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  • So, where does the spark and excitement go after seven years of marriage? Isn’t a relationship  suppose to mature and progress?  Friends tell you it’s still there, you just have to find it and not tell your husband. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him they say, throw him a bone when you need to but enjoy the low hanging fruit that is so plentiful. They laugh their lustful knowing laughs as they privately regale you with their illicit tales.

    Their words linger in your mind as you go through your work day. The giddiness they exude is contagious. Their exuberance is with you on your ride home from work and when you slide into that comfortable bed at night. Slowly it becomes a persistent itch that won’t go away. An itch that is relentless and needs to be scratched.

    But cheating is beneath you, isn’t it? Why sneak around when it’s much safer to tell him how it’s going to be and make him think it’s his idea. Make him think that the power is in his hands and what he’s doing is saving their marriage.


    I’m looking for a slow burn slice of life rp that leans heavily on realism and at least a 50/50 ratio of story to smut. This is a scenario where the husband is coerced into being cucked against his will, however, as he deals with the natural angst that this situation brings, he is also deeply aroused, something that your character picks up on and uses against him.

    Possible scenarios could be a wife with a hidden past that she has tried to keep hidden but after seven years of marriage she can no longer keep that horse in the barn. But rather than cheat behind his back, she decides to open her side of the marriage and make him think it was his idea. As in most scenarios I like, divorce is a last resort and would impact the husband much more than his wife.

    Or it could be that he is the proverbial workaholic and is makes enough that she doesn’t need to work. She spends her days taking care of their home but has plenty of time to hang with her friends. Some of them live similar lives and have boyfriends on the side. Peer pressure does its work and she finds a way to coerce her husband into agreeing to opening up the marriage knowing she would get much more out of that arrangement than he would.

    Another possible scenario is a wife that planned this outcome from before they were married. Her chosen husband checked all the right boxes to be a good husband except that he didn’t truly excite her. Her plan was to get the marriage established and set deep roots, then spring her plan to make him her cuck. A variation is that she has built a lucrative career and he contributes little to the household. Over time he has become accustomed to this arrangement and realizes he needs to stay married to keep up the illusion on wealth to his friends and family.

    Regardless of the scenario, my character will not simply lay down and submit. He will need to be subdued and made to accept his new normal in their marriage.

    These concepts are not chiseled in stone and are open to molding and shaping to fit both of our thoughts and desires.


    Kinks…coercion…humiliation, yes, this is a cuckold rp so the cuck will feel humiliation but I’m also not looking for the type of humiliation that most porn movies depict…gaslighting…interracial…chastity…premature ejaculation…sloppy seconds…consensual incest, if you want that in a plot…possible age-gap…and more.

    Nothing disgusting like toilet play or body oder. Like anything else, just ask if you have questions.

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    @bumpnrun if you find someone willing to do that RP with you there, then by god I wanna read it if possible~ 🥵
    ( Sorry for writing a comment here knowing that I can't do the RP, though maybe you can do it Public with someone in the Public Club?? )

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