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  • The average preferances sheet for people with a god complex.

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    • Partcipate in Private Roleplays: I do private roleplays
      Preferred Roleplay Length: No Preference
      Preferred Grammar/Spelling Competence: Fairly Competent
      Preferred Post Length: Extremely Long (6+ Paragraphs per Post)

      I will roleplay these fetishes: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Male Domination, Pet/Master, Rape, Sadomasochism

      I might roleplay these fetishes: Not Specified

      I will not roleplay: Female Domination
      Genre's I will Roleplay: Not Specified

      Genre's I might Roleplay: Not Specified

      Genre's I won't roleplay: Not Specified
      What kind of characters I will roleplay with: Not Specified

      What kind of characters I might roleplay with: Not Specified

      I will not roleplay with these types of characters: Not Specified

    Greetings, I welcome you to "The average preferences sheet for People with a god complex" or "The average preference sheet for People with a god complex, MY own definition of god complex as 'god complex' is not a real clinical term nor a diagnosable disorder, and who made dominating pretty much everything they see one of their life goals"

    Yes, those things are pretty specific, and therefore not common/average.

    But it is for me, so I don't care, gonna use the term average...and seriously what sounds better "the average preferences sheet" or "the completely abnormal but normal for me preferences sheet"? Eh...the second one isn't that bad actually...

    Shit, we're going off-track already, what was I saying already?

    Ah right, it was the first step to understand TAPSFPWAGC (I'm not going to write "the average bla bla bla" for the rest of this sheet)

    Anyway, the first thing to understand is that all those little options that ask about fetishes and everything are CLEARLY not enough to describe the extent of my greatness...and that's why we will together, hand in hand, look at all those options again while I explain you about all the intricacies that can only be shared by a more thorough examination of those options.

    Are you ready? Cause I am, let's!? 

    Oh yeah...forgot about that.

    FAIR DISCLAIMER: with my enormous control and all my humbleness I managed to stay as neutral as possible for the introduction above...but if you can get annoyed quickly by someone with a blackhole-like ego, a tendency to mess with others, and of course offensive remarks mixed with a twisted sense of reality...you should take a strategic retreat.



    Still here? Great, then buckle up cause I certainly forgot a shit ton of things that I should have put in this disclaimer, and in addition to that we have a lot to cover, so take your favorite beverage, sit the fuck down, and relax while I boast about my prodigious self...and make a sheet of preferences too...if we have time...it's a secondary goal...there much more important things in life...like me...and your grandma, go visit her sometime, she loves you.

    Grandmas asides, this little sheet will be devised in 4 parts.

    • Introduction (you finished it, good job, take a sip of that delicious drink you brought as a reward)
    • Fetishes/kinks and limits
    • Partners, length, grammar, and all that
    • Miscellaneous, for everything deemed unworthy to have a part for themselves.

    So now, let's start for real, hope you really have that beverage...talking about beverage just gonna take a sip of water, don't mind me just continue forward.

    1: fetishes/kinks and limits

    Now hydrated let's attack the meat of this subject...the things I like.

    I selected some random kinks of mine in the will-do fetishes section, just the ones that passed in front of my eyes, but there wasn't anything that satisfied what I really wanted, of course not...but don't despair right there and now, because you can know what I like if you just understand one small tiny little minuscule microscopic thing.

    I just want to dominate shit.

    Yep that's all...no okay that's not all, I'm going to clarify what I mean by that.
    Just close your eyes, and imagine what someone who made dominating people his life purpose would like and that's me...pretty hard to imagine I guess, but you're in luck cause I'm freaking generous and will give you some practical examples. 

    For example, all things that have a direct connotation with domination interest me, like master/slave, dom/sub, abuse, rough sex, pet play, BDSM...or the ones with a connotation of submission like worship, submission, and all those good things.
    I will do pretty much every kink you can think of as long as I'm the boss, simple right...right?

    I didn't tell a lot of my kinks, *whisper* I have too much, BUTT (yes with two T) you're fortunate as my limits are wayyy easier to understand than those fetishes of mine.

    There are only two of them.

    The first one is me being dominated, this is a big universal-scaled no, and dying would definitely be a preferable experience.

    And the second one is sharing... what is mine is mine...I may or may not have possessive issues, you're a grown adult, and I will let you make your own conclusions.

    Ps: the female domination tag in the will not play, is because I only play male characters...or characters of unspecified gender.

    2: Partners, length, grammar, and all that 

    Girls, boys, aliens, and attack helicopters, are welcome to play with me, as long as you're willing to submit of course, but I feel like we already established this not even 20 seconds ago.

    Oh, just to be clear, being willing to submit doesn't mean complete and eternal servitude just after I snapped my fingers...unless you're into that...you can be whoever you want, be a brat, be reluctant, be a bitch, fight me I don't care, those difference are an important part of what makes dominating someone enjoyable and will make the rp much more fun.

    Just be yourself and eeeeeeeverything will be fine.

    Talking about fine things, let's talk about fine messages/answers, starting with the length, you must understand that I picked extremely long in the length post section because 6+ paragraphs are what I usually answer with, and I put fairly competent in grammar/spelling because I don't have any idea of how competent I am in this area.

    But the reality of it is that I don't really care about your experience or how much you can write, not as long as you give something called submis...HA! GOT YOU, you thought I was gonna say submission or something related to domination right, right? Then you're WRONG cause what I want is EFFORTS!


    And if you're willing to learn I'll do my best to help us both reach new high.

    How you ask?

    With the power of training and communication of course.

    If a problem arises, just ask me for advice ooc.
    If writer's block is making its presence known...you can ask for some help from the most creative man in the whole universe.
    If you don't know what the hell you're doing, my guiding hand is here for that, I'll help you until you don't need support anymore.

    Just ask, I swear I don't bite...okay, I do bite, I actually like biting people, you know just to mark them as mine.

    And this doesn't apply only to you, if you have advice for me, my ears are fricking open, just throw them at me.

    I love improving my writing so if we can enjoy ourselves in a RP while becoming stronger...THEN THAT'S THE REAL FANTASY HERE!

    All in all, whatever your skill level is, just give me some damn effort and I'll give you the honor to admire mine...yeah I'm kind of like that.

    I'm actually so kind that I will allow you the honors to know a bit more about my playstyle.

    My playstyle is pretty unique in the sense that the majority of people (at least who I played with) hate first-person perspective and only use third, or do the complete opposite... in the other hand I see advantages in those two perspectives (second person too but I use it less), some scenes are better in first while other are in third.

    For example, I found that the third person is vastly superior as a tool of description, while the first is pretty damn good during conversation or simple interaction between characters.

    So I usually utilize everything at my disposal and usually play with third and first person, but adapt when I play with a 1st person hater or lover.

    3: Miscellaneous

    We're near the end little one, I know you must suffer knowing that but...don't cry, it's only the beginning of a great adventure.

    So, what was in this category already? Right, genres, and roleplay...

    So genres, Yep...I'm okay with everything...and roleplay character, yep yep still okay with everything too.

    That was pretty anticlimactic for an ending, right? Not gonna lie I hesitate to include some other ideas of mine...but I don't think it has a place in there, so I will use my unbreakable will as a way to refrain myself

    But wait that's the end? No explosion? No pile of molten lave who ride on the head of demonic goats...no? Nothing like that... that's extremely disappointing...


    The one thing who don't make me commit genocide against the insects who don't put any effort into the RP.

    The one thing that protects ghosters from becoming real ghosts.

    The one thing that protects your precious time wasted in rp preparation you will now never play.

    The one thing that gives you confidence and assurance, enough assurance that even if someone who emanates laziness and boredom slips in your messages you won't lose a lot of time.

    It's small plot idea.

    It's when you decide to do a small plot first with your new partner to see if you like each other writing style, after all, you could always improve the rp later on if you like it or play another one.

    Ps: only work with people who don't have any precise plot ideas...so if you have don't be scared you don't need to always start a small plot idea with your new partners first.

    Pps: yes I said genocide, and it's the correct term as I don't consider those insects as humans.

    Ppps: honestly the correct term would be partial genocide, as I can't kill all of them.

    Pppps: if you didn't understand, small plot idea is simply when you and your new partner agree to do a small not too complicated plot first to see if you like each other playstyle, or to see if your new partner was actually one of those insects in disguise.
    Then if you like playing with your new partner, you can add some plot details or play another rp together. 
    It's the ultimate technique I created to avoid losing too much time with random people before, feel free to use it if you want, oh and don't feel forced to do a simple plot idea with me first if you have already a story created, usually people who already have a story created put a minimum of effort in their rp so you automatically pass.

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