Been roleplaying for awhile. Very active here as I check everyday.
I mostly rp as tentacles, slimes, alien or any that's closely looks like octopus, bug or non-humanoid looking creatures. Anything animal related or human I'm not that interested, sorry.
I would prefer no fan-fiction or any known characters.
Here's my list of what I do as such creature. I also list them by how intense they are so I know how comfortable to go for each individual.
Light - tentacle in both bottom holes, groping breasts, tentacles rubbing all over and feeding tentacle.
Mild - thicker tentacles, multiple tentacles in a orifice, deep penatration, impregnation/breeding/stuffed, birthing, some bulging, portion sucked into tentacle meat body or into a meat pod
Hardcore - all the way through, large amounts of bulging, penetrated nipples, absorption (mostly arms and legs lost due to merging with tentacles, becomin g a permanent nursery), quick birthing , some thick offsprings
If interested, send me a ecchitext.
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