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  • Captain of the Ship

    Young lad Matty had just recently became the captain of the ship, having fallen into the position after the previous captain had met their untimely end. It was unclear how he exactly came to power but he felt indebted to his right hand officer, an older woman who had crossed the seas several times. She was experienced and he would often seek out her advice. The sun was setting and the ship still had several nights to go before reaching port. He was in the captain's quarters with maps splayed out over the desk by the candlelight. His right hand officer was by his side, he had sent the rest of his navigators off to chow and rest. "I don't know how long it'll take till we get there. We should've already been there by now. Port Blyth was only supposed to be one or two days away yet we've been out at sea for a week. Do you think the tools could be broken?" Looking over to the experienced woman hoping for a clear answer. Captain Matty had taken off his hat but still wore the admiral's coat, slacks and boots. They were somewhat oversized for his lithe frame but it was a much larger man who used to fill those boots. 

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