make one in specific come out, or just manipulate feelings in general. And since they were so many people who weren't happy in the world she figured it'd be okay to try and make them all happy.
    Unfortunately she learned that by taking away such a feeling is only temporary and when it moves from her "patient" it goes right to her so she constantly was exposed to depression, anger, fear, shame....just a gambit of negative emotions. Danni was quickly changing from a once happy child to a very negative, paranoid, and depressing child. She was practically scared of everything from insects to heights to death. She even grew a case of xenophobia and was scared of people of all kinds even people who she once considered family and friends.
    The negative feelings of others had easily over taken Danni's positive emotions....which wasn't much of that since she often gave it up herself sometimes to cheer up others. She occasionally tried to get her own happiness back or return some negative feelings but of course no one was willing to agree. So Danni ending up not even attending school anymore and just ran away from her life trying to find anyone WILLING to give her happiness.
    She did learn to trust one person during her life as a run-away an ex-marine named Forest Bowie; an older man who like Danni never spoke to many....mostly cause he was depressed over war. However he tried to ignore his past and stay positive regardless of what happened in his life. They easily befriended each other and she learned to cheer up and Danni found someone who was willing to take away some of HER pain for once. However tough as he was she soon learned him repressing his negative thoughts was a bad thing....as it went to a split-personality the older male had.....and when the split personality revealed itself....Danni was scarred for life from the scene even if she wasn't weighed down with so much negativity herself.
    In a desperate attempt to save herself when this other personality assaulted her, Danni stored away the negative personality into her body saving her friend from himself. She ran away scared and unsure what to do as she only was once again where she started...alone again...only worse.
    It's been years since she last saw the only person she called a "true friend" and unfortunately Danni developed further issues. While the split-personality has so far not resulted in any kind of negative results she has developed some issues...one being the result of she poorly takes care of her own hair resulting in a serious case of dandruff.
    Luckily Danni has been learning to open up to people as she learned there ARE good people in the world. So she's always trying to see where the good people are.
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  23. Futanari Vampire

    This album contains images featuring a futanari vampire by the artist Yozora.
    This is a character I am  QUITE  interested in portraying.
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  24. The Onryō

    This album contains images of 'The Onryō' from the ongoing comic series of the same name by the artist Misu/Misu3D.
    This is a character I am VERY interested in portraying.
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  25. Khin Dread

    Name: Kimberly 'Khin' Dread

    Race: Human (Vietnamese/American)

    Sexuality: Male-Born Genderfluid (Tends to prefer She/Her pronouns but doesn't seem to mind what shes called) Submissive

    Inventory: Candy Themed Toute Bag (Vape Pen, Snacks, Phone, Charger Cords, Notebook, Wallet, Tiny First Aid Kit, Asprin, Gummies, Vibrator Remote, Blue Hair Dye, Various Markers, Nintendo Switch, Condoms, Tissues, Erection Pills, Bottlecaps [collects them,])

    Favorite Movies: Scream, Candyman (1992), Halloween, Reanimator, The Invisible Man, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th Part 2, My Bloody Valentine, 

    Kinks: Small Penis Humiliation, orgasming in public, dirty talk, body writing, sex toys, 'reminders' (bite marks, lipstick marks, scratches), Dubious Consent (is super guilty of being into this)
     Bio: Khin was born in a small town never expecting to really go anywere far from it (not for a lack of wanting to...just...the world runs its own way after all. All one can really do is just play by the rules....or don't and take risks), Khin has never been one for risk taking thought they ARE one for the horror genre. They are quite thankful to have a job in a 'year round' costume store that does its best during October. Khin loves setting up the place and showing their random knowledge about all manner of horror movies.
    ...Honestly some would say too eager to share. Khin has sometimes gone a little above and beyond sharing to the point Khin had to be pulled back for going TOO into detail about weird fanfiction ideas they have. 
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