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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2020 in Preference Reviews

  1. As of this writing, Elena (or soon to be Skieline Sylvanna) are writing an ongoing story that I think has been one of the best out of entire time I've spent on this site. It really has brought me back into coming here, and makes things exciting. She's good at what she does, and you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't at least try to write with her. Even if it's a one off or sex only, she manages to make it unique. Plus, she's just fun!
    1 point
  2. On RP, he's quite capable for longer paragraph (His intro especially). He's patient enough to wait for reply which actually make me feel bad if i had to delay the reply. He's quite shy on detail so you might need to remind him if its okay to going extreme on detail. Story-wise, he's able to memorize the story so you don't need to worry about him losing track of RP. He also announce if there's something happen IRL so if there's something up, you can bump him or just visit his profile to see what's up. Trust me, if you happen to be online on the right time, he'll reply ASAP. And if he's doing mistake on RP, do not hesitate to point out and
    1 point
  3. She is kinda a fast RP-er which is a plus for me and some others, and she can follow the plot pretty well. I can say that she is one of the best RP-ers here. Don't worry, she won't ghost you and she will complete the plot of RP if you are a "plot-based" person. She is a skilled one and even there is few aspects that I think she needs a little bit of improvement, I think she is good enough for you guys! Recommend? Yes, definitely! XD (Hope we can RP together again ^^)
    1 point
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