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  • Cyberpunk Noir

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    * A Cigarette hung lazily on his bottom lip, the night was cold so the smoke  lingered in a cloud above his. The muffled sounds of a sad steel guitar and a melancholic harmonica  faintly flooded the stary  night. As he watched her walk away    letting the nicotine  sooth the the choking sadness that began to develop in his throat. She always hated his sad cowboy records and he understood why, Nothing fitted her personality any better then whe  Johnny Cash hit a low note or when patsy cline would cry faded love, constant reminders of what she was afraid of.  

    "Hope the heart ache was worth it" 

    her last words that would probably live rent free in his mind and sinking heart.*

    A few things are happening in Seattle around the year 2065 a mysterious Rouge A.I by the name of legion has been roaming the net and has been taking control over people that of been heavily modified with cybernetics, which in the dark future is almost every one, it's motives are unclear and who ever created it and is a mystery, as of right now it had created it own cult. We also have a out break out break of a new drug that is running rampant in all social classes and a growing number of missing people from powerful corporations or ties to the corporations.

    If you've got a thing for smoke filled nights, neon lights, and sexy badass androids. shoot me a message I've been work on a plot and would love input. Don't be shy!

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