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  • Apoc Settlement

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    Looking for a girl who enjoys age play. I was thinking of doing an end of the world kind of scene, a virus has killed around 95% of human life leaving the last 5% immune and fairly isolated. Most people live nomadically, roaming from city to city, picking up survivors where they can and collecting supplies wherever they find them. You, and your group, have chosen to stay put, mostly because of the young age average of your town and the fact that your group is exclusively female. Your group has done good work, getting the town into a stable position, but you can see the cracks forming as the easily scavenged food, tools, and clothes have been collected. Food is running short, despite the farm and hunting, your clothes are patchwork at best and everyone's boots are coming undone. You've almost come to a decision to lead a scavenging party to the nearest town, a five day walk, but a new opportunity presents itself before you can finalize anything. A trader. He moved into the edge of town just this morning and set up shop, plainly unaware that the town is occupied, setting up solar panels around his electric semi-truck. His truck has a crudely painted 'merchant' on either side and he himself is wearing a bullet proof chest rig with matching paint and letters. IT's a bit of a risk, and you know your town has precious little to offer, but this trader presents a perfect opportunity to breath new life into the struggling town. (In this scene i'm hoping to try a few things out, other than just sex with multiple girls, settlement building for one thing. If you have any adjustments you'd like to make, or even suggestions, just let me know. I'm very open to making this as interesting as possible for the both of us.)

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