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Private Roleplaying Characters

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If you want to upload your personal RP characters, without having to make a new album for the Private Roleplay Section then this is the place to upload them to.

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  1. Jenny

    Me! 34K-21-42
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  2. Soap The Wopper Roleplaying Character

    Soap the Wooper roleplaying character. (I know Soap an odd name but in any game the first Wopper I got is named Soap been that way for years.) Also the fact the everyone up until now been named after anime or cartoon characters, but I love her so won't be changing it.
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  3. Adonia

    A more mature version
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  4. Esper

    WIP character. She doooooes look like she'd make for a good wild/feral anthro, though.
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  5. Mei Yun

    The youngest self made billionaire in history, Mei Yun is finding new and interesting ways to spend her Biotech fortune.
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  6. Colton

    Colton's a college student. He's straight. He knows he's straight. He just hasn't found the right girl yet.
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  7. Delta Hansley (OC)

    A woman of renowned stealth, charm, and sophistication. Being an international intelligence agent means she is more than capable of wearing any and all hats. Not much is known about her and what is known is based off of pure speculation. A puppet to the vast organization that could very well already be on your tail. All that’s left to determine is…friend or foe?
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'8 (172CM)
    Species: HUMAN
    Birth Place: REDACTED
    Date Enlisted: 14-03-2012
    Organization: REDACTED
    Contract: IN PERPETUITY
    Status: ACTIVE DUTY
    Call Sign: CARDINAL
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  8. Ventus

    Name: Ventus
    Alias: Gale Knight
    Age: Mind 20s though is mentally older
    Race: Elemental in human form
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5ft 10 inches
    A young man with a matching green hair and eyes. A toned but skinny body.
    Sword mastery: Trained by knight, he learned how to use a sword sword to take advantage of his speed.
    Wind magic: Being an elementalhe has access to an unlimited amount of wind magic though he still can't fully control it.
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  9. Artemis

    Name: Artemis
    Original Name: Mina
    Also known as: The Slayers of Heroes, The Hero Nobody Knows.
    Original Universe: The Border, a mysterious place between Realities.
    Age: Looks between her mid-late twenties.
    Race: Conceptual Spirit
    Sex: Female
    Hair: Long, light and wispy blond hair that looks dazzling if left loose. Naturally groups together into 'streaks'.
    Eyes Colour: Sapphire Blue.
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Height: Variable. Ranging from 140cm to 185cm
    Weight: 42kg to 60kgs
    Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious.
    Personality: It appears as if Artemis has matured since we last met her. She is no longer that inexperienced girl she was so long ago. She now is a confident, active woman that knows what she wants and tries her best to get it. She is now quite patient and understanding, having lost the hot-headedness of the Sovereign Sword and from experience. She tries to get a fuller understanding of situations before acting, if time permits it. Her friends value her honesty, patience and all around good nature. Despite looking a dignified and a bit aloof, she is quite a romantic...and a bit perverted if that makes any sense. Due to certain life experiences, she has let her hair down a bit around the issue of sex. She does love it and is willing to explore.
    Mental Issues: Unknown
    Blood Type: None.
    Weapon Preference: Prefers sword-type weaponry but can use most other types of weapons.
    Skills and Powers:
    Immunity to Some Biological and Chemical Agents: Due to her now being a powerful Conceptual Spirit, her body operates differently compared to humans. While she does look human, the fact is that is a higher existence. Her appearance is only due to the fact the Sovereign Sword based its appearance on Mina. Despite that, it did not have to become human to look human. This being appears to operate without any known biological features. It does not bleed blood but mana, which is what sustains the spirit. Having no biological systems, some biological and chemical agents have no effect on her. It is also the case that Artemis cannot do the things that humans need to do like sleep or eat.
    Great Mastery of Swords and Weapon Knowledge - She has drastically improved her knowledge of combat over the years of her existence from what she was previously. No longer just bound to swords, she can fight competently with numerous weapons. Though her hand-to-hand skills is still sub-par, it will be hard to get her to that state as she seems armed almost all the time.
    Magical Blacksmithing: She is able to create, upgrade, repair and restore magical and non-magical weapons through means of physical infrastructure (like a complete blacksmith's forge) or even just herself (through magical means). As long as she has the requisite knowledge and components of the weapon she is making, she can make it.
    Master Mana Injection
    High All-round stats
    Reality Marble: ???
    Cannot really effectively operate without mana in the air or a supply of it somewhere on her person.
    Vulnerable to psychic attacks and exorcism/anti spirit magics due to her past.
    Weapons made by her through magical means are a bit weaker than they would be if she took the longer route. That is the penalty for taking a shortcut!
    Bio: After trying to find ways of getting stronger in the library of Thorndown Uni without success, Artemis was almost ready to give up. That was until, her boyfriend Elwe, suggested a place that they could go to achieve just that...and have a picnic together. Seeing that opportunity, Artemis, Elwe, and Taylor went off to that place. Both Artemis and Elwe that the thing inside Taylor was evil and had to be destroyed. Yet, they had little idea just what they were dealing with. Upon arrival to the distant island, they sent about looking for the place Elwe described. However, a strong demon had taken residence on the island without Elwe's knowing and it considered all of them intruders. After separating Elwe, Taylor and Artemis from each other, it attacked Artemis first...raping her with its tentacles covered in a liquid known to drive its victims mad with lust while draining her of her powers. Unfortunately, Taylor found his way to her first before Elwe came on the scene. Upon seeing Artmeis being raped by the demon, seemingly enjoying it and her calling out Elwe's name, Taylor went mad and killed himself. He knew, by doing this, he would unleash what was inside of him. He was the only one who really knew what was in there. He just didn't care anymore about anything, including Artemis. Upon killing himself with the Atelier, what was inside Taylor unleashed itself on the island.
    A terrible thing it was, such things should not exist. It was a World Soul, one so infected with evil that it could be stated correctly that it was made of it. Even though evil has no form or essence or even independent existence, this thing had it all. It was a World Soul, that had a permanent Reality Marble the depth of a galaxy around it that converted all to evil that it touched. As evil does not exist as a property in this world, all things touched by that are instantly destroyed by Order. The demon, seeing this new threat, released Artemis and attacked the new entity. The demon died quickly, no match for this new entity. Elwe and Artemis prepare themselves for this new battle. Though for some odd reason, the entity gave Artemis a chance to heal and take all the 'power' of the island. It said, "Take what you will but it will do you no better."
    That was the opponent they were facing...one that they could never conceivably defeat. Try as they might (and try, they did) they couldn't even hurt it. However, they were not alone in this. Upon its appearance on the island, forces from the Celestial Kingdom. Pugatorio and the Spiritual Federation came to engage the entity in battle. The Angels and Demons fought it as well but no avail. The weapons the first few squadrons of angels and demons bought to it were not effective against it. Even the Spiritual Federation, who did bring weapons that were effective could not kill it. It took the intervention of Indrist, one of the most powerful Spirits of the Federation and a UENP (Universal Epitome Noble Phantasm) to finally beat the damn thing. Indrist used one of the most powerful artifacts he possessed, the Noble Phantasm called Vengeance in combination with a Akashic Enchantment (that only agents of Akasha or Liberated can use).
    Post battle, Artemis fell into a deep depression. Feeling responsible for Taylor's degradation and death, her utter humiliation to the demon and her failure to kill the entity, she tried to kill herself. However, with Elwe's help...she managed to get it under control and experience some happiness for once. However, that happiness was short-lived. The Sovereign Sword was seething with anger and resentment for being beaten so easily and so reached out for a new master. It found one in the form of Ozymandias, the greatest Heroic Spirit. Ozymandias heard the Sovereign Sword's call and given that he wanted it as a rare, one-of-a-kind collectible went to it. He would have to face Elwe and Artemis in combat...though to him, that was not much of a threat. For a being who conquered worlds and kingdoms, two people were nothing. Ozymandias stole the Sovereign Sword from Artemis and severed the link between the two and was about to dispose of the two if it wasn't for the intervention of a Counter-Guardian who detected the presence of Ozymandias. Ozymandias was not well-liked by the Counter-Guardians, to put it lightly, due to the amount of disorder he inevitably caused and the fact that they knew not who controlled him. In the battle between the Counter-Guardian and Ozymandias, a massive rip in the fabric of reality was formed that sucked the weak Artemis out of reality...
    That would have been the end for her, drifting and disappearing into nothingness...
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  10. Mysteria Iselia

    Name: Mysteria Iselia
    Nick Name: Myst, Tear.
    Code Name: The Magicless Elf
    Age: Looks mid twenties but no one knows her real age.
    Race: Half High Elf/Drow
    Gender: Female
    Origin/Nationality: Faerun.
    Height: 170cm.
    Weight: 56kgs.
    Hair colour and description: Very long white hair that flows right down below to her waist with two strands of hair permenantly sticking up on the very top of her head, like antennae. While she does keep it tied up wit hair clips sometimes, she often doesn't. Not surprisingly, she has to take good care of her hair with good hair care products.
    Eye Colour: Molten gold with a red center.
    Skin Colour: Chocolate Brown. Tanned.
    Body Type: Busty, and with generous proportions.
    Blood Type: AB+
    Physical Description: Obviously an elf of mixed heritage due to her skin and eye colour, she does attract a lot of attention due to her looks. Despite her scrawny looking arms and thick legs, she is quite strong in both those parts. In fact, while she doesn't look very tough due to being an elven female, she is quite strong and durable...perhaps oddly so. In fact, she's insanely strong.There are scars on her back, arms and legs that refuse to fade away and her waist is wider than one would expect of a girl of her proportions.
    Clothes and Stylings: She likes lightweight and comfy clothes that she can move around easily in. Is often seen in yukatas (that are more appropriate than the one shown in the pic, mind you!), robes and dresses. Does not like wearing shorts or pants as she feels them restrictive.
    Mysterious Hero Quality: Obtained before been flung from Faerun to another world, this ability has something to do with her unique physical strength and her impressive constitution. Punching and kicking down large trees and boulders is not impossible for her but a chore.
    Support Magic Resistance: 20% decrease in effect from any conventional support/healing magic cast on her...
    Increased Stats: For an elf, she has remarkable physical capabilities that best even opponents that normal elves cannot hope to win against in a feat of strength. Her speed, durability, strength and agility are enchanced by something. As to what is anyone's guess.
    Warrior: As the girl was cursed from birth never to be able to use magic, she trained ludicrously hard in her battle skills. Thanks to that, she is quite fearsome in using a variety of weapons that elves traditionally use such as the rapier, long sword, bow and arrow, crossbow and so forth.
    No Magic: As an unwanted child from an unwanted pregnancy between a High Elf female and a Drow Male, and given that Drow females are not well regarded by their High Elf compatriots, this poor girl was stripped of her magical powers as soon as she was born. Using powerful magic, they prevented her from ever absorbing mana into her body through any means. Thus, they basically castrated her from the beginning. She was also never given an opportunity to learn magic, making her unable to read and write in the language of magic.
    Magical Defense Weakess: 20% reduction in elemental magic defense. No one knows if status attack magics have a bonus against her.
    Using traditional elven weaponry
    Maintaining weapons
    Learning things
    Weapon Preference: None, she can use quite a lot
    Sexuality: Heterosexual.
    Mental Disorders: None
    Medical Disorders: None
    Occupation: None.
    Bio: A product of the rape of a High Elf female to a Drow Male during an attack of the colony, this girl's life was going to be difficult. As abortion was banned in the society she was in and that there were no-one that wanted such a baby until a certain age, the poor mother had to take care of it herself for the early years of development. That mother was constantly reminded of her attacker just by looking at the baby and so grew to hate her own child. The community did not know how to handle the mother: some treated her with sympathy, others with detestation. The child, however, received not even a little sympathy. From the start, the community were deeply suspicious and afraid of her. They thought that it was genetic destiny that she would turn out like the rest of the Drow female, much hated matriachs of magic that plagued the land. So, to prevent this, they sealed her completely from magic. For elves, magic is second nature and an important part of them. Doing something like this was like castrating them.
    She didn't have a very easy childhood, given that practically everyone in her colony hated her. She was ostracized by almost her entire community and barely taken care of. From an early age, she learnt that she would have to take care of herself. When she was of fighting age, the girl was abandoned by her mother and left in the colony's military school. It was like a boarding school where students would learn the art of war. While most others came here by choice, some were sent here as they lacked competence in magic. Magic in this colony held a privileged position in society, while the more 'mundane' martial arts were looked down on. The girl found that those here cared little for her origin or her lack of magic. All that mattered here was how well she did and how she was as a person. Finally seeing a chance to shine and get praise, the girl trained hard...very hard. By the time she graduated, she was on the top of most subjects offered by the school. However, when she found herself back in the community, the abuse started again. It was as if the school was another world. The very night after she graduated from the military school, when she returned home...there was no welcome for her. In fact, quite the opposite.
    That night...she was expelled from the colony as she was at the age she could be allowed to leave. It appeared that they had planned this from the very beginning. Giving her very little supplies to go on and dumping her in the middle of nowhere, they expected her to be lost forever in the forest. However, that was not to be. On the verge of starvation, after trekking aimlessly through the forest, she met someone. A human. At first, she expected the worst as those back at home told her horror stories about other races. The colony that she came from were ethnocentric. Yet...the human treated her with kindness that she never received from her fellow elf...or even her mother. The human nursed her back to health and allowed her to travel with him on his journey to see places. The man was an eccentric traveller named Yusuke Godai, a kindhearted man who seemed to live to help people. As they traveled, he told her of the places he had been, the sights he had seen...and he had seen many things. He even showed her pictures of the sights and things he had seen using something using technology that didn't exist on the planet. The man was not even of the world they were on...and yet he seemed so natural to her. As she spent time with him on his travels, stopping often to help and save people, she grew attached to him. Yet, she never said anything to his face about her feelings...as she didn't really understand them and feared rejection.
    However, she would never get the chance to tell him how she felt. One day, they were ambushed by something inexplicable...and terrifying. Yusuke told the girl to run away from there without him, that he would hold it off as long as he could. Obviously, the girl refused and tried to fight it...without success. The thing was too strong for her, much too strong. She was about to be killed when Yusuke took an otherwise fatal blow for her. Despite the fact that he was going to die...he managed to kill the creature...using a power she had never seen him use. With the creature defeated, the man finally fell...
    The girl couldn't save the man...the damage was just too much. With his dying breath, Yusuke granted her the right to use the same power that defended them from the creature...the same power that apparently saved so many in other worlds...
    Personality: A classic 'kuudere' type of girl, who has a cold, neutral and perhaps sarcastic demeanor at first meeting. Due to her experiences, she puts up a mask of acting tough and nonchalant. When she is by herself, she takes off the mask and shows a more vulnerable side. She is quite lonely after the death of her first unrequited love but is scared of showing herself to people. She also has some trouble, understandably, with her origin. She cannot quite accept herself as she is. Strangely enough, she likes superhero shows and comics and will watch and read them devotedly.
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  11. David Liu

    Name: David Liu
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Origin/Nationality: Half Chinese and Half Japanese.
    Occupation: University Student
    Physical Appearance
    Height: 170cm
    Weight: 60kg
    Eye Colour: Blue
    Hair Colour: Black
    Physical Description: A short and skinny human with not much muscle on them so don't expect them to be lifting the heavy stuff. Despite being skinny, they can eat quite a lot and seemingly not put on weight. Cuts their hair reasonably short and wavy like, the kind you see on protagonists in your TYPICAL JAPANESE ANIME. LOL.
    Personality, Traits and Abilities
    Personality: David is a strange one, to be honest and capable of self destructive behavior. While they don't see themselves as particularly nice, other people say that they are too kind and generous for their own good. David is seemingly obsessed with their own perceived inadequacy and lack of desirability. They haven't had many opportunities to deal with females and have had few friends. Considers themselves unlikable as he essentially feels that he has to 'bribe' people to like him and interact with him at all.  Can be rather judgmental, naive and critical of others though largely of himself.
    Strengths, Skills and Abilities:
    Watches too damn many superhero shows so he knows all the tropes and such. Only handy if your life turns into one giant superhero show...
    Crazy about sound - Very picky when it comes to what they listen to and how they do it.
    Okay with computers and electronics.
    Can be good using money, if they actually have a goal.
    David says he has too many to count...though they may not be the best judge of that.
    Not very confident in themselves, so much so that they seem rather needy.
    Not very good around attractive females
    Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams):
    To find someone.
    To FINALLY feel comfortable with themselves.
    Hobbies and Interests:
    Video Games
    Audio Products
    Kamen Rider/Tokusatsu
    Watching Anime
    Personal Sexual Information
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Penis Length: 11cm in length when flaccid. 13.5cm when erect.
    Turn ons:
    Elves, surprisingly enough.
    Large breasts are also a turn-on.
    Someone who is actually interested in him!
    Turn Offs:
    Abusive and Mean People
    Extra Information
    Family: Lives with their eccentric uncle, who happens to be part of the Research and Development team for the Blackberry Police Department. If you ask this character, they'd say their uncle is more of the mad scientist type. Doesn't share their uncle's love for all things automotive, though they do like their slot car collection and tracks they have in the hobby room. Their father and mother live in Australia named Bradley and Helen Liu respectively.
    House: Lives with his eccentric uncle in his estate.
    Car: Has not wanted to drive as of yet, so no car.
    Awards/Commendations: None
    Criminal Record: None
    Bio: David is incredibly loath to tell people about his time before coming to Blackberry City because they say that 'it's not a very interesting story'. And...they'd be right. David hasn't had much activity happen in their lives, so in a sense their life is quite boring. David was a product of a marriage between a Chinese man and a Japanese woman who ran a successful business in another country. His life with them was relatively uneventful and quite a normal one compared to some people. Though they raised him well and loved him, he could not help but feel that he could never repay them for what they have provided him. Hell, he barely thought himself adequate to even deserve such parents. Where his self loathing came from, he doesn't know nor does anyone else. When it was time for people to pick their university preferences, David decided to take a year or two off instead and go to Blackberry City...in order to see the world a bit. His decision did not come as a shock to his parents, who were concerned at his lack of direction and drive...among other things.
    • Album created by Manni
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  12. Aeslia

    Name: Aeslia. Pronounced Airs- Lee-ah. Nickname: Air, Windy.
    Age: Appears about 21 years old.
    Gender: Female
    Species: Spirit of Wind/Cow Girl/Spirit of Lust?
    Origin/Nationality: Federation of Spiritual Nations.
    Occupation: Works at the Naughty Cow Dairy as part of Resource Management and Recruitment.
    Height: About 173cm
    Weight: About 53 kgs or less depending on circumstances
    Physical Description

    Hair: Soft, long flowing peach pink hair that, if not cut, can go down to her waist. Her hair style changes depending on her mood but if wearing tiaras, she has a strange 'fringe' where hair is pushed out forward in front of her face. The pic has a better look at it because I'm not very good at describing hair.
    Eye Colour: A mix of blue and purple
    Skin Colour: Light and fair.
    Physical Description: Now with the addition of cow horns just above the ear, a cow tail connected to where her tailbone would be and extremely large breasts with what can only be described as gravity defying 'teets'. This girl, even before the accident transformation into a cow girl, would be considered by some as the ideal pin-up girl. Despite having breasts of such size that her back might snap in half due to weight and size factors, her posture and such are seemingly unaffected. No back pain or anything. Not even gravity can make her breasts sag, which is odd. The girl is quite lightweight and quite easy to physically pick up and her skin is like that of a baby's.  
    Clothes and Styling: Her style changes with what she feels like, sometimes it will be royal and glamorous and other times it will be something quite ordinary and other times it will be sexy and classy. She has no consistent style of clothes and she just wears what she feels like. Most of the time she looks good but sometimes she fails at that.

    Personality, Traits and Abilities
    General Overview:
    Very bubbly and outgoing to the extent people wonder if she is hyperactive at times, full of energy and kind hearted (usually). She is quite a feminine spirit but not of a traditional kind. She is more of the peppy, outgoing and active girl type...perhaps on the ditzy side because she has so much energy and is a bit hasty which can lead to accidents. She is not the sort to hold a grudge against people unless they do something truly horrible. She can forgive small to medium things fairly easily. She is naive about some things as she is still young in spirit terms but on some subjects, she has knowledge that would seem beyond her physical years. In terms of...sexuality, she is a bit of a monster. Thanks to the succubus genes passed on through the generations of her species, she can be quite promiscous and will acquire multiple partners for her 'harem'...as part of her survival. Normally, she is happy with a bit of innuendo or creating sexual tension but when she needs it, she gets quite desperate and...loose for a lack of a better term.
    Wind Magic: She is a mid level wind magic user in human terms, which for her age and species, is about average. She has the potential to do much better but due to her love for sexual things, she tends to procrastinate on practice of her native wind abilities. She can control the direction and strength of wind currents in a medium sized area comfortably but doing it larger scale is draining. She can make powerful wind gusts and even cut through things with concentrated bursts of air pressure. She can also generate the components needed for to make breathable air for humanoid species around her for some distance.
    Mist Form: Being a Spirit of the Wind, she can 'dissolve'/transform her body into the air itself. This allows her to avoid taking physical damage for normal and some magical weapons. Though this transformation can be done in 5 seconds in emergencies, it is quite draining on Aeslia (40% of total mana is used) and that it can only be done once every 6 hours. Changing back from air form to human form takes about 10 minutes (to get the casting right though the transformation takes about 5 second) and must be done in a safe environment.
    Sex Magic - She is quite an experienced user of this magic even for her species though it is considered a bit of a joke because the passion she studies this form of magic with could be used to study wind magic with and no detriment to either. This form of magic is derived from the magic that succubi use but do not require souls or sexual energy to be drained. What people need though is mana, so that the spirit can siphon that off and use it to fuel their magic and existence. She can increase sexual stimulation and arousal of her partners by many times not only with her biological produced chemicals but also with magic. She can also prevent people from cumming or limit stimulation by using magic, grow a penis (herself only and only one), temporarily change the texture or even structure of her vagina, ass, penis...and other things.
    Pheromones - Found in most of the bodily fluid of these spirits in relatively high concentrations, these pheromones are quite effective in stimulating the sexual arousal of those that either smell or ingest it. Although arguably weaker than the version that the succubi make, it is possibly safer for people to obtain, extract and use. The pheremone is found in the highest concentration is the...ejactulation fluid of the spirits. Ingesting this will most likely send one into a frenzy.

    Sexual Performance: While this author's ability to describe her sexual aptitude is limited due to inexperience, Aeslia's own ability is...quite well developed due to experience. Her pussy is able to take a lot of punishment, in terms of not only the act of being fucked but also the stretching of the vagina. Even if stretched to ludicrous dimensions, after the act is finished, it will quickly return to what shape and condition in was when it started. It also doesn't get damaged very easily, even if someone is in to fisting or has a ridiculously large penis. It would require someone penetrating her with a sharp object to hurt it..and it would definitely hurt. While her ass is not as well developed as her vagina, it can still do things humans can't.
    She is physically weak with low defence so she cannot physically overpower many and cannot take many hits. She is better at ranged combat with her magic.
    Apart from the forementioned weaknesses of Mist Form, it also has the vulnerabilities of being able to be trapped by vacuum or sucked up. Weapons that can hit spirits can still inflict damage.
    She enters a monthly period of 'heat' every year where her pheremones are at their highest concentrations in her body. Her sexual desires and needs increase dramatically during this period, perhaps overwhelming her. She needs protection from abuse during this period.

    Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams):
    To gather a harem of 'loyal regular' fuck buddies.
    To not be alone
    To help those she loves achieve their dreams

    Hobbies and Interests:
    Socialising with Others

    Personal Sexual Information 
    Turn Offs
    Torture Porn
    Being 'Impaled' by members
    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
    Breast Size: Goodness knows!
    Sensitivity: Rather sensitive nipples, to put it lightly. One of the reasons she does not wear bras is that her nipples get irritated by fabric easily. She has a fondness for her breasts being played with and using them to pleasure others though that was the case even before the transformation. 

    Extra Information
    Family: All of her family was killed early on in her life so she has no idea who was her parents were. Back at home, she’s been legally adopted by Racquel, a warrior spirit entity of renown in their part of the Spirit World. Aeslia had no daughters at present and is on extended vacation in this world. 
    House: Currently lives at the Naughty Cow Dairy with several other cow girls. 
    Car: No car as she really doesn’t need one.

    Criminal Record: 
    Streaking in the nude on the high street at several locations.
    Several Public nuisance offenses due to having public sex.
    Mental Disorders: Nymphomania. Cum Addiction.

    Aeslia does not remember her biological parents as they were killed rather nastily by a group of Hunters, those that hunt down Spirits for profit. They do not kill them but rather capture them and sell them to the highest bidder. Whether it be for sexual pleasure, domestic servitude, cage fighting or whatever illegal act, they will supply fresh spirits for that purpose. Of course, this was before there was a heavy clampdown on such practices. She was one of the few of her settlement not captured as a friend of her parents managed to flee with her into the Spiritual Wilderness. There, the two had to survive for two weeks by themselves in that mysterious, unknown and dangerous place. They were found by a powerful warrior spirit by the name of Racquel, who often wandered the Wilderness for training and meditation. She led them back to the Capital where they were given a place to stay until arrangements could be made. Since Aeslia was so young at that time and that the person that brought her there could not take care of her, Racquel put it on herself to take care of her until the arrangements were made. It took a short while for that to happen but eventually, an adoptive family was found for Aeslia. In the time it took to find her a home, Racquel grew attached to Aeslia and considered her family. While they did have to separate them, Racquel and Aeslia did stay in contact. From then on, Aeslia had a happy family life. Her life was peaceful and enjoyable, full of happiness.
    Her life stayed normal and joyful until one day, she went to Earth for the first time by herself. By this time, she was considered old enough to travel by herself. It helped that she also had a good education and was equipped with useful spell knowledge that could help her in case she got in trouble. However, she picked a rather bad time to go. There were rumors about slave traders lurking in the area that she was going to go to, rumors that proved to be true. While slave traders by themselves are ordinarily little threat to spirits, these ones happened to be equipped with certain anti-magic and binding gear that made them a threat. Unfortunately, Aeslia was abducted by them and bound by a rather powerful magic rune. With this rune, used by demons and their worshippers to train slaves, they hoped to sell her into sexual servitude. Spirits like her were worth a premium. Luckily, she was rescued thanks to the efforts of a female warrior named Ashley and Aeslia's 'aunt' Racquel.
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  13. Evelyn De Frost

    Name: Evelyn De Frost
    Age/Date of Birth: While she looks in her early thirties, she is significantly older due to her elven blood. She would be about 1/5 through her natural elven lifespan. Not including her cowgirl genes, given to her by Aeslia…who seemed rather keen on turning already attractive women in screaming hot cowgirl hybrids.
    Gender: Female
    (OPTIONAL!)Religion: She don’t have time for that.
    Species: Elven/cowgirl hybrid.
    Origin: From the same realm as Aeslia though a different part of it.
    Occupation: She was a promising scholar before Aeslia 'blessed her' with cowgirl genes. The focus of her research was on studying magical artifacts from the Mythological Period of her home realm, that pre-dates formal written and recorded history.
    Physical Appearance
    Height: 164cm
    Weight: 54kgs
    Eye Colour: Purple Blue
    Hair Colour: Silver
    Physical Description: What can be said by Evelyn? Well, she’s a rather pretty elf with long and wavy silver hair that she ties up in a ponytail to keep to together. She has wide childbearing hips and a ridiculously large bust for an elf, due to Aeslia ‘blessing her’ with cowgirl genes. She is quite light and easy to physically pick up due to her low weight. She’s not the physically strong type as she’s mostly a bookworm by nature and profession.
    Personality, Traits and Abilities
    General Overview: A well mannered and cultured woman, it was a surprise to everyone that she would have anything to do with Aeslia, who is considered a rambunctious slut by her peers. Evelyn herself is good natured with great intellect and a natural affinity for magic, even for an elf. Her personality is one to be expected for someone who wants to be a great scholar, having great patience and a serious work ethic. She is quite sociable thanks to Aeslia who broke through her shell though that’s not all Aeslia did.
    Strengths, Skills and Abilities: 
    Magic: Given her natural knack for magic that exceeds even most of her elven peers, one would expect her to be quite the magic user. In fact, even in terms of wind magic which Aeslia is natively attuned to, Evelyn exceeds even her which is to say that she is quite adept at magecraft. Evelyn is strongest in the traditional elemental magics as well as healing and defensive magics.
    Scholar of Magical Artifacts: Given her desire to study magical artifacts from the Mythological Period, one would expect that she would have substantial knowledge in magical artifacts. While she does indeed have much knowledge of such things, the fact that there are SO MANY artifacts around that it makes it almost impossible to know EVERYTHING about ALL of them. Her ability to identify and extract information from artifacts via her Scrying Eye spell is second only to her command of other magics. If her spell does not give her the answers she seeks then her research skills will!
    Not physically strong and certainly her light weight makes tanking an impossibility.
    Despite how much mana she has, and Evelyn does have a lot at her disposal…she can run out. Obviously, that is not good as that limits her options severely.
    Once she runs out of mana, she does take a longer than normal to regenerate it. However, such a process can be expediated by sexual intercourse due to her cowgirl genes.
    Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams):
    To learn more about the Mythological Era.
    To be a renowned authority on the Mythological Era.
    To find another suitable partner for herself.
    To make her family proud

    Hobbies and Interests: 
    Studying her research area
    Researching new topics
    Reading books
    Learning new things
    Personal Sexual Information (This whole part is optional)
    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
    Turn ons: 
    Either giving out titfucks or having her tits fucked, although Aeslia takes the cake on how much she gets off on it.
    Being milked, obviously.
    Creampies aka. Having someone cum deep inside her (obviously no condoms). This is especially true if it is with someone she cares about deeply…that just gets her off like nothing else.
    Having loving, romantic sex with those she cares deeply about.
    Having casual sex with friends.
    Being spitroasted.

    Breast Size: Significantly larger than what she was before Aeslia ‘blessed her’ with cowgirl genes. Before then, her breasts were between a C and a D cup.
    Sensitivity: The tips of her ears are rather sensitive, as well as her nipples which LOVE being gently sucked on and teased. Her breasts are sensitive too and the entrance to her womb is a prime target.
    STD History: Clean
    Extra Information (This whole part is optional)
    Father: Lord Marco De Frost
    Mother: Lady Madeline De Frost
    Siblings: She has two brothers and two sisters who are all older than her.
    House: While currently living at Naughty Cow Dairy, she stays at Aeslia’s place back at home…which is not the De Frost Estate which she cannot go back to.
    Various academic awards for her contributions to historical research.
    Masters Degrees in Magecraft, Magical Artifacts and History.
    Criminal Record: None

    The youngest and as-of-yet unmarried female of the influential and powerful De Frost family, Evelyn had a rather privileged upbringing and thus a significant head-start to life. However, it did not mean that she put on airs or that she would look down on those not as fortunate. She was quite a humble girl and did not judge people by their socio-economic group or status. From a young age, it was obvious that Evelyn had great potential in magic and her intellectual growth was astounding. Her parents sent her to the best schools and obviously did everything they could to make sure she had a proper education to best cultivate her potential. Despite being part of the aristocracy, the De Frosts were of the kind that worked for their status and rank and took nothing for granted.  Being part of the De Frost family and the aristocratic class in general did however entail certain expectations such as being married off to other aristocratic families to build on the family name and legacy. However, Evelyn did not wish to partake in this…tradition. She did not want to be a noble’s trophy wife but wanted to be a scholar. Now her parents did not really want to deny her the dream she had BUT unfortunately, they could not go against the traditions of the elven aristocracy easily. The elven aristocracy was quite cutthroat, in that any weakness or perceived weakness in position would be taken advantage of. Evelyn tried continuously to convince her parents that she should be able to become a scholar, not understanding why her parents did not want her to go that way. Things continued until the day that Evelyn decided to leave home permanently and leave the family. Of course, her parents did not want her to do something so drastic, but they could not convince her otherwise. So, with much reluctance, they officially disowned her…though supported her in secret.
    Evelyn had to fund the rest of her education herself, which was much harder than she expected. It was at this point she met Aeslia, who instantly took a liking to Evelyn despite how different they were. Seeing that Evelyn was struggling, Aeslia offered her a place to stay and anything she needed…on the condition she join her harem. Seeing very little alternative, Evelyn agreed. Over time, they became good friends and despite how overly sexual and forward Aeslia was, Evelyn came to like her back.
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  14. Cassandra Sexi'zatazi (Version A)

    Name: Cassandra Sexi'zatazi
    Age/Date of Birth: Due to her ability to reincarnate endlessly, only she knows how old she is.
    Gender: Female
    Religion: Was Once a Creation Goddess, yet that was a long time ago. No one believes in her as that anymore. By the Utopian Church, she is the End Incarnate.
    Species: In her home Universe, she would be considered of High Elven Stock, a genetic close match with this Universe's Sexi'zatazis for some reason. However, there may be more in her genes than what is expected.
    Origin: A Parallel Universe to this One, From a Planet Called Faerun.
    Time Taken: From Calendar Year 1432, supposedly.
    Speciality: Cooking Master
    Physical Appearance
    Height: 183cm
    Weight: 70kg
    Eye Colour: Blue Eyes
    Hair Colour: Blond Hair
    Physical Description:
    What else can be said about this Sexi'zatazi woman who looks like a traditional elf ripped out of a Dungeon and Dragons game, with patently unrealistic proportions? She certainly has the looks of an elven woman, with the long blonde locks of hair and piercing eyes. Her body, sculpted by the gods and eyed by many to her displeasure, is of typical elven female stock. With a flat stomach with firm abs, long shapely legs, wide hips and a plentiful rear end, it appears that the Dungeons and Dragons game she was taken from was one lovingly crafted. However, there are a few imperfections in her body. Such as the obvious bags under her eyes and several obvious scars over her body including her back.
    Personality, Traits and Abilities
    General Overview: This woman is quite the emotionally unstable wreck and a rather pitiful being...though pity is not what she wants. She actually wants non-existence though no one can yet provide her with it. While she can pretend for a time to be stable and happy and functional, the fact is that she might not be. Perhaps she is just a pleasure doll, destined to please everyone and yet never herself until the very day she breaks. Perhaps she is just bringing this on herself, having made a Universe full of life...and having it taken away by her own creations. No one has gotten close enough to her to see what exactly lies in her soul...if she even has one. She says she hides her 'true self' from everyone but the fact is that she doesn't really know what her 'true self' is anymore or if there was one to start with.
    Strengths, Skills and Abilities:
    Magic: Her magical abilities are actually quite something, beyond her peers back in her world and beyond what Cassandra (Version B) is capable of. She has a wide arsenal of spells at her disposal but she hardly ever has a chance to use them. Given that she feels that she's not capable (even of dying) and nothing good comes from her, she doesn't use many or any of her spells. Which is unfortunate, as her magic is quite powerful. However, there may be another reason she doesn't use them.
    Reincarnation: Yes, this Cassandra also can reincarnate upon death. Her reincarnations, like the other, retains all the knowledge and skills that she got from previous lives. What she has retained through her reincarnations, no one is certain of.
    Reality Ending Curse - All the Evil in the World: Considered by the Utopian Church as the Original Sin of Creation, Cassandra mysteriously bears this curse on her soul. No one exactly knows how this curse functions...and no one knows because once unleashed, no one survives. Likened to an all consuming black hole that nothing escapes, this 'curse' is said to destroy anything and everything once unleashed. According to Cassandra herself...if you get to to talk about it, is that most of her abilities have gone into preventing this evil from ever leaving its place inside her and destroying everything.
    Ever-Expanding Reality: The Counter to the Reality Ending Curse, this ability is tied to Cassandra's nature as an ex creation goddess. It is said that this is the very thing that keeps the Reality Ending Curse from escaping and ending reality. As the Reality Ending Curse can be characterised as an ever expanding black hole, the 'seal' that holds it should counter its nature. This technique creates within Cassandra an ever-expanding internal 'reality' that expands at a rate tied to the rate at which the Reality Ending Curse expands, thus maintaining an equilibrium of sorts. How long can she maintain this equilibrium though is a question that has not been answered. 
    ??? - An unknown ability linked to Cassandra's nature of an ex-creation goddess. She has never made mention about this ability to anyone, so no one knows what it is. 
    Magic: Seeing that she puts most of her energy into keeping the so-called Reality Ending Curse from ending reality, people will generally not get to see what she is capable of.
    Reincarnation: Generally not useful in staying alive, as its effects are mostly post-death. However, if she does die in another universe other than her home one, she suspects that she will return to her 'home universe' where she does not want to be.
    Reality Ending Curse: The only real 'weakness' of this ability is that there is no obvious way to stop it once unleashed. The only way to stop it is to kill the host before it is unleashed. However to kill this host requires the use of a weapon that kills deities at the very least.

    Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams): 
    To start off with, this woman will have very few dreams or hopes except for perhaps finding a way to cease existing. To help this woman regain some sense of purpose may be handsomely rewarded....or it might not. 

    Hobbies and Interests: 
    Observing Nature
    Personal Sexual Information
    Sexual Orientation: While this woman will tell you at first that such a question is hardly relevant, the fact is that the woman does not really remember the last time she's had something of a relationship and thus can't really honestly say. She does want to be loved, though she suspects that may never happen. 

    Turn ons:
    - Sex with someone she loves deeply.
    - Intimacy in general
    - She enjoys the arousal of others, especially those she loves.

    Turn offs: 
    - Certainly does not like vore, gore and necrophilia. 
    - Certainly does not like being abused.

    Breast Size: E cup?

    Sensitivity: While her 'pain receptors' don't seem that active when it comes to pain, they are when it comes to pleasurable stimulus. In fact, it seems they are quite hyperactive when exposed to pleasurable stimulus. She is actually quite a sensitive girl (to pleasure) and her reactions to it are quite unusual. She might not react quickly for the first few attempts but keep trying and you might get a surprise. 

    Additional Sexual Information: 
    While she apparently does like being dominated and is usually submissive, there are times where she may not like it. She is rather uncertain of what her preferences are due to evidence of severe abuse and neglect.
    Awards/Commendations: None. Considered the End Incarnate by the Utopian Church.
    Criminal Record: Being the End Incarnate by the Utopian Church.

    Bio: It is known that this Cassandra Sexi'zatazi was born on the planet Faerun in the 1300s of the Church's New Calendar to two heretics normal High Elves in a cultist outpost peaceful village north of Sylvenhold, that does not exist anymore as it was purified burnt to the ground in 1432. Her summoners parents were the town healers heretical scum of this damned place of evil, whom dare praise the name of the False Goddess whom worshipped a different god to the Church. The god they worshipped, in secret, was a minor deity known as the Light-bearer. While the Light-Bearer most likely never existed and was most likely a relic of an earlier era, the contents of the writings of and about the Light Bearer seemed to resonate with believers of all sorts. Considered by the Utopian Church as a manifestation of the False Goddess and thus heretical, no one actually knows the origin of the Light Bearer's works. Cassandra's life started normally enough, her birth was not marked by any dire omen or anything though the date was not auspicious. According to the Church though, her birthday marks to the exact day of the Great Fall where the Great Ancestors fell from the heavens due to the machinations of the False Goddess. The Church however was not influential in the Sylvenhold region until at least the 1350s. Up to then, Cassandra had a rather peaceful though boring life with her parents. However, after the Church became more established in the 1370s, things in Cassandra's life started to change. She started to have strange dreams about things and events that were inexplicable, things that she could not know of. Her dreams were detailed to a point that they were almost like vivid memories. 
    What did her dreams concern? Many things though she hardly talked about them. Why? Because what the dreams contained scared her. She also started to hear things not of this plane of existence. Were they gods or the whispers of the world? She did not know but she knew not to mention it. Such things like this were not talked about for good reason. After all, only those chosen by Utopia would have these gifts and there was NO WAY someone like her could be chosen. That was not all that occurred, her magics seemed to grow exponentially strong as she grew...stronger and faster than her High Elven peers. Her parents, while pleased with her progress of her studies and her control of the magic arts, became increasingly concerned by her strange behaviour and her seemingly distancing herself from everyone. Her parents often tried to get her to open up but to no real avail. 
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  15. "Blacky" (Unavailable)

    The dark witch of the moon joins the party with her workshop where she makes many kinds of potions and other concoctions for diverse purposes. She is herself capable of dark magic and her symbols shine when she stands under the moonlight.
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  16. MIRA

    Character created by:  Mythra
    NOTE: All characters are created using an AI program on the website PerChance. I do not own ANY of the artwork that may have been used to create the art, and all images were created via AI to get a general idea down. Please remember that AI is infamous for looking strange, at best, in most cases. I do my best to crop out the strangeness, but these pictures in general are only used for concepts and general ideas, and are not to be considered “official” works. Things like incorrect species and indecisive coloring are prone to happen as well – if seeking the specifics, please read the WRITTEN description of the character(s) involved. Thank you.
    Read about the character: [COMING SOON]
    AI art FULL GALLERY:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fUKhIqnlYw9o8llF4q0vtsWQ9tqNYE-o?usp=sharing
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  17. Ella Andrews

    Character created by: Mythra
    NOTE: All characters are created using an AI program on the website PerChance. I do not own ANY of the artwork that may have been used to create the art, and all images were created via AI to get a general idea down. Please remember that AI is infamous for looking strange, at best, in most cases. I do my best to crop out the strangeness, but these pictures in general are only used for concepts and general ideas, and are not to be considered “official” works. Things like incorrect species and indecisive coloring are prone to happen as well – if seeking the specifics, please read the WRITTEN description of the character(s) involved. Thank you.
    Read about the character:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1htV1ujCoEo-VDK-Fiv4hz2ewTrcH5TwntFc3GeP-_EM/edit?usp=sharing
    AI art FULL GALLERY:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-9H7gV0a8ArYHbsA403auXV4KGSMgPol?usp=drive_link
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  18. Mercury

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  19. Perfect Rose

    Character created by:  Mythra
    NOTE: All characters are created using an AI program on the website PerChance. I do not own ANY of the artwork that may have been used to create the art, and all images were created via AI to get a general idea down. Please remember that AI is infamous for looking strange, at best, in most cases. I do my best to crop out the strangeness, but these pictures in general are only used for concepts and general ideas, and are not to be considered “official” works. Things like incorrect species and indecisive coloring are prone to happen as well – if seeking the specifics, please read the WRITTEN description of the character(s) involved. Thank you.
    Read about the character:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YLAoTUUPMAuVI63xTEDntDZUaIeqtICZscUCba6MRag/edit?usp=sharing
    AI art FULL GALLERY:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-57R0eOb1q6PE1EG9GivsSxDBS8m8o22?usp=drive_link
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  20. Chibeni 'Chi' Bushida

    Any parts of My characters can be changed to fit an rp better! This is just the idea I have for this character.
    Name:  Chibeni Bushida, goes by Chi. Only her family calls her Chibeni
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female (Can be futa. Situational)
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Race/Species: Oni
    Best RP Genre for Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Any
    Chibeni grew up in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Born the oldest into a family of matriarchal oni warriors, Chi was expected to carry on the family legacy. However, she despised the strict rules and codes she was expected to follow. As soon as she turned 18 she left her family home and turned to mercenary work, much to her mother's chagrin. Despite her young age, her reputation as an enigmatic and unstoppable force grew swiftly among the criminal underworld. Clients all over the world seek her out for missions that require a blend of combat prowess, stealth, and ruthlessness. While she likes to think of herself as a moral and good person, she will sell her services to the highest bidder, no matter the target.
    She values her independence and autonomy. She prefers working on tasks alone and is self-reliant when it comes to problem-solving. She has a natural inclination towards analyzing situations and figuring out how things work. She enjoys dissecting problems and finding practical solutions. She's not one to openly express their emotions and may prefer to observe rather than actively participate in social situations. Normally she has a relaxed and easygoing demeanor, not easily frazzled by unexpected changes or disruptions but when her anger takes over she quickly becomes destructive and impulsive. She takes life as it comes and rarely gets worked up over minor issues. While she may seem detached at times, especially emotionally, She has a sense of kindness and fairness buried deep, deep down. They might not show it openly, but they often care deeply for those close to them (mainly her family).
    Height: 6'3
    Body Build/Figure: Muscular and toned
    Skin Tone: Dark red
    Hair Color: White
    Hair Length: Long; about 24" down to her lower back. She keeps it up in a high ponytail or bun most of the time
    Eye Color: Gold
    Scars/Wounds: She has small scars littered all over her body. her biggest one is on her lower stomach and stretches across her torso ending right under her breasts.
    Markings/Tattoos: She has a variety of multicolored tattoos all over her body. 
    Usual Outfit/Outfits: Usually dressed in a street style with a bomber jacket, white tank top, and black joggers, with tan timberland boots.
    Good Qualities
    • Logical
    • Loyal
    • Trustworthy
    Bad Qualities
    • Quick Tempered
    • Aggressive
    • Cruel
    •  Savory or Salty foods or tastes
    •  Puzzles
    •  Physical Activity
    • Liars or deception
    Dynamic: Dominant
    Kinks/Fetishes (Giving): Bondage, Domination, Praise/Degradation (Based on relationship), Impregnation (if possible), Size difference, Pet play, Forced Feminization, Dacryphilia (Tears or crying), Humiliation, Netori, Bukkake
    Kinks Fetishes (Receiving): Body Worship, Double penetration, Exhibitionism, Impregnation, Interspecies, Bukkake
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  21. Alice.

    Character created by: Mythra
    NOTE: All characters are created using an AI program on the website PerChance. I do not own ANY of the artwork that may have been used to create the art, and all images were created via AI to get a general idea down. Please remember that AI is infamous for looking strange, at best, in most cases. I do my best to crop out the strangeness, but these pictures in general are only used for concepts and general ideas, and are not to be considered “official” works. Things like incorrect species and indecisive coloring are prone to happen as well – if seeking the specifics, please read the WRITTEN description of the character(s) involved. Thank you.
    Read about the character here: [COMING SOON]
    AI art FULL GALLERY:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B8KSuLpXIW_rJ3teUA58506BCiLiy8Bb?usp=drive_link
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  22. Michael

    Name: Michael
    Age: 19-35 (depending on the story)
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Origin/Nationality: (Depends on the story)
    Occupation: Salaryman/Assistant/Intern/Grad Student/College Student
    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 167 lbs.
    Hair Color: Red with Teal Tips
    Eye Color: Teal
    Physical Description: Slender but fit. Is near-sighted and requires glasses.
    Strengths, Skills, and Abilities: Dutiful, hard-working, above-average intelligence
    Weakness: Timid, lack of confidence
    Ambitions: To become useful to someone, marriage
    Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, reading, cooking, and playing piano (primarily jazz)
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 
    Turn Ons: Dominant women
    Turn Offs: Violence 
    Family: Mother, 2 older sisters, Father (absent, possibly deceased)
    House: Small one-bedroom apartment
    Car: None (lives in the city and generally relies on public transportation)
    Pets: Cat, Reiko (Japanese Bobtail)
    Awards/Commendations: (Once again, this depends entirely on the RP. But, I'd say it's safe to assume that he would be qualified for any position he would be working at.)
    Criminal Record: None
    Bio: "Since he was small, had no luck at all. Nothing came easy to him." - Spread Your Wings (Queen)

    (I'd like to keep his background relatively open so that I can slip him into virtually any story.)
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  23. Ashlynn Tyler (née: Smith)

    A modern witch of middling abilities, and the mother of Molly Renée Smith, she's recently married and taken her husband's name and moved to the United States of America to live together him and his son. Together, the four of them are going on an impromptu road tour of the USA. She hopes, along with her husband, that the trip will help the kids grow closer together.
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  24. Molly Renée Smith

    A bored young woman looking for a good time. Loves her mother, never knew her father. Unbeknownst to her, the blood of something ancient from beyond flows through her veins.
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  25. Kai Elmsong (OC)

    - Kai Elmsong -
    Kai is a siren who takes matters into her own hands. Strong, independent to a fault with an attitude sharp enough to bring any man to his knees. Will you be the one to tame her?
    Name: Kai Elmsong
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'4 (162cm)
    Species: Siren
    Abilities: Manipulate water, shapeshift (mermaid to human form), can breathe underwater
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