Rp idea! Here's the setup:
"You won't leave me!" Olivianna cried in defeat, clenching her brother by the legs, bracing herself for the insufferable torture she'd surely have to endure until the blade severed her clean through. Odyessus, try as he might couldn't shake her free. He bellowed and grunted with his whole body pleading and desperate for his precious sister to move before the wheel ripped her ribbons. But she held firm with an other kind of strength, probably fueled by love, fear, and pure adrenaline.
Then came the shredding.
Upon glaring down his chest, he saw her damp eye lashes sealed tight and her bottom lip pressed by her teeth, a bad habit their mother tried to coach her out of but never could. It was a habit he used to enjoy seeing. The reward for all the teasing brothers do that got under their younger sister's skin. But not this time. He didn't need to see her like that this time. She was terrified. She was heart broken. She was bleeding. She was going to die.
"Umphh-! Umphh-!" Odyessus watched helplessly as his sister's arm began spraying a crimson mist up into sky. Instead of moving, she tightened around him refusing to abandon her brother even as her arm began to split open. Hot tears leaked down his grimy cheeks. Odyessus was convinced he would never cry in his lifetime. Even now, in the clutches of death, he hadn't produced a drop. But right at the end, the very end, he started to cry.
His sister's blood pelted his legs and rained up his chest. He couldn't watch. He dropped his head back on the table violently. His ears rang, whether from the jeers of the crowd or all the blood rushing to his brain he couldn't pin it.
Then came her screams.
A white light seemed to wipe his senses clean. He couldn't see for a moment. Everything was muted besides her squeals of sheer hysterical pain. He couldn't even feel her wrapped around him anymore.
Odyessus lifted his gaze again. But she was gone. The blade was moving in slow motion now. Was it stopping? Why was it stopping?
Olivianna fell over onto the ground, her arm slipped down after her. Each labored breath she breathed was a shriek in disbelief. She stared in shock and shrugged away from her severed arm, kicking and thrashing violently until her eyes rolled away.
Additional context!
This has a medieval setting. Think gray scale, mud, guillotines, miserable human peasants, glamorous vampire nobility. Generic stuff. Vampires do have supernatural powers, all with the potential to use the basic kind depending on their strength and age. Levitation, bats, inhuman strength and speed, no direct sunlight, silver, shapeshifting sure, toxic fangs, healing saliva. You are allowed one unique power, something you pick as long as it isnt overpowered like mind control. That's no fun.
Where you come in!
Yes, Olivianna's arm was amputated but yc healed her and saved her brother's life by turning him into a vampire. The terms of their relationship are yc not murder her brother in exchange for whatever they desire her for.
Yc only intervened because he's obsessed with Olivianna. As a mate, to play with, for her blood, love at first sight.. I leave that up to you decide but that must be disclosed before hand.
So essentially, I was hoping to find a partner willing to play the vampire prince. Though a master x slave rp the relationship is sort of consensual. Olivianna is a sub but is a stubborn one to break.
> can be played in ** form or done as the sample. Whatever you're comfortable with. If you lose interest it is perfectly alright. Just say FIN. I wont ask for an explanation. Dont feel bad. I can be hard to work with. I am well aware
Looking for plot not just smut. A healthy 50/50
*if you've any questions let me know! Reach me through PM with Brother's keeper as the topic
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