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Luna Estellia

Name: Luna Estellia
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Religion: Luna has no specific organized religion. If anything she worships the world and the spirits which inhabit it! The stars above are also very important to her, as is the moon.
Species: Ostaran
Nationality/Origin: Craetharian, born within the Ildyara Forests.
Occupation: Traveling alchemist, healer, and aspiring witch.
Rank/Title: Talented alchemist and healer, novice witch.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5 ft
Weight: 90 lbs
Eye Colour: Right bright blue with golden speckles, left purple with golden speckles.
Hair Colour: Silvery Blonde
Physical Description: Luna stands at a startlingly short height of four feet (adding a fifth foot for her ears) tall. While sporting an athletic build the young Ostaran’s frame is dainty and slim, lacking any of the muscle tone that would be expected of someone who might work out. Her body is smooth and unblemished, as if having never experienced a day of hardship in its existence, with skin tone between slightly pale and fair. While her chest and posterior are both mostly flat and undeveloped the former contains just enough fat to allow some definition, while the latter is just curved enough to be appreciated. Luna’s hair is a shade of silvery blonde and bordering on white, the same color as her rounded eyebrows, and would reach down to her ankles were she to loosen it up (although she typically binds it up into four massive loose ponytails with silken green ribbons). A pair of rabbit ears and a large poofy rabbit tail both share the same color, although they are a slightly warmer shade. Of course the most captivating part of her would be her eyes: her left eye is a bright pink-purple color while her right one is a brilliant blue, each speckled and sparkling on occasion with brighter blue or pink orbs and flecks of gold. Her pupils are rings of black surrounding pink (left) and blue (right) orbs, and an unusual yellow shape can generally be seen within her eyes (most often than not in the shape of a heart).

Multiple layers of silken fabric cover the upper portion of her torso, cutting off quickly to leave a majority of her midsection revealed, held closed by three ties and covered in an intricate pattern, with sleeves ending in cuffs adorned with golden trim and thin see-through silken leaves of white. An incredibly poofy collar of brown tops off her upper garments, detailed with silver cross-like stars. A pair of shorts made of similar fabric adorns her lower body, cutting off early enough so that most of her legs remain uncovered, and containing a ‘V’ shaped cut in the back for her tail to freely poke out through. These are slightly poofy and while they are less colorful they also have a fancy trim, only of a blacken silk thin enough to be slightly see-through. A pair of leather suspenders holds up an unusual skirt. The outer layer is a thinner leathery fabric and contains belts for holding multiple sturdy glass jars of a strange orange liquid, while the inner layer is a delicate silken white fabric, interlaced to create a ruffled effect. Strangely this skirt stops half-way, leaving the front completely exposed, and contains unusual bunny-eared trim. A pair of short leather boots cover her feet, and beneath these she wears a set of silken socks which are wrapped over the top and held to her upper ankles with ribbons of red and black, along with a couple of bunny-eared clasps. Topping off this unusual outfit is a hat which is covered with all the colors of the rest of her outfit, along with some of the same intricate designs (including bunny-eared trimmings).

While most people try to hide their emotions behind one mask (like those who keep a constant neutral expressionless gaze) Luna is a person deeply entrenched within her emotions. Suffice it to say she has a terrible poker face: if she is happy, or sad, or angry, or in pain it will be easily visible, as she has issues covering these things up. As is expected at first glance Luna’s body is incredibly soft and smooth to the touch, with a normal level of warmth and no visible hair save that which adorns her head. Her body is also incredibly flexible, making it easy for her to pull off advanced acrobatic maneuvers. She often smells of fresh winter snow despite her travels and her voice is always gentle though somewhat childish in tone. As with any other creature with a tail Luna generally sits down upon her knees, even in chairs, as otherwise her tail would be in the way. The exception to this would be any sort of chair with an open back, which might prompt her to sit normally. She favors her right hand. 

Personality, Traits and Abilities

General Overview: Luna is a very adaptable person thanks to her open-mindedness. While this has obvious benefits during combat (as she can quickly formulate new strategies) it also has plenty of social applications. Adapting herself to a new culture comes easily and may even bring her some level of excitement. She can also learn new things more quickly as she leaves her mind open for easy molding.  She loves the very concept of love itself and strives to spread it by whatever means possible to everyone she meets, regardless of their feelings towards her. If there might be a peaceful resolution to any situation then she will pursue it passionately. Luna is also very nurturing towards those that she feels might need it. There is seemingly no end to her happy energy, as she always remains optimistic and gives everything 110% of her effort! Even the most mundane of things can often set this off, especially if it is something brand new to her. Not only is she fiercely loyal towards any friends she might make but she is also completely honest with them. If something is asked of her she will typically get right on the task, working restlessly until it is finished! She trusts others easily and it is easy to see why others might trust her just as easily.

Her favorite color is green as it represents the life spread across planet’s surface. If she had to choose just one food as her favorite then it would be carrots, although her favorite smell would be the tropical scent of the ocean. She hates anything painful, fighting in general, and getting dirty. Her least favorite color is red because it reminds her of blood, her most disliked food is octopus because of the suckers, and she hates the smell of onions. Luna has yet to fully experience life, and so there is very little that she actually fears. Her greatest fear is being alone, as it has been something that she has already had to deal with. Otherwise anything that might bring her pain is nearly as scary. While certain situations may allow her to bypass this particular fear it is still something that will, at the very least, cause her to pause. Being bound up in any way is also quite the scary concept for her, as it would restrict her freedoms, and it is something which may lead right into the same pain that she already fears.

Strengths, Skills and Abilities

Alchemy: Being a talented alchemist means that, with proper time and the right ingredients, Luna is able to find the cure for many things which ail people! Of course poisons and other sorts of drugs are not out of the realm of possibility for her either. These potions might also be used in a fight with at least a few dedicated for offensive purposes!

Enhanced Senses: All of Luna's senses are elevated, however the greatest would have to be her sense of hearing. Those ears certainly are not for show!

Healer: Luna is quite talented with the healing arts, whether it be medicines or through magic! She has many methods for this trade, some of which are not quite safe for her but these she typically reserves for more desperate cases.

Nimble and Swift: Luna is incredibly quick. Her short body allows for easy maneuvering through tight quarters and makes her a harder target to hit. Incredible flexibility and lightning reflexes allows her to avoid most fights.

Super Jump: Despite her timid appearance Luna is gifted with super strength within her legs, a gift bestowed upon her by her race. Not only does this allow for quick and powerful leaps but also a fair degree of striking power should one attempt to get too physical with her! But mostly it is used for very high jumps.

Witchcraft: Luna is still only a novice in the ancient art of witchcraft but it is none the less a passion of her's. Seeking closer ties to nature she has focused much of her self-taught training on the control of plants, the earth, and water. Ultimately she hopes to become a master of every facet, especially space and the stars above!

Weaknesses: Luna is horrible with finding her way to new places, easily getting lost even with directions (which, unless written down, she will generally forget anyways). Any sort of internal compass that a person might find has been strangely misplaced in her case. Even traveling short distances might get her lost, and because of this she is often late to any meetings or with regards to any sort of plan. For whatever reason it is difficult for Luna to remember many different things. She has the most troubles with specific numbers, but names of specific people or places also often baffle her. It takes her a while to remember either, and often plenty of practice, but eventually she will at least learn a person’s name. Book work is also especially difficult for her. Luna easily trusts her friends, but she is also quick to trust a stranger, and even someone that might be perceived as an enemy. This is an unfortunate side effect of her optimism. Simply put: she will trust strangers and enemies alike because she believes that everyone has a good side to them, and that finding that good side is easy with enough effort! As such it is simple to trick her into things, or to make her believe in something, no matter how outrageous it might be.

Beyond her mental weaknesses there are a few obvious physical ones which plague her. First her shortness can be easily used against her, although it is less of a problem if she is able to hop. While her legs are incredibly powerful the rest of her body is about average, leaving her with few options in the event of an actual fight. While her senses are helpful they can also be detrimental if an opponent knows how to counter them. Her alchemy is very adaptable however also limited in quantity and so cannot be completely relied upon. While she can heal injuries it can become taxing. On top of everything else her witchcraft is still at lesser level, making it somewhat unreliable and quite taxing for anything big. Finally her people are also cursed with an incredible sex drive, making her particularly vulnerable to lust attacks.

Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams): Luna wants to become a great witch capable of both helping and healing just about anyone! She'd also like to one day visit the stars, if such a thing is even possible.

Hobbies and Interests: Luna loves to help people, and so many days are spent seeking out those in need, even if it is something little. She enjoys the company of others, especially during festive occasions. Studying is also important to her and while she has troubles with learning from a book she will none the less do her best to focus on such tasks! Comfort is also found in her occupation as she enjoys brewing potions, gathering ingredients, and discovering new plants!

Personal Sexual Information

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Turn Ons

Larger Partners: Luna enjoys feeling protected. When she is curled up within the arms of someone larger than herself it goes a long way towards putting her in a better place. Thankfully her tiny stature makes this fairly easy to accomplish!

Love: Luna loves love and this extends into the realm of the physical! Cuddling, kissing, gentle movements and careful love-making are all valued by the girl!

Multiple Partners: Luna's love of love is too much to be contained with just one person! If she can please more people then she will do her best to do just that!

Natural Sex: Nature is of particular importance to Luna. Natural sex without protection is most favored by her. Besides, when one can cure ailments and prevent pregnancy what reason isn't there for having natural sex?

Turn Offs

Bondage: Being tied up would be listed beneath one of Luna's fears. She doesn't like it. If anything it'll just scare her.

Mean People: If a person is mean or rude then Luna's desire to be with them gets shut down. She'd rather be with someone nice!

Pain: Luna cannot handle pain. It will instantly turn her off.

Teasing: Luna doesn't like to be teased and considers it a little mean.

Penis Length: N/A
Breast Size: A Cup
Sensitivity: Luna's ears are quite sensitive, especially the very tips. However the most sensitive part of her body (save for the obvious ones) would be her tail.

Additional Sexual Information: Luna is still a virgin! While it is something she has considered trying in the past it is also something which is still a bit scary to her. Finding a proper partner is also an issue. Her age and small stature typically also hinder any attempts at such things. But, mostly, it is simply due to her apprehension.

Luna keeps herself clean shaven, or perhaps she simply doesn't grow out in those regions. It is anyone's guess really as it isn't something she'd openly discuss due to the embarrassing nature of the conversation. Beyond this she is incredibly flexible, both inside and out, which might in the future assist her in her sexual exploits!

STD History: Completely clean!

Extra Information 

Father: Pierre Estellia [Deceased]
Mother: Helena Estellia [Deceased]
Siblings: N/A
Grandparents: Unknown
Children: N/A
Grand-children: N/A
House: She doesn't have one, although she might consider her little merchant's cart to be her home.
Pet: Lulu, her horse! She pulls the merchant's cart that she lives out of!


Awards/Commendations: None yet!
Criminal Record: None yet!
Medical Record: Her diagnosis: she is perfectly healthy!
Bio: Luna's early childhood was fairly mundane. She traveled with her parents and learned many things from them. Her days were spent playing or studying, although she didn't have any friends due to her family's tendency not to settle down. A bandit attack ultimately took the lives of her parents. Because she was so young she was allowed to go free. After fleeing into the forests for the night she returned to grieve for and bury her parents. A year was spent as a traveling beggar until one day she was lucky enough to happen upon a criminal's temporary money stash within a pile of garbage! Of course she thought it was just unclaimed coins and so she used it to buy herself a new merchant's cart, a horse, and ultimately a new life! She has since ventured about working on improving her abilities while making a living as a merchant and healer for hire!

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