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Private Roleplaying Characters

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If you want to upload your personal RP characters, without having to make a new album for the Private Roleplay Section then this is the place to upload them to.

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  1. Alice

    Clumsy red head.
    • Album created by Aeris
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  2. Alice.

    Character created by: Mythra
    NOTE: All characters are created using an AI program on the website PerChance. I do not own ANY of the artwork that may have been used to create the art, and all images were created via AI to get a general idea down. Please remember that AI is infamous for looking strange, at best, in most cases. I do my best to crop out the strangeness, but these pictures in general are only used for concepts and general ideas, and are not to be considered “official” works. Things like incorrect species and indecisive coloring are prone to happen as well – if seeking the specifics, please read the WRITTEN description of the character(s) involved. Thank you.
    Read about the character here: [COMING SOON]
    AI art FULL GALLERY:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B8KSuLpXIW_rJ3teUA58506BCiLiy8Bb?usp=drive_link
    • Album created by Mythra
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  3. Allison Regis

    This is not the canonical name of this character,  but this will be her name in Rp's i play in.  
    • Album created by NytheraRP
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  4. Am-heh (Pyramid-Head)

      Born of Osiris, Am-heh is the executioner of Egypt. Undertaker to his father, the name given unto him translates to devourer of many , searching to execute in the most painful of ways.
    Carries a crimson-crusted long cleave. 
     Standing over twelve feet, he is a giant among men, with Nephilim blood coursing through his cold, calloused capillaries. 
     Due to his heavenly beauty, to walk on earth he has been cursed to wear a steel cage about his head, shaped like an elongated pyramid soaked in the soul-stains of a rusty red. Among these curses, a life of human celibacy grants him a life of near immortality.
    Though feared, many worship him as his champion, bringing envy to the gods and a particular, pentitenious pharaoh. 
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  5. Amai the Kitsune/Incubus!

    Name: Amai

    Race: Kitsune but has incubus in his bloodline

    Age: 24

    occupation: Owns a store of magic items that he finds out in his adventures! Also an adventurer!

    Abilities: Usually I start him with only one ability in an RP. His main ability is to release pheromones from his two tails to achieve different effects on people but he needs to gain energy (through sex of course~) to be able to do this!
    Other abilities he can learn as RPs go on: Transformation and the ability to disappear. (It's like a really short distance teleport that allows him to get out of dangerous situations.) 

    Personal details: He's very flirtatious and isn't exactly picky when it comes to sexual partners. Basically, if it's female and legal he's gonna fuck it. Amai particularly likes women who are taller than him, and has an affection for female monsters. If they can top him, he's into it! Amai is only 5 Ft. tall and LOVES pink things! He's known as the "sweet kitsune" in places around his shop~ 
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  6. Amante Maritriza Vitima

    Age:  482 (appears to be in her late teens or early twenties)
    Gender:  Female
    Species:  appears human. (actually a magical construct composed of 99 different individuals merged together from species including: aasimar, amazon, andorian, angel, asari, chiss, drow, dryad, elf, erinyes, ex nihili, fae, falleen, human, korrigan, kymellian, mermaid, nagaraj, naiad, neko, nixie, nymph, orion, pixie, red martian, sakaraan, satyress, siren, succubus, sylph, tamaranian, tau, tiefling, togruta, twi'lek, vampire, werewolf, yokai, zabrak, and zeltron, among others)
    Origin:  Amante does not know the name of the place where she was created, and refers to it only as "home."
    Height:  5' 6"
    Weight:  115 lbs.
    Eye Colour:  blue (defaults to blue, but varies, see Shape Shifting under abilities/powers)
    Hair Colour:  brown (defaults to brown, but varies, see Shape Shifting under abilities/powers)
    Physical Description:  Amante appears as a lithe yet voluptuous young woman, with a tiny waist, curvy hips, perfectly shaped breasts, and long toned arms and legs. She is classically beautiful, but upon seeing her for the first time, your vision blurs and when she comes back into focus she seems even more attractive than you initially thought.
    Sexual Orientation:  Pansexual (Amante is attracted to anyone or anything that is attracted to her)
    Turn-ons:  (see Reciprocal Arousal under abilities/powers)
    Breast Size:  C cup (defaults to C cup, but varies, see Shape Shifting under abilities/powers)
    Sensitivity:  Exceptionally high everywhere to even the slightest touch (she was created to be a sex doll, and so her sensitivity and ability to be aroused are tweaked to the highest degree, making her easily and almost instantly susceptible to any attempts to arouse her. See also Reciprocal Arousal under abilities/powers)
    Shape Shifting:  Amante can change her appearance to use a portion of or the entire appearance of any of the ninety-nine original individuals from which she was created. She can change her facial features, height, and body shape as well. These changes are often subtle and nearly imperceptible, a slight increase in the fullness of her lips, her eyes appearing more almond-shaped, her hair appearing longer or shorter. She has no conscious control over her shape-shifting. Her appearance only changes when it would make her more attractive to the person she is with.
    Attractive Appearance:  Amante is designed to appear to each person in a form to which they are most attracted.
    Reciprocal Arousal:  If someone near her is aroused, she becomes aroused as well. If she is the cause of this arousal, she responds to it in kind. Her own excitement increases with that of her partner, though hers will likely continue even if the partner loses theirs.
    Impervious to Permanent Damage and Death:  Amante cannot be permanently marked or maimed, or even killed. Over the past several hundred years she has been tortured, lacerated, stabbed, shot, boiled alive, impaled, drawn and quartered, skinned, beheaded, burned alive in a lava flow, dissolved in acid, had all of her internal organs removed, had her skin flayed from her body, and been disintegrated. Several hours later she awakes near where she was apparently slain as good as new without a mark on her. Tattoos and scars are similarly impermanent for her. When she is tattooed, it disappears within several hours. Scars fade over a period of several hours. 
    Restrictions:  Amante cannot deny a request provided it will enhance the pleasure of another. There are some exceptions, most notably that she will not cause physical harm to come to any living thing. She seems to forget sexual encounters, and always acts innocent as if she had no idea of her own past.
    Skills:  Amante has skills as a lover rivaled by only the most experienced and expensive courtesans and concubines.
    History:  There was once an ancient mage, whose power was equaled only by his capacity for evil. His shadow fell across the land like a plague, and under his dominance, life was suffering. Freedom and virtue were replaced with enslavement and immorality, and the only justice was the enforcement of his whim as law. His power grew with his influence, and soon he ruled over all. But ruling was not enough. The hunger for power drove him to summon and control beings from other worlds and dimensions: demons, angels, alien creatures from other worlds as well as those from the hidden depths of his own. His slaves and servants were as many and varied as the stars in the sky, and he used them for his own, perverse pleasure. He made the men battle each other in violent and bloody games that left few living, and forced the women to please him in more and more depraved ways.
    When the fighting men bored him, he used his magic to merge fifty of the most powerful and skilled combatants into a single, ultimate warrior bound to his will. He named this creature Guerreiro. It could tap into the power of fifty different warriors in an instant, the skills of the best swordsmen, the dexterity of the most nimble acrobats, the strength of the most powerful monsters, the merciless nature of demons, the natural weaponry of dozens of creatures from as many worlds. He pitted his newest slaves against the creature and watched them die horrible deaths. His creation pleased him. Little did he know that Guerreiro would be the key to his downfall.
    After his success in the death matches, he turned his magic to his concubines. Over the centuries he had taken women from every race, from every world, as wide and varied in their looks and ability to please him as were the men he made fight. He merged them as well, ninety-nine women of various appearances, races, and capabilities, into one, perfect concubine. He named her Amante. The individual identities that made up her being were removed; her personal dreams and desires were subverted. Now, she found pleasure in pleasing others, felt valued when being used, and found herself unable to deny any request if it pleased another. She became aroused when someone else was attracted to her; the more aroused a potential partner became, the more aroused she became.
    Of course, the mage enjoyed corrupting innocence, so he imprinted Amante to remain perpetually innocent. Her memory of even the most depraved sexual acts, while technically accurate, never seemed to jade her. She remained hopeful and almost naive, and always seemed surprised when things became physical. But she also knew how to please a man, being imprinted with the skills of a dozen of the most experienced courtesans, concubines, and seductresses. Once he seduced her, once she became aroused enough to beg him to take her, her innocence was lost and she became an equal in his depraved games. This was her daily existence. She woke each morning a young, innocent woman uncertain of her surroundings. She was surprised by the attention of her paramour, shocked when he made suggestions or simply took what he wanted from her and tried to fight him off or escape, but as soon as she reached the height of arousal, she became a wild, unabashed siren.
    She was wandering the grounds late one night when she found Guerreiro. She approached his cage and felt pity for the creature. Guerreiro was attracted to her, and she reciprocated, as she was designed to do. She freed him and they found comfort in each others arms.  Over the next few weeks she found herself drawn to Guerreiro, and visited him nightly. Although she was incapable of feeling love, their physical bond somehow grew stronger until the night that she arrived battered and bloody from a particularly rough session with the mage.
    Guerreiro flew into a rage, and when she freed him from his cage, he made his way to the mages chambers.  He burst in and attacked the mage, squeezing his head in his massive hands. The mage awoke at Geurreiro's touch and cast a spell, opening a portal into which he hoped to toss his creation, but Guerreiro pulled the mage through with him as he crushed his head into a pulp. They both disappeared, never to be seen again. Amante was heartbroken for the rest of the evening, but then the magic of her creation wiped away the emotional impact. She awoke the next morning feeling a slight sense of loss, and wandered out of the castle, and into a new life.
    Since then, she has traveled from land to land, always at the mercy of the need to please that is the curse of her existence.
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  7. Amira Nightshade

    Name: Amira Nightshade
    Age: 18-200
    Sex: Female
    Hair: White
    Eyes: White
    Height: 5’4
    Weight: 127 lbs
    Species: Dark Elf
    Patents: King Drakus 
    Familiars: Felix the Wolf and Agoth The Raven 
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  8. Amy (mother x daughter)

    I have been keeping my private RP characters as Imgur pictures, posted to the private RPs/other EcchiText threads.  Imgur deleted this one though (the only one that is NSFW, which they do not like anymore).  So I am giving her a gallery here.  With some character notes, to give people a hint of her story.  May do it with at least some other characters, though I have enough that doing that for everyone may be too much.
    A single mother, with a daughter born from a random hookup.  The daughter has been her life.  It was a happy quiet life, a small but happy family.  As her daughter got older though, she has begun to have less innocent curiosities.  And Amy gave her a rather unconventional education on them.  Their relationship has taken on a new sort of love, as her shy daughter finally begins to make friends, and possibly less secret and taboo relationships.
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  9. Amy Orestes (RWBY)

    NAME: Ametithia "Amy" Orestes
    AGE: 17
    RACE: Human
    GENDER: Female
    SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
    HAIR COLOR: Brown with blonde tips
    EYE COLOR: Blue
    HEIGHT: 5'5"
    BUILD: Slim 
    PERSONALITY: Amy is the "odd" girl. She comes up with the strangest ideas and offers the oddest advice. She is outgoing, friendly, and very social. This can get in the way of getting real work done and distract others. Although she is well-intentioned, she sometimes focuses so much on her intentions that she actually ignores others and comes across selfish.
    WEAPON:  Sparks and Violetta : a pair of Mountain Axes Galvanized Shotguns (MAGS),two shotgun taser axes with a chain connecting them. Axes can be formed into a pickaxes and the chain allows both axes to conduct electricity if one axe is struck by lightning. The axe blades can rotate around the gun barrel.
    SEMBLANCE:  Conductivity . While Amy isn't able to manipulate electricity directly, she's quite 'attractive' and quite a stunner. Static is practically her middle name, as she can make herself act as a lightning rod and use it to bring some real damage.
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  10. Andrea Ruhadze (Futa)

    Age range: 21-30.
    Andrea Ruhadze is a very active person. She greatly enjoys exercise and most outdoor events. She works as both a gym teacher(High School or College) and as a personal coach. She's very much enjoys social gatherings and is very outgoing. But her favorite activities involve her "hands on training" with her female students/clients.  
    • Album created by YelloweyeOfHim
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  11. Angela, Faith's Servant

    Name: Angela, Faith's Servant
    History: Angela, servant of God, either once was or still is depending on where in her life the story unfolds. Left abandoned on the steps of an orphanage, she grew up to be a woman of the veil, putting her faith into God and dedicating her heart and soul to him as a nun of the church. However, though her destiny lay in devotion, it was to the wrong she devoted herself to. In her time at the church, she would be corrupted by men and her own body alike, for devil's blood ran through her veins, filling herself and those around her with sinful urges, and that was assuming that fate didn't simply drop her into the hands of men that needed no convincing to begin with. Through her fall to her base bodily desires, Angela comes to realize her true destiny, as a worshipper and spreader of the devil's salvations, the pleasures of the body, and she completes her metamorphosis from tempted to tempter.
    Personality: The defining traits of Angela throughout her life are obedience, loyalty, and unwavering faith, to the point of unhealthy dependance. Where her faith lies between god and the devil determines the rest of her personality, from innocent ignorance to manipulative selfishness.
    • Album created by Headless
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  12. Angie

    Angela “Angie” May Elmwood - 46. Business Secretary. Single. Bisexual. Sweet and nurturing. Would do anything for her girls. Extremely lonely and horny. Sister to Hilary and adoptive mother to Zara & Iris. Face claim: Kendra Lust 5’5”, very fit, big fake tits, huge plump ass, defined abs and biceps, tan skin, dark brown eyes. Shoulder length wavy black hair. Dark brown landing strip pubes. 
    • Album created by Zara
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  13. Annalise Briar

    Alien (Prequels)
    Name: Annalise Briar
    DOB:  21XX
    Sex:  Female
    Gender: Cis
    Species:  Human, synthetic enhancements
    Occupation:  Weyland-Yutani Industries Engineer
    Age: Late 20s/Early 30s
    Height: 5’6” (170.6cm)
    Weight: 134lbs (60.7kg)
    Build: Lithe
    Body Shape: Rectangle
    Ethnicity: Caucasian (Irish)
    Red hair White skin, freckles Green eyes  
    Languages:  English
    Temperament: Spunky
    Sexuality:  Straight
    Alignment:  Neutral Good
    MBTI:  ???
    Spirituality: Atheist
    When Annalise was younger, she suffered an accident that would have killed her. Instead, her uncle and only known relative, spent a fortune to preserve her life. Many parts of her body are now synthetic; notably, her heart, lungs, and eyes.
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  14. Anu the prince of Egypt!

    One of many claims used for my characters!
    • Album created by BootyTyrant
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  15. Anubis

     Born of incestuous illegitimacy, Anubis is the bastard son of Osiris and stepbrother to Am-heh, adopted by Isis. He is the protector of the departed, the deity of mummification, the beast-man makes his living as an embalmer and magnificent mortician.
     Unlike his younger brother, Anubis stands half the size of his gargantuan brother at eight feet. He is cursed to serve his father in the form of a half-man and jackal by Set….
    G I F T S
    • heightened sense of smell.
    • outstanding speed and stealth.
    • razor-sharp claws and fangs.
    • godly intelligence.
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  16. Anya

    Anya Age: 16 or higher Human and 100 Elf Race: Human or Elf (Main I roleplay as a human though.) Chest Size: C36 Powers/Skills: Anya can control wind. She's a bit of a trouble maker and likes to get revenge on those who have hurt her. She is swift on her feet and very slient. She can easily hide in the shadows and not make a sound. She's very flexible and always one step ahead of her target/enemies. Weapon of choice: Chain Scythes that she can throw with chain and she can wrap the chain around her enemies. Attitude: Anya is very distance and cold to everyone even family. But if you're luck enough to break through her rough outer shell, you'll see a young girl/lady who is depressed, sad, feels unloved and is crying. Weakness/Fears: Being Drugged,Needles, Doctors, and being unloved/being forever alone. Roles she fits best: Slave, School Girl, Kidnapped Princess, Abused Daughter/Siblings and Adventurer.
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  17. Aqua (Free to RP)

    Aqua, the Vaporeon girl. (Name to be decided later maybe) She is an aquatic lifeform who lives in or near water sources. She is capable of water magic. Being a creature who evolved from a source of pure water, she could be said to be the embodiment of the water element in its purest form.
    • Album created by Warning
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  18. ARA (Free to RP)

    ARA (Artificial Relay Administrator) is an AI mechanical unit (Anthroid) made by an advanced civilization from a far away galaxy. This AI unit was made mostly to relay information and resources between different systems of the ship and the bridge. Her body is entirely mechanical and holds many features, powered by an almost infinite energy power core. She does not need oxygen, making her ideal for outer space tasks on the ship.
    • Album created by Warning
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  19. Arekka Hav'rytt

    Alien (or dragongirl) character
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  20. Arell

    Generally undecided yet. Thinking she'll be a pleasant wolf in general. Though she likely uses those muscles for some quality futahandling.
    • Album created by DonutRex
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  21. Arish Reynard. (Free to RP) (Midnight Meetings)

    Foxgirl Maid. She works mainly in a lounge, taking care of cleaning rooms and making beds.
    • Album created by Warning
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  22. Artemis

    Name: Artemis
    Original Name: Mina
    Also known as: The Slayers of Heroes, The Hero Nobody Knows.
    Original Universe: The Border, a mysterious place between Realities.
    Age: Looks between her mid-late twenties.
    Race: Conceptual Spirit
    Sex: Female
    Hair: Long, light and wispy blond hair that looks dazzling if left loose. Naturally groups together into 'streaks'.
    Eyes Colour: Sapphire Blue.
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Height: Variable. Ranging from 140cm to 185cm
    Weight: 42kg to 60kgs
    Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious.
    Personality: It appears as if Artemis has matured since we last met her. She is no longer that inexperienced girl she was so long ago. She now is a confident, active woman that knows what she wants and tries her best to get it. She is now quite patient and understanding, having lost the hot-headedness of the Sovereign Sword and from experience. She tries to get a fuller understanding of situations before acting, if time permits it. Her friends value her honesty, patience and all around good nature. Despite looking a dignified and a bit aloof, she is quite a romantic...and a bit perverted if that makes any sense. Due to certain life experiences, she has let her hair down a bit around the issue of sex. She does love it and is willing to explore.
    Mental Issues: Unknown
    Blood Type: None.
    Weapon Preference: Prefers sword-type weaponry but can use most other types of weapons.
    Skills and Powers:
    Immunity to Some Biological and Chemical Agents: Due to her now being a powerful Conceptual Spirit, her body operates differently compared to humans. While she does look human, the fact is that is a higher existence. Her appearance is only due to the fact the Sovereign Sword based its appearance on Mina. Despite that, it did not have to become human to look human. This being appears to operate without any known biological features. It does not bleed blood but mana, which is what sustains the spirit. Having no biological systems, some biological and chemical agents have no effect on her. It is also the case that Artemis cannot do the things that humans need to do like sleep or eat.
    Great Mastery of Swords and Weapon Knowledge - She has drastically improved her knowledge of combat over the years of her existence from what she was previously. No longer just bound to swords, she can fight competently with numerous weapons. Though her hand-to-hand skills is still sub-par, it will be hard to get her to that state as she seems armed almost all the time.
    Magical Blacksmithing: She is able to create, upgrade, repair and restore magical and non-magical weapons through means of physical infrastructure (like a complete blacksmith's forge) or even just herself (through magical means). As long as she has the requisite knowledge and components of the weapon she is making, she can make it.
    Master Mana Injection
    High All-round stats
    Reality Marble: ???
    Cannot really effectively operate without mana in the air or a supply of it somewhere on her person.
    Vulnerable to psychic attacks and exorcism/anti spirit magics due to her past.
    Weapons made by her through magical means are a bit weaker than they would be if she took the longer route. That is the penalty for taking a shortcut!
    Bio: After trying to find ways of getting stronger in the library of Thorndown Uni without success, Artemis was almost ready to give up. That was until, her boyfriend Elwe, suggested a place that they could go to achieve just that...and have a picnic together. Seeing that opportunity, Artemis, Elwe, and Taylor went off to that place. Both Artemis and Elwe that the thing inside Taylor was evil and had to be destroyed. Yet, they had little idea just what they were dealing with. Upon arrival to the distant island, they sent about looking for the place Elwe described. However, a strong demon had taken residence on the island without Elwe's knowing and it considered all of them intruders. After separating Elwe, Taylor and Artemis from each other, it attacked Artemis first...raping her with its tentacles covered in a liquid known to drive its victims mad with lust while draining her of her powers. Unfortunately, Taylor found his way to her first before Elwe came on the scene. Upon seeing Artmeis being raped by the demon, seemingly enjoying it and her calling out Elwe's name, Taylor went mad and killed himself. He knew, by doing this, he would unleash what was inside of him. He was the only one who really knew what was in there. He just didn't care anymore about anything, including Artemis. Upon killing himself with the Atelier, what was inside Taylor unleashed itself on the island.
    A terrible thing it was, such things should not exist. It was a World Soul, one so infected with evil that it could be stated correctly that it was made of it. Even though evil has no form or essence or even independent existence, this thing had it all. It was a World Soul, that had a permanent Reality Marble the depth of a galaxy around it that converted all to evil that it touched. As evil does not exist as a property in this world, all things touched by that are instantly destroyed by Order. The demon, seeing this new threat, released Artemis and attacked the new entity. The demon died quickly, no match for this new entity. Elwe and Artemis prepare themselves for this new battle. Though for some odd reason, the entity gave Artemis a chance to heal and take all the 'power' of the island. It said, "Take what you will but it will do you no better."
    That was the opponent they were facing...one that they could never conceivably defeat. Try as they might (and try, they did) they couldn't even hurt it. However, they were not alone in this. Upon its appearance on the island, forces from the Celestial Kingdom. Pugatorio and the Spiritual Federation came to engage the entity in battle. The Angels and Demons fought it as well but no avail. The weapons the first few squadrons of angels and demons bought to it were not effective against it. Even the Spiritual Federation, who did bring weapons that were effective could not kill it. It took the intervention of Indrist, one of the most powerful Spirits of the Federation and a UENP (Universal Epitome Noble Phantasm) to finally beat the damn thing. Indrist used one of the most powerful artifacts he possessed, the Noble Phantasm called Vengeance in combination with a Akashic Enchantment (that only agents of Akasha or Liberated can use).
    Post battle, Artemis fell into a deep depression. Feeling responsible for Taylor's degradation and death, her utter humiliation to the demon and her failure to kill the entity, she tried to kill herself. However, with Elwe's help...she managed to get it under control and experience some happiness for once. However, that happiness was short-lived. The Sovereign Sword was seething with anger and resentment for being beaten so easily and so reached out for a new master. It found one in the form of Ozymandias, the greatest Heroic Spirit. Ozymandias heard the Sovereign Sword's call and given that he wanted it as a rare, one-of-a-kind collectible went to it. He would have to face Elwe and Artemis in combat...though to him, that was not much of a threat. For a being who conquered worlds and kingdoms, two people were nothing. Ozymandias stole the Sovereign Sword from Artemis and severed the link between the two and was about to dispose of the two if it wasn't for the intervention of a Counter-Guardian who detected the presence of Ozymandias. Ozymandias was not well-liked by the Counter-Guardians, to put it lightly, due to the amount of disorder he inevitably caused and the fact that they knew not who controlled him. In the battle between the Counter-Guardian and Ozymandias, a massive rip in the fabric of reality was formed that sucked the weak Artemis out of reality...
    That would have been the end for her, drifting and disappearing into nothingness...
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  23. Arya (Deathclaw)

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  24. Ashe

    Age: 20
    Personality: Proud, egotistical, very bratty, playful and teasing
    About: A prince (fantasy setting)/rich son of a business empire (modern/sci-fi), Ashe enjoys flirting and flaunting himself any way he can manage.
    He/Him, Full Switch
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  25. Ashley

    Age: 23
    Personality: Shy, self-conscious, introverted, touch-starved
    About: A college graduate and artist trying to find her way stumbling through life, currently working as an office receptionist. She tends to bounce from relationship to relationship, both afraid and unsure as to how to navigate them as well as overeager and compensates for their insecurities.
    She/her/they/them, erratic switch
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