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    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    All Amber wanted to do was go explore her parents back yard that backed up against a massive national forest. She had always loved nature and wanted tovjust go exploring forever! However, she realized after it started to get dark outside that she couldnt see where to go anymore or where she had come fromm she was getting turned around so much that she didnt know where she could turn to! She managed to find her keychain witha small light on it to help guide her way. But she had a very unsettling feeling that something was watching her... 

    Pathway choices! 

    In this scenerio, Amber will have several choices that you get to choose what happens to her! 

    Path 1: A remote shack

    Amber follows a winding dirt trail that suprisingly lead to a very remote shack in the middle of nowhere. A large man was outside the shack finishing up his evening chores when he sees the girl come up to his dirt trail before it was completely pitch black. He seems very friendly to her and invites her to stay with him until the morning so she doesnt get anymore lost than she already is. 

    1A: The good man.

    the man is kind and gentle to her, alloweing her in and she repays him by doing sexual favors he asks her to do and consensually follows along with it all. 

    1B: The bad man.

    the man is friendly and invites her inside to stay with him forbthe night. But the man doesnt plan on letting her go that easily. He forces her inside and ties her up, making her his personal sex toy for as long as he desires before either letting her go in the morning or keeping her for a long time. 

    Path 2: The old Tavern.

    Amber wonders through the woods as it gets very dark now. She almost cant see in front of her anymore even with the small flashlight she has. Thankfully to her relief theres an old abandoned structure with no doors or windows, but its a place to take shelter at for the night! She wonders inside, being careful to avoid any broken glass or debris in the place. It looked to be an old tavern for travelers that has been long forgotten about by society. Luckily there are beds still in tact and in nit to bad of conditions foe their age to sleep on. 

    2A: The Demon.

    Amber lays down on the bed, careful to avoid any nasty or durty part of the old bed. She slowly starts to drift off to sleep when she is suddenly awakened by a dark mass looming over her. She has no time to react as the demon pins her arms down to the bed, theres no amount of struggling she can do as the demonic force has something very sinful on its mind to do with her...

    2B: The Cult

    Amber awakens to the sound of chanting outside the old tavern. She peers out the window and sees a group of men wearing dark robes entering the old tavern. She begins to panic and run into the hallway. However in the living room the cultists spot her and manage to trap her in the room with them. This was perfect for them, because as part of their ritual, a young woman was to be defiled by all the men in the ritual circle. All of the men would take out their lust all night on her. 

    Pathway 3: The Cave... Amber wondered around the bushes aimlessly. Trying to find anything to take shelter inside of. Thankfully a large cave opening appeared in the cliff wall next to her. She peered inside and saw no bears or lions of any kind. She wondered inside, looking all around at the intriguing cave when suddenly something didn't feel right at all... 

    3A: Tentacles?!

    As amber walked inside the cave, she couldn't help but think the ground was getting slimey. It didn't feel completely natural at all to her. Suddenly she began feeling something wrap around her leg, slowly beginning to hold her in place. She started to scream and fight off the creature. But as she shined her light upon her bare leg, she say a moist and long tentacle wrapping around her leg. Suddenly another grabbed both her and and her other leg. There was no way out for her now as she couldn't stuggle against all of them... 

    3B: The Werewolf.

    As she walked inside the cave, she noticed the walls covered in claw marks, like a large beast had been fighting in here. Suddenly the sound of heavier steps started sounding behind her. A large and looming werewolf stood twice her size in height. He had been prowling around for a mate, but so far had been frustratingly unsuccessful. Suddenly he sees this nice, young, and very vulnerable girl in his cave. Amber looks up at the towering monster. Frozen with fear, only to realize that her fate would but much different than she thought it was going to be...

    Pathway 4: This section is open for suggestions from anyone who has an idea that could go along with a "lost in the woods" story! Feel free to message me your ideas! 

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