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  • A Nerdy Elven Scholar Craves Romance And Smut

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    Born in the desert kingdom of Ahmonara, Rayalei was born and raised in a wealthy family of traders and scholars. She had always been interested in magic and other things, it made sense that she would decide to go to the university at Narkha in order to hone her craft. For years she studied magic and religion there, mastering magic and her knowledge of the unknown. And yet, that made her quite unaware of the world around her, no friends at university meant that she was quite awkward. She was, of course, friendly, almost to a fault with a wide smile and big round glasses that made her look like the most friendly person around. Which she lives up to, she is friendly, curious, a bit naive but more than willing to learn about the wider world. This is why as soon as she graduated from university, she decided to travel the world, trying to help out those in need.

    So, this RP follows my elven OC, a cute dark-skinned elven woman that wants to find out more about the world. She is quite curvy but that is beside the point, I will get into the details of her when we start talking, the idea, in general, is more important. It takes place in the setting from my Outer Realms idea, which I will post the general concepts of the kingdoms right here. There is Ahmonara, a Ptolemaic Egyptian-inspired kingdom with magical technology. Then there is Elfengard, your standard viking kingdom though it has the most diversity of races living there. And then there is the Empire of the Sakata Dynasty, a kingdom that does not worship the gods but worships dragons, inspired by Japan mostly. There's more nuance to all of them but they are not necessarily the point of this RP so they are being left barebones until they come up with the RP itself. The general idea is that I want my girl to be found in some sort of romantic scenario. The selection of races is rather similar to D&D, so feel free to add your D&D characters to it, which by the way non-humans are encouraged, if not preferred!

    And what I'm looking for, as the title suggests, is romance. It could be with someone nerdy like her, it could be with someone so unlike her that it takes a while. This could be something long, this could be a short sweet scene. But the point is, I want something nice and fluffy, no matter the smut-to-plot ratio that we end up with. That can be flexible as well, I don't know if I want it to be very smutty, unless it's pure cuddle smut, then I might be somewhat interested in it.

    Writing Style: Multi-paragraph, you'll generally find me floating around 300-600 but I do get shorter for quick dialogue scenes. My point with writing is more about conveying character than anything else, so focus on that instead of your word count.

    Where and How Do I RP?: 9/10 you are gonna find me RPing here, whether that on the forums itself or in PMs. I might go to Discord for planning or organization but generally, I like RPing here as it gets me into the right mindset.

    Kinks (not all are relevant): https://www.f-list.net/c/breezin

    1. No means No, if I'm not feeling an idea, that's it, you can't really try to make it work with me, you can't sneak in your kinks without discussing them with me.
    2. Don't be an ass, if you're being an ass, I will likely drop your RP and put you on my list of people not to RP with ever again.
    3. Be prepared for me to be inconsistent in terms of posting, I will try my best to get back to you within a week but I can't really ensure that I can do it daily.
    4: I'm not necessarily looking for sub or dom roles here, even if she might naturally fall into something like that, I'm more just into a romance with some smutty elements as opposed to something like that.

    WARNING: I am anime trash and likely a lot of my RPs will have some slight anime influence, if that is not your thing, tell me.

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